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Watered Garden

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Posts posted by Watered Garden

  1. First of all, I edited that line because I thought better of it, but I apologize because you saw it before I took it out.

    If I said I knew the moon was made of Roquefort cheese, would you believe me? Of course not. If I said I knew someone who talked to an uncle of an astronaut who said it, would you believe me then?

    No one has answered my question yet. And I did ask it in good faith, because this is something that has bothered me since the first time I read "Marsha's story". Why did he get away with it for so long?

    Surely someone must have gone to the authorities, not in TWI, but real authorities?

    And please don't accuse me of being cold and hard hearted. I'm not. But it would be much easier to believe if he'd been accused while alive. I have reasons for asking this question that I'm not ready to divulge and maybe never will be.

  2. So you are saying it was FEAR?

    Larry P2, please don't ask me a question and then answer it for me. That's very rude. You don't know me at all, I hope, and you have no idea if I would have supported a woman who filed suit. Quite honestly, it would have depended on whether I knew the woman, and if I did, whether I believed her, and yes, I would have been able to believe certain people.

    Maybe I'm a doubting Thomas. Being a mere humble peon of a believer in TWI-1, I was never around a lot of highfalutin' WC, just my WOW sister who was 4th WC and certainly never said anything.

    Oddly enough, I have no problem believe LCM would do just about anything.

    I have had lots of people tell me that someone told them that this was going on. I'm NOT saying, dammit, that this is all a pack of lies, okay? I edited out my smart remark but not quickly enough, it seems. I just don't understand why hundreds of women kept quiet about it during his lifetime.

  3. Larry P2,

    Nope, never heard it in that context, just that if someone shared their heart with me in confidence over some problem or sin in their past, I was not to blab.

    I'm not saying I have an opinion one way or the other. Just asked a question. I am a woman and I know women tend to talk, and from 1977 to 1985 I was around WC and leadership, and I never once heard any rumors or saw anything suggesting he was involved in such activity. The fact that the lock was firmly on the lockbox or whatever, if in fact there was one, makes the complaints a little one-sided, though.

    I'll say it again: Why did no one speak up while he was alive?

  4. The thing I find so curious about all of this is that I wonder why, if Dr. Wierwille viciously, coldly and heartlessly sexually abused all of these hundreds upon hundreds of innocent, vulnerable young girls and women, why on earth did NOT ONE SOUL complain until after he was dead? Why did not one innocent girl, tormented beyond belief,speak up like the Allens did or January Barnes?

    If this indeed went on for years and years with hundreds, perhaps thousands of women, why keep quiet about it until after his death? Why not scream foul and sue? Lots of newspapers in the area would've loved to talk to a victim!

    Just asking.

    "The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones."


  5. IMO, any dog can be sweet or nasty, depending on breeding and how it is raised. We have an 11-year-old American Cocker Spaniel who is the sweetest little guy on earth. His name is Maxx. About a block away, there's another dog, same breed, who is a holy terror. HIS name is Woody Hayes - wonder if that has anything to do with his lousy disposition? (Maybe he's sweetened up the past couple weeks icon_biggrin.gif:D-->)

    I tend to go for the labrador retrievers, also. It's hard to find a nasty Lab. Would you consider an adult dog? We got our other dog, Sophie, as a 6-year-old from some fools who were moving and didn't want her any more. She's quiet and peaceful and very bright, protective, but never vicious.

    One thing to watch for in bigger breeds, as I'm sure your research has told you, is arthritis and hip dysplasia. And labs do tend to get, shall we say, (I'm trying to be delicate here) -oh, well, they eat to darn much and get fat!

    Please, please, don't go to a pet store! Check with breed rescue groups in your area, and humane society and shelters. There's a pure bred 1 year old black lab in a shelter a few miles from here (Buckeye Nation) and a shelter in your area might also be able to help you find the perfect dog for your family!


  6. MH - I know, I know it's available to harvest responsibly - but I think both sides get carried away and it doesn't happen. One side says, "Ah, help for cancer-stricken women! Let us make money off their doom!" The other side says, "No! No! Not one needle shall fall from my friend the tree to save a worthless human life!"

    The balance is somewhere in the middle. Like you said.

    However, that said, I would save the patient before the tree if it came to that.

