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Posts posted by IMF777

  1. Did I read it right that someone is still referring to VPW as not only Dr. but as our "father in the word"? I'm gonna hurl....

    Lets see: 1) He purchased a fake doctorate, 2) He may have allegedly fathered illicit other children, 3) his PFAL class wasn't his. It was all stolen from other real men of God who lived before him.

    Will we next be reviving the molds of the bronze statue of that alleged "great man of a god"?

    Perhaps we can start chanting great is bronze DR. of the ohiowans, great is bronze Dr.... And bow down a little further in our worship of him and be like the Ephesians with their false gods of similar ilk.

    If the principle from the bible you teach are real, why don't you do the honest thing and recommend the teachers who VPW ripped off.

    Why don't you sell their books instead of the copies or regurgitations of the thief VPW's stuff???

    I am gonna hurl this is so vile........

  2. Dot,

    Was Rev. jerk's initials NC?

    If so, then three is the numberof clergy jerks to show themselves so far in CFF. I'd send all you had (exerpts) and a note of how you feel to pat. I think he would post all the details on the CFF page where people can read it.

    People need to know about canker sores like these pieces of work so that they can avoid them and not waste their time and money on TWI re-runs.

  3. Dear Dot,

    Have you considered "donating" a copy of your e-mails from the jerk to Pat at Ex-Cultworld Magazine? He has files not on just TWI, but has expanded into their offshoots.

    People should know about this stuff, and be able to easily find it so that if they are considering involvement in one of these groups, they can see what they are in for.

    And if this jerk, Rev. Splinter is with CFF, that would bring the number of their clergy jerks to 3 unless he is the guy in Missouri or JR.

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