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Posts posted by IMF777

  1. quote:
    Doze: Vic really was a master at MM, not the Bible. He didn't have to master the Bible, he just stole from others who had.

    Doze: I think you summed up VeePee's "ministry" of misery very well!

    Reconciling the world unto himself (my motorcoach door is always open)instead of to God. VeePee operated the "ministry" of MLM setting himself up as king with his downlines as his faithful slaves...

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  2. quote:
    Oh... Oh... Now I get it! VWP plagarized other peoples work which was already watered down, and decided he would just distill a PURER version from theirs.

    VeePee took what great men of God wrote and added his filler bull.... into it watering it down into powerless and worthless crap compared to the original.

    The only words in pfal that helped people were those parts without veePee's bull.... added.......

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  3. Her obituary posted in the New York Times:

    MARTIN, Ellen C. (Joseph), 54,

    passed away on February 18,

    2004. Greatly loved wife of

    Jim Martin. Predeceased by

    beloved parents Sally Joseph

    and Dr. Alexander Joseph.

    Caring sister of Richard

    Joseph and Janet Yanuklis;

    cherished aunt of Katherine

    Yanuklis-O'Brien and Tho-

    mas Yanuklis. Her many

    friends and former col-

    leagues at John Jay College

    of Criminal Justice will miss

    her. Services 12 noon, Tues-

    day, at Riverside Memorial

    Chapel, 21 West Broad St., Mt.

    Vernon, NY.

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  4. Most everything that VeePee taught in his counterfeit pfal, was a perverted copy of what great men taught.

    Why would anyone want to read a watered down perversion rather than the original that great of men wrote as God spoke to them?

    Seems like a waste of time. Others I have read say, that God honors the men of God who spoke for Him, not thieves and syncophants like VeePee...

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  5. I was devastated to hear about Ellen. Patrick had called me at work. I have had the pleasure of visiting with her on more than 1 occassion. She and I hit it off quite well. After all she has the same name as my Mom. Both were quite smart and fun ladies. Jim, you know where I am. Come any time. God Bless you

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  6. pirate,

    To answer your question, TWI paid $29000 for the production costs only and do not own the video or copyrights to it. TWI's members donations at work once again......

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  7. I just talked to Pat who told me he was again in contact this morning with a senior operations manager at Broadcast News Channel.

    They were unaware, until Pat faxed them a copy of TWI's page, that they were making the video available on their website.

    TWI does not own the copyright according to the senior manager, and the manager was very tight lipped about giving out information beyond that.

    Pat's opinion is that TWI has really stepped in it, and their attorney's will probably be busy with yet another lawsuit.

    It would be poetic justice if they were sued for copyright infringement after the threats they have made to him for alleged copyright infringement for owning the domain name thewayinternational.com .........

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on February 12, 2004 at 10:48.]


    According to my friend Pat, Jim has been in contact throughout the day with the executives at the news channel after learning about the situation brought to light by rottie girl.

    After being informed that TWI was in litigation, and reading some of the Peeler court documents on excultworld, action was put in motion to correct the situation.

    He has just informed me of the following:

    Bradshaw, Fox, and MSNBC have been told of the situation,and they will not be running the spot again.

    TWI paid $29,000 for the taping of the spot at HQ, and do not own the copyright on it.(A wise use of member's donations to be sure....)

    Bradshaw was just a "talking head" who tapes several of these spots in one sitting.

    They have received numerous complaints and Jim says that they seem to be really upset over the matter.

    TWI, you are so out of your league messing with these guys. Can we say splattered like a bug on the windshield.....

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on February 04, 2004 at 18:08.]

  9. My friend has talked to a top producer at the news channel. They spent a day at TWI HQ filming and allegegly they were not told all the truth.

    They are in the process of deciding what to do about the situation, and they may be pulling the piece as a first step.

    They were very disturbed after reading documents posted at excultworld, and receiving e-mails from GS posters about TWI.

    My friend knows more but can't say yet. I personally think that this will blow up in TWI's face.

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  10. A good friend who knows Bradshaw is leting him know who TWI is. They have also called, and talked to a producer, and they were unaware of who TWI was.

    They were not happy after finding out. My friend is also awaiting a call from the legal dept of MSNBC. The number that takes complaints is 201-583-5000

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  11. Mister P-Mosh,

    I know Jim's list has a copyright notice on it that I think says copyright is shared by both the poster and the list. And in the last lawsuit, TWI hadn't gotten a court order for the poster's names like Waydale.

