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Posts posted by TheHighWay

  1. This website is actually about the Emporia public library but references Anderson's glass floor:


    But as fondly as she [Miss Nora Daniel, the librarian] is remembered, so is the Carnegie building where she worked. Although the building holds different memories for different people, the glass floor seems to have provided the most fascination. Trevor Lewis said, "We got up there on that old library stacks where you walked up the stairs and on that old glass floor and I still couldn't believe it. The thing that stood out in my mind as the greatest thing I thought since the invention of the wheel was to go up and walk on glass. When someone first came up and told me that, I said there's no way you can walk on glass. They said come down to the library and we'll show you."

    And this quote is from Emporia State's page about the library:

    The rear wing, stack area, features an opaque glass floor on its second level, and steel slatted window covers raised and lowered by chains and pulleys which reflected state-of-the-art fireproofing.

  2. They had a Golden book "The Kitten who lost her mitten" I could never figure out why that made the junk table.

    Ditto, Seth... I loved that book when I was a kid, and when I saw it on that stupid table I ran it through my head and couldn't think of a single thing that even remotely smelled of devil-spirit influence. Anyone have the slightest clue why that innocent little book was on the deeply-darkly-spiritually-bad junk table???

    I always wondered if someone slipped it in there as a joke and no one knew the difference.

  3. Come on folks, it was alive! It was real! You were having the time of your life...that is until someone pulled the lever, and presto change-o the red curtains were open and for the first time you saw the old emperor naked without any clothes! :spy:

    Maybe, it was just like the next days hangover...did all that REALLY happen! :biglaugh:


    That's a valid point... we WERE having a good time, until we saw the reality behind all our dreams and beliefs was just BS. So, in my opinion it is very much like the next day's hangover --- when you are sober and in pain and realize what a dumb-@$$ you were the night before!!!

  4. I think the last current listing we got was a couple of years ago... At that point I think most of the limb leadership came from 16th corps and higher numbers. Most of the older folks had moved up to region coordinators or trustee cabinet positions if they were still in twi at all...

    We need one of the current insiders to get us an updated list.

  5. It was a cool building. Didn't it have glass floors upstairs, or am I thinking of the theology library in Ft. Wayne where we worked on our research papers?

    It still is a cool building. And yes, it had glass floors up top. Made me uncomfortable to stand on them...

    As a designated historical site I think it is protected from too much change. It's current custodian is Emporia State although I heard a few years ago they were concerned at how much money it was costing them to maintain it and were hoping to find some other organization who would take it over. According to this recent article, they are definitely looking to be rid of it: http://www.emporiagazette.com/news/2007/de...brary_building/

    This page from Emporia State's website gives a good overview of how the old Collge of Emporia grounds have been broken up and are being used: http://www.emporia.edu/esu/esumap/westcamp.htm

    You can read about the rennovation work done in the twi days here: http://skyways.lib.ks.us/carnegie/updates/esu.html

    Of course, you need to subsitute the term "The Way staff" with "way corps slave labor"...

    (edited for typos)

  6. Historical_Tour___New_Knoxville_Area.zip

    Okay, here is the booklet they gave us. It has several maps listing important stops around VanWert, Payne, Spencerville, and New Knoxville, and lists some chronologies.

    The file is a PDF, but you'll have to unzip it first... sorry, that's the only way I could get it small enough to post it.

    To be honest, I haven't looked at this in years and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the facts listed here are contradicted in other twi publications. It certainly wouldn't be the first time!

    But at first glance my only thought is: What in the heck does this have to do with the Word of God???? This is all about one man and his history. Geez, why didn't I see this junk for what it was at the time? They even gave us space to take NOTES. I need to take notes on the house that Uncle Harry built? The school that Vic and his siblings attended? Good grief, Charlie Brown!!!

  7. Yes, I did. I took the tour as a new corps inductee. They took us to all the "significant" places in VP's life... churches, houses, graveyards (family history) etc.

    I actually still have the brochure they gave us somewhere in my stuff. Give me a couple of days and I'll dig it out and post it here for you. Might be some interesting reading...

  8. My real question was : Why didn't they express more genuine interest in these programs, such as FLO, that were supposedly vital to the growth of "the ministry"? If I am wrong about this, I would welcome examples to the contrary.

    From the posts so far, it seems you are not wrong. And it's a good point... wouldn't you think that they would be out there showing support and boosting the morale of the very 'troops' that were on the front lines promoting THEIR product? Somehow as a new fellowshipper (early 80s) I always had the impression that vic DID do a lot of traveling... but now I think I'm seeing more of the whole picture: he traveled not to bless the believers but to please himself, and assumed that wherever he parked his carcass the believers would automatically be blessed.

  9. Twinky, sorry, I didn't mean they didn't own "anything" I meant the big stuff and really expensive decorations around their home. But I totally agree with your post... there were a LOT of statues and things that were specifically given to craig or donna, not to twi. I think they were just blowing smoke up our orifices at the time... trying to convince us they were really 'of the people'.

    Personally I would love to know if they really reported all those "love offerings" of cash that we sent their way for every birthday and anniversary imaginable!!!

