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Posts posted by vickles

  1. I was in the 13th Corps with Bill and Renita ... they look happy and seem to be enjoying serving God in their own way. Admittedly, I think the Way is abusing them and one day they will be sorry they gave their youth to further that organization ... but on the other hand, unless they have changed dramatically (and they may have) from our Corps days, they have pure hearts and a desire to serve God and His people. From the looks of things, they are managing to be a shining light in the midst of a very crooked organization. May God bless them and help them out to a brighter day ...

    I thought I recognized someone. Renita. I will be moving near anoka very soon. How interesting this will be....... :confused:

  2. In South America some corn is grown for the purpose of fermentation into alcohol to be mixed with gasoline. I believe it was Brazil, but I could be wrong about that.

    In South America? We do that here in MN :wave:

  3. OMG psalmy, when you do a project you go get the hardest one to do, huh?

    Hey I know that your floors won't get a lot of water on them but I do know how wet kids shoes can be at times. So if they go outside from the outside door and come in it could be slippery city.

    To get glue off is my worst nightmore. The carpet glue is an awful mess. I went through it with a wood floor so can imagine what it would be like with a cement floor....I feel for you...... :cryhug_1_:

  4. Thanks all for the advice. I do have a loan and have been accepted. What I'm waiting for is for the bank that owns the house that I'm buying to accept our bid. I'm sorry if I didn't explain that well.

    The bank that owns the house called asking more questions so it sounds like they may be interested in our bid. Thanks all for the praying.....I appreciate it.

  5. Hey Dot, I have the very same problem. I get panic attacks also. One time I even kicked a dentist. Oh boy was he po'd. Then another time I couldn't breath and tried to pull the dentists hand out of my mouth.

    Call his office and explain the situation and they can give you a prescription of something that can help keep you calm.

    I will be praying for you!!!!!!

  6. We are in the processs of buying a house. We have one picked out but the finances are that we had to put a lower bid in. Its a forcloser from a bank so they can take their time accepting it or denying it.

    I sold my home and have to be out by the end of this month. So we are cutting it close.

    I am getting anxious as we don't want to end up homeless for sure.

    If that one does not go through we do have an eye an another one but it doesn't meet our needs quite like the one we bid for.

    Thanks to all that pray.

  7. Thank you so much for the condolences. I'm still having trouble with our loss. He was a member of the family for sure.

    What is the rainbow something, sudo?

    We got back last night and if its not too windy we are burning his dog house today.

  8. :( For all those that know about my most beautiful wolf dog......died in the storm the other night. I found him in his dog house.

    He was hit by lightning.

    I'm in shock. My beautiful dog that taught me so much about nature. We had some doves that he used to talk to back and forth. They would coo and he would howl. He was more wolf than dog.

    About four years ago I got a call from the vet telling me that if I didn't come and rescue this dog it was going to be put to sleep. This was on Christmas eve. I was thinking dog went I went over there. When I saw him I was like OMG. It was huge. The Jaws itself was bigger than my head. When he stood up on hind legs he was 6'3", weighed over 100 pounds of all muscle. I had my kids with me and we shoved him in our station wagon. He seemed a little wild. He tried to get behind the wheel several times. If you can get the picture of two kids and me trying to keep him calm. lol

    So I called bob when we got home telling him we have this dog that looks like a wolf and we need him right away. (thats when we owned the bar). He came home and he along with all of us fell in love with him and was with us until now.

    We are still in shock and maybe a little denial over the whole thing. When the lightning struck we thought it was the house. In fact our modem for the computer was completely fried and upstairs smelled of smoke. But the house didn't catch on fire. Just got our wolf dog that was a little to wild to come into the house.

    So, please keep us in your prayers as we try to move on. My only consoling fact is we do have a junior that we got last week. A puppy that is 92 percent wolf. I guess life moves on. Even if we don't want it to.

    We are going out of town today but when I get back I will try and post a picture of our Fang for all to see.

  9. Today I think hitching is dangerous, but back then I hitched all over the country way before TWI. So did Evan, George, and probably several other GSers. By the way, the first recollection I posted was a TWI deal. I wasn't "ordered" to drive but c'mon. Emporia to someplace? That was while in TWI.

    So NO, I don't think hitchhiking was "tempting God". Some of you are just wusses.

    OMG John I can't believe you are saying that. I could tell you stories of hitchhiking in the 70's for LEAD and other times of hitchhiking. And you say it wasn't dangerous? WOW!!!! :nono5:

    I forgot how idiotic some thinking is. I'm sorry I posted and I'm out of this thread.... :blink:

  10. I met my Bob online. One day I was looking at yahoo profiles and there he was. He happened to be online. We have now been together going on five wonderful years. :dance::dance:

    I agree you have to be careful about online dating but you have to take a chance when you meet someone if you ever want to be in a relationship.

    When I would date online men I would chat with them and then copy the conversations and would be able to look back at what was said. If things didn't add up right I would drop them.