    Love ya and thanks for your insight!


  7. I just wanted to add that many chemotherapeutic agents are derived from plants, for example vincristine from Madagascar periwinkle and Taxol (originally) from some kind of evergreen that grows on the Left Coast. It is now synthesized because tree-loving individuals raised all kinds of fuss because their friends might be harvested to produce something that could save women from ovarian cancer (nasty way to die).

    On another note, gamma knife, x-knife and other stereotactic radiosurgery options, used in the brain, can often be used to treat the tumor bed. There are lots of them around, Herbal. Might be worth checking into.

    God knew we would screw up our bodies and has made lots of modalities available. All healing is from Him.


  8. Okay, since I work at a cancer hospital....

    Cancer is not one disease, it is many, at least 600 we know of so far. Some are easier to cure, some are 100% terminal. The human body is so intricately formed, no one discipline can know all about it. There are many many alternative as well as conventional therapies. Try more than one. The one I would like to personally promote at this point: PREVENTION.

    If you don't smoke cigarettes or pipes or cigars and you don't use smokeless tobacco - DON'T START!

    If you do any of the above - STOP. Those of us who love you would like to have you around for a while.

    Smoking has been linked to more than just lung cancer. A very wonderful physician I knew back in The Old South died of kidney cancer. He used to read chest x-rays while puffing on a cig. Made me sick (him, too, ultimately!)

    My son smokes. I have made him a standing offer to save him a bed in our hospital.

    Oh, and one more thing while I'm on my soapbox - to say that all cancers are caused by devil spirit possession is evil, cruel, ignorant, stupid and a lie. I can't believe TWI ever taught that! (worse yet that I believed it for a while).


  9. Al,

    Check out this subject: Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery, or just Gamma Knife. It is a radiation therapy treatment that specific targets tumors in the brain. There are more sites where this is performed every day. You can also check out the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital website under Radiation Oncology and then to Gamma Knife. I don't know much about this stuff, but they use it on brain tumors exclusively, both malignant and benign.

    There are more GK sites springing up all the time and I'm reasonably sure one has come to a medical center nearer you than the James.

    God bless your brother-in-law and family and you too.

    I'll be praying.


  10. I have known 2 Rick Brown's in my TWI lifetime. One a guy who sang and played guitar in Ohio, in Fellow Laborers in 1977-78.

    The other was Galen's friend I think. Big dude, Navy, former submariner. Knew him in SC.

    Wish I knew where either one of them was. I'm stymied I'm afraid.

    Sorry can't help more.


  11. Does anyone know if they are "in" or "out?" I know they're in Louisville. Maybe I should just send them a friendly note and see what happens. I guess the worst that can happen is they won't answer or will write back and tell me I'm possessed or something.


  12. Last I knew, and it's been awhile, Perry and Angela (Lee) Priester were on staff at HQ, working in publishing or something. She has a PhD in psychology, knew her a long time ago in SC. Sweet people, hope they're out.


  13. God can definitely put someone in the right place at the right time! Glad Homer (my grandfather's name) is running again!

    When I was in Fellow Laborers of Ohio, I had a bedraggled Toyota Celica that broke down in the parking lot at Limb. The LC informed me after a couple days that he was having bigwigs up for a meeting including maybe even VPW, and to get that crappy looking car out of his parking lot or he'd have it junked. A couple of fellow-Fellow Laborers and I struggled mightily with it, charging and recharging the ailing battery, jiggling with the wires, and got it out to the middle of the road, where it died again - right in front of the LC's home with his office in the glassed in front porch, under his very nose! As we messed with it again and again, one guy said, okay, let's pray for this damn thing! So we did, and lo it came to pass that suddenly the radio came on and it started up right away!

    So we got its ugly but sporty self out of his sight. It ran forever after that. Had to be God.


  14. ...you and your son went through that.

    This coordinator is now out of TWI himself..Has he ever thought to apologize for all of that horror? It amazes me that these people carelessly throw innocent lives away by lying like that! Unbelieveable! I am so looking forward to seeing what kind of "rewards" God has stored up for these exceedingly great and mighty, most perfectly perfected and flawlessly flawless men of Satan - I betcha they're gonna feel all warm and toasty!

    I just don't know what to say, I'm speechless (and for me that's unusual!)


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