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Posts posted by krys

  1. Maybe that's why they had us review the Sunday tapes all the time. Producing a "new" teaching isn't so easy. And how do I know that???? All of my working life was spent in school as a teacher!

    When first asked, or rather told, to teach one time....I spent hours exploring what they wanted me to "cover" and then another bunch of hours how to do it...from what perspective...would it be humorous???would I be daring enough to crack a joke? But once I had all the in' and out's worked out..it was a snap. And the powers that be didn't ask me to teach very often....because I was really much better at it than they were.....not to toot my own horn....but when you're born a teacher, and studied all the stuff, and worked at it for 20 years or so - - you sort of have it down, ya know?

  2. With fiery confrontations and 'spiritually-possessed' labeling, the mogs wielded a power over grown men that instilled fear.

    That fear, once instilled became so pervasive that even if one was no longer with the group, the fear still shook you up. Look at this web site and also WayDale. How many posters use their own names? Some do from an abundance of caution due to the evils of the time we live in now....but others wouldn't let their name out because they didn't want anyone to know they were reading these threads.

    Hell - - Even though it didn't happen to me directly - - but to my son and his then-wife - - it took me 10 years before I said beans about that situation (think 98 Advanced Class in case you forgot) Why would such a think take so long....I was afraid some goombah would meet me in the ShopRite shopping alone...not 2 by 2 as were were supposed to be.....and find me doing something I wasn't supposed to do! Ten years is a whole decade.....and I only breached that conversation because I had 2 strong friends who encouraged me, who had my back so to speak. Also - - nobody insulted me by denying that it happened...nearly everyone heard something about that class that year.

  3. Not only did he take Leonard's work and pass it off as his own...but he never checked to see in what was presented was true. This goes beyond Maggie Muggins - - it shows that everything he heard with his "itchy ears" was passed down directly as he heard it.

    How many times did we even do word studies to be sure we were reading correctly...to be sure we were getting the real deal.

    This circus was translated to a farm in Ohio by a charlatan. He not only stole the "show" but he set it up not to reach people with the good things he heard, but to entice them to buy a ticket to the show.

    I sincerely believe that B G Leonard had a solid and mostly factual class as far as he could ascertain. He was the man who developed a class that most likely did collect people and point them correctly where they should go. It is one of the worst tragedies that this body of knowledge was skimmed from a servant of the lord (which I believe Leonard truly was) and formed by VPW into what became a multi-level scheme to make money and manipulate people for his own pleasures and taught others to do likewise.

  4. The most fun I ever had at a potluck was where nobody disclosed what they intended to bring. So what if there would be 9 dishes of scalloped potatos. Just for once, we didn't have a balanced meal. It was fun to see what turned up!

  5. If there were no GSC (and it's predecessor) there would have been no way for thousands to heal. There would have been no way for hundreds of thousands to know something of the truth. How many times has someone started a post here with I met someone....yadda yadda ....associated with twi......and asked us for advice.

    And if course, if there was no GSC a certain Mr. Linder would have been a lot less busy reading a trying to figure out who was whom .....ahem! I wonder if he's got it all figured out now?

  6. We all know the world has changed. I don't worship at Phil McGraw's feet, but you do have to be careful today. The times of knowing people by their reputation because you actually knew them are long gone. We can't do all of our business with a hand shake anymore. Sometimes I think his "new rules" take things a bit too far....but most folks with a reasonable brain and a decent moral compass can find a good path in there.

    edit for spelling

  7. I think we would all be there still if they followed the principle given by Jesus:

    Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. But you're not doing that if you're mistreating His people.

    Love your neighbor as yourself. You're not loving them if you're squeezing every ounce of their energy for your use....paying them substandard wages, and take their research papers and claim all this work as your own.

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  8. It depends on where you look if you say "everyone is ok"! The Federal Gov. has refused the funds that the 3 Governors (NY NJ and Conn) requested. So there are no funds expected at least at this time. Ellis Island and Liberty Island (where Lady Liberty stands) are still fairly intact, however it appears that they are not ready for visitors, or at least not properly so.

    Many on Long Island who were promised temporary trailers have yet to see them, and are still housed in tents of a sort.

    Much of Staten Island is a shambles. The only repair work being done presently, is that which individual's insurance provided, or direct loans from banks that some have resorted to. I know there is more going on than I know about, but it will be a long slow process to restore the region, and it's possible some of it cannot be restored.

  9. I agree with you all about failing in public. It is good that he and his family are open about this. Many have heard of this disease, but never seen one in the early stages. It's not for pity, but education. They are are a very strong family unit and I'm glad he has them.

  10. Everybody has a birthday - even me. Everybody is entitled to celebrate their birthday...but I don't have to celebrate if I don't want to. No more happy (fake, of course) receptions for me! However, I will applaud the good guys!

  11. Glen Campbell has played his last concert, I believe it was today. He is now retiring due to Alzheimer's disease.

    Such a great loss for all of us. I think all of us enjoy his music!

  12. Twinkies, and Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the squiggle on top Ring-Dings, Devil Dogs....are about to go the way of the Studebaker. The only thing is....there were plenty of cars to replace the Studebaker, but nothing is the same as a Twinkie! Twinkies are like Wise Potato Chips, Hershey's Chocolate, Three Musketeer Bars. No matter where you were,...you could go anywhere and get one or 3!

    I used to indulge whenever I wanted one, but now that I'm older, I'm more careful....haven't had one in a year, perhaps. But now I feel like I lost my blankee (like when I was very young). The stores around here seem to be running out of them already! - sigh -

    What are your thoughts? How do you think you'll cope?

  13. Three weeks out, and it does my heart good to see so many people, who, perhaps ordinarily wouldn't notice each other on the bus or subway, band together for a common cause. This group comes together at a date and time to clean up Washington Park, another group works on one of the small islands in the harbor. I know we're not alone in this, but it seems New Yorkers take care of each other this way and I think it's a great thing to see.

    There are a fair share of shysters who will pick on any weak spot!

    Parts of Nassau County are still in terrible shape and I personally (my own opinion) blame LIPA Long Island's own Tinker-Toy Power Company. After WWII certain parts of that area grew exponentionally and LIPA didn't plan it's growth (from an insider) so there is very little logic to which lines go where. I think a little less than half of Nassau county has power still...and it's 3 weeks out.

    Nike sent an 18 wheeler full of sneakers to Staten Island. Another company who's name I don't remember sent the same size truck loaded with hard toe'd boots.

    John Hess, owner of a well known oil company by the same name....donated all the gasoline for first responders (fire, police, and emergency vehicles including volunteer ambulance/EMT individuals, and all repair crew trucks....from day 1.

    I know I'm missing some who've donated or worked just as hard.

    Parts of the subway system will take a bit longer to get up to grade again. The tunnels also need attention as they were flooded.

    Who has tons and tons of money, who wants to make a community grateful and make a fortune in the future? May I direct your attention to Long Island. Design a system of UNDERGROUND electrical delivery AND direct present and future repair crews to build toward that aim. When you're ready.....connect the wires!

    Staten Island is also in pretty bad shape, but much of that is purely due to storm damage, and not somebody's greedy failure to plan or at least make notes.

    This has been a monumental loss. Of course citizens and individual companies and corporations lost a fortune.....but how to you count 3+ weeks of kids with no education? And it's not as if they can study at home....no home...no books....and it's not as if they can do it on line....there are no lines to send internet activities to them!

    As your heart directs you....send what you can...cash, things, and please hold them in prayer. I think they could use lots and lots of it.

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