  11. Hi Belle,

    I read the posts here, then read them again. I know one of the hardest things for me to take, and the one thing that still sticks in my mind as pivotal more than any other *single* thing, is this idea: I'd like to know if, while they were actually "counseling", that those in leadership ever questioned themselves and their own authority when they were offering counsel on issues for which they had no professional training...like marriage counseling...like financial planning (or lack thereof)...and if so, after some these leaders left twi, if they think, at all, about the damage they did under "the Word."

    I had a talk with a GS friend who posed to me the idea that because of the way leadership, specifically WC leadership, were trained and taught, that it might not ever have hit them that the doctrines under which they were functioning were suspect (until, perhaps, those individuals left).

    Recently, while researching several old threads, I found the names of the LCs from my area...the same guy who told me by "revelation" that my issues as a wife all stemmed from the "sexual abuse" I'd endured from my own brothers as a child. I've mentioned this in my initial introductory post on my story...but, since that NEVER happened, and my own brothers are all fine, upstanding men--such spurious, evil and vicious lies made me sick at the time...and since I've been here and learned about the *real* horrors and abuses that some people actually DID endure, I am even more appalled it could have been suggested.

    So, imagine my surprise to learn that that same man is thought of affectionately by some posters. These are posters that I think are great people already, and with whom I seem to have a lot in common. So, I know from that their experience was far different, and perhaps the "counseling session" I endured with this guy is an abberration. Now that I know where this fella landed, I've toyed with the idea of emailing and saying, "Hey, remember me? I'm the one whose life you torpedoed on a single afternoon." (there was more to the "session" than just that accusation.

    But, I'm not going to. First, I doubt he remembers. What was one little peon in the grand scheme of things when he was so high up. Second, how could he possibly answer in a way that would satisfy me...because even if he were to say, "Sure, I remember you and I'm sorry I was an @ssh0le.", I already know that he was wrong...and years after the fact, why should he care? Why do I still care? I can't answer it, but I do.

    I didn't have the strength to leave my bad marriage at that time, when I knew I should. Sure, I had some help staying--the idea that some horrible catastrophe would befall me should I leave was a major one. But, I chose to stay.

    I guess what I'm saying is...like I believe you are saying...sometimes I still hear that conversation in my head and I feel angry and embittered all over again. I don't know if it will ever go away. And in some ways, I just want my life to prove that I overcame all the nasty things he said about me.

    I'm pretty sure that I'm always going to harbour some very real resentments against this chap. I am now sure that there would some who would be shocked to hear that it *was* this chap who hit me with that bovine guano in the first place...and being here is a help to me. Reading how others, like yourself, are dealing with their questions and process of healing is helping me with my own.

    I don't think, however, that I could ever buy into the "kinder, gentler TWI." Not now that I know some of the source.

    Still confused over here,


    P.S. If faced with this guy on the street, and he was on fire, and I had to choose a bucket of water or a bucket of gasoline to throw on him...I'd like to think I'd choose the water. But, I have to admit...I'd take a long moment to think about the choice first.

    I know exactly who your talking about. It happened to me too except it wasn't sexual abuse, I was possessed, he didn't know exactly what devil spirit it was but from something generational in my family. Don't bother with him as he won't remember anything. He knew me every year even said my name until he left twi and then couldn't remember me from adam or anything that he told me. :asdf:

  12. I may be way off but wanted to know if those guys in those pics may be Jerrell and Howie?

    Were you in Seattle area at one time? You do look familiar.

    Your boys are very handsome. I got a kick out of the taller boys face. I call it the 'look'. My kids do the same thing when they are annoyed with the other one. Its a sibling thing.

    Thanks for sharing, Jonny!!!!!

  13. LOL good story!!!!

    Speaking of dressing rooms and toilet paper...

    When my daughter was a toddler we were at mayo clinic in an examination room. In the room there is a little room with a curtain. My daughter went in there and closed the curtain and I hear a sound like running water against wood. I go in there and she is sitting on this wood thing that has a little hole in it to put dirty dressing room gowns in. She had peed in there.

    Talk about embarrassing. I guess from a toddlers view it was the perfect toilet... :dance:

  14. I think the concept was first discussed in PFAL and Christians Should be Prosperous.

    As far as it becoming law and "required", I haven't a clue.

    I was under the impression that giving money in twi wasn't ever "required", but I could be wrong as I wasn't around past 1991.

    I never heard of anyone actually getting booted out for not throwing money in the horn of plenty, which case may indicate it being an actual "requirement".

    I know one person that I was told not to be around because they did not 'throw money in the horn of plenty'. So, maybe they weren't 'thrown' out but people weren't exactly friendly with them.

    And, they didn't have to 'throw' someone out they just told them that they don't have a hedge of protection around them and throw them to the 'wolves'.

    This subject is really a sore point with me. Its what kept me in TWI for so many years so that I did have that hedge of protection so I wouldn't die or my family didn't die. They didn't have to have a special written policy.

    One Branch coordinator I knew had a chart set up in his basement of everyone that tithed and how much. He knew how much everyone made.

    Now how sick is that?

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