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Posts posted by Shellon

  1. Reading! now there is a subject I enjoy.

    Deen Koontz, love his; finishing Door To December tonight.

    John Saul, read everyone I could find.

    Jonathon and Faye Kellerman, read them often.

    King, my favorite thus far has been Desparado.

    Forensic Science stuff fascinates me.

    True Crime stories are even better, especially when they include the forensics of the crimes.

    Books on reflexology, massage, herbal medicine and eastern health methods.

    Favorite Book Ever: An Egg Named Egger written by Kelly R. North

    [This message was edited by Shellon on July 20, 2003 at 23:48.]

  2. Question:

    Why, when a fart is mentioned, is it 'let HER rip'. Can't we say let him rip once in a while?

    Another question:

    Dot, when were you in Ark? Did we meet?

  3. Thanks for prayers. Nic's surgery went very well. Afterwards, the doctor came out and spoke with us and he said that from the cervical cancers he's seen, this one, just looking at it, was 'a clean cut'. They will, of course, biospy this and she will have several more pap smears at 2 month intervals for a year.

    She went home loopy and sore, but with lots of support and help with babies and a bossy mom that won't let her over-do it. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  4. Nic has scheduled surgery for today July 3 at 1:00 pm EST. I will be sitting in the waiting room with her mother, hoping that someone is praying with me.

    Unless she has any complications, she will go home by evening and will be cared for by her mother, but doctor indicates that her care will be minimal and she will be up and about in a few days. Geeze, amazing, and hopefully true. They will, of course, further biopsy the whole mass and see if this is the end of this scarey time for this young mom. icon_smile.gif:)-->

  5. Friday night I was out and about and ran into a man that not only had a shirt open at his tummy, but his zipper was down too. I assumed maybe he'd just come from the toilet or a quickie with XXX XXXXX, but I said to him

    Hey, your horses are gonna get out". He responded by telling me that his horses were old and he let them out whenever possible.

    Loved his answer. I saw him several times more while there and he stayed exposed. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  6. I should have waited to post the 'never mind' part of this.

    Nicole was in some seriouse denial about this, as one can surely understand and had gone through a 'just forget it, if I die, I die' stage of hearing this news about her life.

    Now, however, I don't know what happened, nor does it really matter, but she is scheduled for surgery on July 3. She is going ahead with the best course to perhaps save her life rather than giving up on it.

    I'm 43 years old, been there, done that and I can't say how I'd react to such news. Imagine being just 20. GAKKKKK. So, thanks for your prayers, no matter what. icon_smile.gif:)-->

  7. Nicole has requested of me that this be removed. She has made her decisions regarding her health and she chooses another road.

    Thank, guys, for your willing hearts.

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