    In my humble opinion, anything to slow down the bad guys is worth a try, especially if it only takes a small amount of effort like posting the notice.

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  12. Mike,

    I mentioned several points you have failed to address. You are apparently a troll looking just for an argument and not an exchange of ideas, or your lack of a sound mind makes posting to you a waste of time. Goodbye

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  13. You may want to consider adding a phrase like mine below to your personal profile signature.

    The theory is is that evidence obtained by illegal means is not admisable in court. Just a theory (and not legal advice), but another clove of garlic around your neck can't hurt.....

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone, including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc.

  14. Mike,

    The perversion called PFAL has screwed up many people, that were straightened out by BG Leonard's class.

    Instead of your preoccupation with OLGs a term you coined for the purpose of loading the language like cults do, why don't you drop the idolatry of Wierwille and move on to the real truth with God, not satan's servant VPW and his successors...

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc..

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on February 03, 2004 at 13:03.]

  15. Dear Mister P-Mosh,

    The reason I asked if there was documentation of the sell the house to get out of debt edict is that in the current court case TWI claims they never said any such thing to anyone...

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced by anyone including employees and followers of The Way International, Inc..

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on February 03, 2004 at 13:06.]

  16. Dear Mike,

    BG said wierwille handled the word of God deceitfully. Your statement: "BG was lost in some traditions. He predicted the fall of the ministry because we didn’t call the manifestations “gifts of the spirit” like everyone else."

    Answer: Nope, wrong again. BG said the term manifestation was wrong and the implications of it were wrong. Also, it was because of the way people worshipped knowledge as their god and wierwille as the head of the body of Christ instead of Christ.

    "He had some things dead wrong and that’s why God was unable to help him reach the thousands with SIT and TIP that Dr reached."

    Answer: BG reached more people, healed more people, got more born again than VPW ever did before Wierwille was even born. God's witness of BG Leonard's ministry and its fruit stand in stark contrast to the rotten crap flowing from Wierwille's ministry.

    You Mike have such a screwed up viewpoint of what really happened. You may find this link comparing the two interesting, although I think you are so convinced your idolatry is right, you cannot be woken up: http://www.waychrist.com/BG%20V.%20VPW.htm

    Copyright 2004 by the author. All rights reserved. Posting may not be copied or reproduced.

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on February 03, 2004 at 12:42.]

  17. Mike said:"The books are pure and uncontaminated, thanks to God's mighty hand, with the issues that bother you."

    The witness of the true God through BG Leonard was that Wierwille handled the word of God deceitfully, and that he wouldn't trust Wierwille to teach from his pulpit.

    BG also predicted that the ministry would fall because of idolatry. Seems BG's prophecy has been confirmed by God, while the prophecies of your god Wierwille have been shown to be made of the same manure your idol was teaching...

    Mike: how do you know that you were born again in PFAL? Many people have turned out to not be...

  18. mike said: "When you see Christ in his glory he will be holding a PFAL book in his hand and teaching you from it."

    I think you might be right about that in your situation. Christ will be holding a PFAL book (your god) with both hands as he smacks you with it for your idolatry, and then throws it into the lake of fire.

  19. A few of you have stated the article went to far in that a specific location was mentioned. The original article I read had the address removed.

    How then is the city of Sylvania a specific location of this house? The chamber of commerce stats on this city state a population of over 40,000 and over 7000 housing units.

    How exactly is that a specific location?

    And if someone was internet savy enough to find this site or the other where the info was, why wouldn't that same person not be able to do as another poster did an make a call and get the real exact address with street number.

    If the story said Toledo with a population of 3,000,000, would that be also said to be a specific location?

    Are you guys saying that the story should just have said TWI owns a house in Ohio?

  20. Dear WaywardWayfer,

    If you send the info to the Peeler's attorneys and ask for anonimity, they probably would include them in their documents under what is called attorney work product.

    It is my understanding that neither TWI, a judge, nor anyone else can require them at that point to reveal their source.

    You might also want to consider sending them anonomously to Pat at excultworld, and I am sure he will get them in the right hands.

    [This message was edited by IMF777 on January 26, 2004 at 16:46.]

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