  10. I think vp tried to impress lcm's dad by showing him how much lcm got paid.

    Actually, I think he tried to impress craig's dad by showing him how much TWI made... telling him his son was going to be in charge of the equivelent of a very large corporation. And, I doubt that their actual "salary" was much at all. It's all the perks that added up because they were often "gifts" from the household or individual believers.

    I do distinctly remember craig and donna saying, though, that there was very little in the chalet that they actually owned. They said the items were given "to the ministry" and they were using them but did not own them. I'm sure that was a way to get around paying taxes on what they were given.

  11. And yes, according to a website listing legal cases pending, TWI went after the group in Belize and they have stopped making the PFAL DVDs available.

  12. So are Craig and Donna still together?

    What is life like under the pregnant guppy with Rosalie as Pyrez? Has the seventh commandment been reinstated.

    When Craig got booted (excuse me, "placed on probation") he was quietly moved to Toledo, OH where he could be under the watchful eye of one twi-croney Dr. Z*n@. Unlike so many of us who were booted as couples when ONE spouse screwed up, Donna retained her status at twi: her home, her position as Asst. to the President, and her supposedly clean spiritual record. HAH! Followers were not told any of these details and were given a good chewing out if they asked about it.

    Well, for that matter, when Craig was put on probation they never gave any details about duties or duration, like they did with everyone else. And when year after year passed with no mention of Craig's name people just "figured out" he was gone for good. But no one I know still in twi suspects twi still keeps tabs on him or supports him, which the paper trail seems to indicate they have. And they would be foolish not to... he could REALLY spill the beans on them if he ever decided to.... can't have that, now, can we?

    Craig would occassionally turn up in New Knoxville to watch Tim play basketball and things like that but there was little if any reporting that Craig and Donna were trying to patch things up. And a few years later someone reported seeing the legal documents indicating that they eventually got a divorce. Again, nothing ever mentioned to the twits about any of it.

    Eye witness accounts here on the boards say that Donna and Rosie have been chummy for years. In some peoples' minds, a little TOO chummy if you get my drift. Even before Craig left, they were known to take shopping trips together, vacation together, sharing one hotel room... Could be nothing. But the fact that Rosalie had two well-known (supposedly ex-)lesbians living in the basement of her home for years, and the fact that Craig had such a hatred of homosexuals does make it look a certain way...

    As for what life at HQ is like under Rosalie I can only surmise. Folks currently in twi would tell you it's just like back in the old days!! But I seriously doubt it.

    She is the one who made her staff sign out for bathroom breaks in Way Pub. I had a friend who worked there and she wasn't even allowed to take a lunch break with me when I was in-rez and had a break because it wasn't her 'scheduled lunch time'. When I heard that Rosalie had been put in charge of Way Prod, I said something about it to this friend and in a very stiff tone she replied, "Well, she certainly knows how to get things done." This was so out of character I was too stunned to ask anything further (besides, this gal would never bad-mouth anyone no matter how deserving) but it didn't take too long for me to figure out that Rosalie was not well-liked by most 'joe-believers' who had to deal with her.

  13. Lurkers are folks who read the site but never sign up or log in, and don't post, so you don't know they are around. Most lurkers are harmless.

    Trolls are folks who are just looking for trouble. They sign up on forums and post controversial things to get everyone stirred up. They will usually hang around a short time and then just disappear. Sometimes they come back after a few months just to stir things up again.

  14. Well, I make less than the US median income, and considerably less than I would have been making if I hadn't wasted 20 years in twi.

    That being said, I make enough to pay the bills, put some in savings, and still enjoy enough extra goodies to make life fun, so actually I'm pretty darned content.

  15. Ditto Excie... ditto.

    Love my kid more than life itself... when I'm not frustrated enough at him to wail the tar out of him, lol. (gotta love those teenage years!!)


  16. I was happy with twi when I first got involved. For probably the first three years when it was just one aspect of my otherwise busy life (I was a college kid and primarily focused on my schoolwork and hopes for my career) and I felt like I was finally getting some real understanding and practical application from the Bible.

    But after college I switched my focus to twi-first and for the next 10 years I would say it was filled with happy moments surrounded by a lot of sincere effort (that whole "seek after joy not happiness" thing others have described on this thread).

    And my last five or so years in twi were pure misery, because I knew I didn't want to be there but my spouse wouldn't hear of doing anything else, and every waking moment was consumed by what twi wanted from us. So, yeah... pretty much moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, year after year of drudging, hopeless MISERY. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    (edited for typos... stupid fingers!!)

  17. a new class came out to replace pfal... i don't remember the name of the class, but i remember referring to it with a shorter appellation over the phone with the branch coordinator, and he just about had a cow that i didn't say all the words in the title of the class...

    Well.... that's because the class was called "The Way of Abundance and Power" and the acronym was "WAP" and apparently it didn't occur to them until after the fact that this sounded like a really stupid class name. (Like PFAL was 'cool'???)

    I heard SEVERAL folks, starting with the big mog himself, make a MAJOR deal about not calling it "The WAP Class" --- hahahahaha, I still find that name funny today.

  18. Hi Ghost... welcome back.

    I love your perspective.

    While I am usually a very easy-going person in real life, it seems like the older I get the more I find myself muttering "I hate people" in the privacy of my own thoughts, lol.

    I hope you read lots and post often. We need all the diversity we can get!!


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