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Posts posted by papajohn

  1. he was a bad MAN who used GODS word to get what he wanted, money, power, and sex. we see it everyday and vpw, lcm, and the bot are no different than the others we see on t.v. or in the news.

    why read PFAL when I can read the bible? why follow the teachings of a man when I can follow GODS words?

    we all have shotcommings, but some people see them and try to improve. some people see them and use them to get what they want out of someone. vpw and lcm saw a multitude of people looking for the truth and used that against them to get what THEY wanted out of them. I was told how evil I was, how I couldn't make my own decissions about anything and that I should let my 'family coor' make them for me, how I was giving in to evil when I did certain things I enjoyed, how I was nothing without TWI. all this coming from people doing things much worse than I have ever done. the blind leading the blind but peeking from under their blindfold to steal from you?

    some of you can hold vpw in awe as the 'mog' and thats ok if thats what you need to do to justify your life. but don't forget about how many people they hurt for their own uses. an affair (rape) that lcm had came to light and he was made to step down, but old vic did the same things and someone holds him in high places while shamming the other.

    a ruffian then and never changed, only refined his art into a way of life that was rich while others truly did strive to make a difference and had to live on less than poverty level income and out of that support the 'ruffian'.

    it's the same to me as the churches that build multi-million dollar buildings while preaching about how theres hungry poor people in their own community. tare down the buildings and feed the people.

    I can forgive them, but I will always remember the evil that was done. that way I won't fall into their crap again.

    love God, follow God, leave the vpw and lcm crap on the side of the road with the chaffe. stand with vpw and lcm and TWI or stand with God, it's up to you.

  2. IMHO, I don't think any of them, loy boy, or the bot believe in God. if they did, they wouldn't do what they do becuase they know what will happen to them in the end. we will all have to answer for what we did, do now, and do in the future, and if they believe in God they do these things willingly and against Gods own people.

    I would love to see a 'MARCH' on HQ of all the outties. theres so many of us ohio would have to call out the national guard. if anyone wants to, I'll stand in front. icon_smile.gif:)-->

  3. I'm sure we've all heard people say at one time or another, if Jesus came today, he'd be diagnosed as having schizophrinia, as would joan of arc and a few others.

    but you see, I'm stupid and didn't listen to what they told me when I was 'in', I just studied my bible and did 'my own thing'. maybe thats why they asked me not to come back. they didn't want someone who could think for themselves.

    possessed, I doubt it, inquisitive, probably, smart, deffinatly. if it wasen't for those people and their thoughts and inventions where would we be?

    oh, wait, I guess none of this counts becuase if all those people were possessed I guess mr. gates is too and all this internet stuff is a form of possession. muhahahahahahha icon_smile.gif:)-->

  4. am I the only one who's ever seen this Disney movie?

    it takes plce in the early to mid 80's in the UK and is about a punk band and it's stuggles.

    was a very interesting movie in hat it was made by Disney but not what you'd think they'd make.

  5. welcome back WB icon_smile.gif:)-->

    I guess what I'm trying to say is MOST people, not all people.

    if we're talking about housing one or 2 people through this, at a time, maybe we could do it without the donations. but then if everyone else involved wants to go the other way thats ok 'wiff' me.

    you know more people here than I do and maybe you can get more feedback from them than I can.

    let me know what you think we could do.

  6. I think the best way to do something like this, and maybe the only way, would be to run it like an underground railroad.

    we'd need about 5 to 7 people who would commit a room in their home to someone who wants to get out and get on with life. these homes would best case be in larger cities with job opportunities, but the person being helped will need to have the space of a few weeks to a few months free of charge as a grieving time. after this time they will need to start out with a newer life by activly looking for a job and from what I've read heard and talked to others about since I've been coming here, hard work for someone in TWI is a walk in the park. once a person starts bringing home a paycheck their selfesteme will go up. they would then have a set time limit on finding a new place to live maybe within a short distance of the safehouse they lived in so they can keep that person in their circe of support. if they want to move farther away thats up to them.

    what you have to remember above everything else is that this is a commitment. not just for a few weeks or months, but possibly years, of course the up side is you're helping someone and you've made the difference in a family members life.

    as far as donations, I don't see that happening really. most people don't donate like they used to and the ones that still do don't care about the tax deduction. anyone who is going to commit the kind of maney it takes to do this is going to do it just 'cause. I think what we would have to do is commit to keeping one person in your home and streach your own dollars to feed them and 'whatever' comes up before they can find a job and save money while contributing to the house for food only.

    it can be done, it can be rewarding, but who knows, no one may want to use the service. even if one person wants to though, I'm sure we would all be willing to do it.

    your thoughts?

  7. putting such a home anywhere near NK would be a mistake, anywhere in ohio even. it gives people who leave one day and find it's not easy to leave the opportunity to go back fast. when they get back and find they aren't welcome back and have to return to the home thats set up, it's doubtful that they will and go off on their own to find another solution. getting out is hard enough for some people, but to be thrust into the gen population with no help could prove to be an edge you wouldn't want to push anyone to.

    it is my personal belief, along with the belief of many people in the halfway house business, it's best to set up a contact near the org in question so that when someone wants out, theres someone to tell them where to go and how to get there and what will happen once they get there.

    is this idea something people here really want to do? if so lets set up some kind of meeting online, maybe in the chat room, and see where it takes us.

  8. one day we get home, it's POURING rain and I'm standing by the door waiting for gary to get the keys out and open up so we can get in out of the weather.

    all of a sudden he pulls the key out leaving it locked and starts dancing all over the front yard singing, I'm singing in the rain, what a glorieus feeling I'm happy again.

    all I could do was sit on the proch getting drenched and laugh.

  9. to set up a 501©3, nonprofit corp isn't very hard.

    the IRS has a mound of paper work that has to be done, and done correctly the first time or they can kick it back to you over and over again. it can be done by an lawyer for a fee of anywhere from 500.00 to 25,000.00 depending on the work involved. I can do it for free and have done it for many other org's.

    it doesn't have to be nonprofit, it can be for profit but that doesn't mean it will make a profit.

    the expenses of housing people till they can get on their feet can get pretty expensive. the average "halfway" house in minnesota charges anywhere from 900.00 a month on up.

    the things you need to ask yourself are, who's going to run it, even if it's a part time house it has to have someone there 24/7. location, transportation, relocation, education for people with children, and the list goes on.

    if people really want to get this going I will help with the paperwork for the IRS (their fee used to be 250.00 for filing) and I will go so far as letting my home in minnesota be used as a transitional house. anyway, let me know and I will do what I can.

    peace anim-smile.gif

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