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Lifted Up

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Posts posted by Lifted Up

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by lovematters:

    To me, The Way’s take on abortion is a diversion. They try to get the focus on whether or not abortion is murder rather than whether or not abortion is godly.

    On the contrary, it seems from testimony that they DID focus on the godly aspect. Note Rascal's testimony above (but after lovematters post)... if abortion was advised, as Rascal testified, so that mom could better perform her spiritual duties, then what more godly justification is there?

    There of course would be a serious clash if this godly reason involved the taking of a life, thus the first breath doctrine.

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by rascal:

    The fetus wasn`t alive till first breath because oxygen carried the life into the blood...well D`uh .... the fetus has oxygen in it`s blood BEFORE birth as well ...it just comes through the mother...

    Gee, Rascal, you mean that wasn't a dormant nonliving entity kicking around in there?

    Not to deny the fact that I sure had the easy part of things, but on a couple of occasions during our four together, I actually did feel those kicks...or were they punches? I know it's a big difference...like taking a punch from Ali in his prime with or without a couple of queen size mattresses seperating us. But it was enough to know that there was someone in there not just lying around dormantly waiting to come out.

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by Golfie:

    Satan has fairly well suceeded in dividing the church on a mute point in the Bible. The "pro-life" people do very little for children who are already born and have needs.

    Hmmmmmmm.....I think this judgement you have made night just be wrong. Of course, I dont have any black and white stats as to how many "pro-life" ( or "pro-choice") people are so nasty to the children already born. But, since you have included everyone... "The 'pro-life' people"...that doesn't matter.

  4. Well, my familiarity with the original subject relates to my already mentioned Indy and corps lightbearers buddy. I was his "backstage assistant" when he did it. He repeated it later that year, then also at the ROA. Anyone remember at ROA 1978, I think it was before it started when the corps were there, an announcement requesting army type costume items? He didn't have the same stuff he did it atEmporia with, for reasons I can't remember.

  5. I was there also and neither can I remember the lemonade. And actually it was kind of fun. I got my very brief (a couple of seconds) exposure in "Changed" , jogging across the center of the picture.

    Funny, my memory of Country Time lemonade comes from college, when I drank a bunch of it once and in less than a day my severe cold or flu, whichever it was, disappeared.

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Steve!:

    Originally posted by oldiesman:

    Was anyone ever turned away from going wow or corps or any other program, because they were . . . Jewish?

    Of all the stupid questions I've seen posted, this one really takes the cake.

    If a person was proclaiming himself Jewish, what business would he have going WOW or corps or anything?

    First of all, how we got from Patton into this...oh well.

    Being Jewish can refer to race or religion. Sure, there is debate about this matter, but when the holocaust id referred to, it is usually in the context of race. Hitler's purification theory was not primarily based on religious belief, as if Jewish people who declared themselves Christian would be exempt from his solution.

    There were certainly people of Jewish decent in TWI and involved in the WOW program and corps. Oldies' question is certainly a legitimate one, especially since his question obviously referred to race, having asked about being Black or Jewish. The Black part was left out in the quote.

    To question the matter as Steve did is certainly not unreasonable. But to refer to Oldies' question as not just a "stupid question", but as the one that "takes the cake" is IMO.

  7. Last time I talked with him, he was supposed to be headed to Torrence CA for his interim year at the same time I went to Philly for 1978-79. When I started my final residence year at HQ I had no idea where he was (except not at HQ) and had too many other things going on (!) to inquire.

  8. I havent posted much lately, but I have been hanging around here just the same. Besides, we all should know that we get prayed for by a lot more than actually post, and I've been following the prayer threads here.

    In this case, I'm posting just because I thought it might help a little when you go to the doc tomorrow to know there is someone else keepin' you in mind (and prayers) especially on this coming day. With ya, Dovey.

  9. Last October 11th, I made the following post in the Birthdays and anniversaries forum...


    Happy Birthday to a friend

    I'll come back for this one post which for more than one reason I would rather keep off the open forum. A good ex-Way friend has his birthday today, and I am thinking of him. I don't understand why contact has been deadened; just lots of guesses. He is not a GSer. Anyway, today is his day, and I pray that those close to him will make it a big day. Happy Birthday Lonnie!


    Now of course the birthdays and anniversaries forum is only an archive, so I guess I have to stick this here. But I would like to repeat my post and birthday greeting, with one minor change. Actually two, since the day is tomorrow...Happy Birthday Vicki!

  10. I realize we were the smallest corps of our era (smaller than the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and dont know after that)...but there must be someone besides me around these days.

  11. This is going to be more or less of an ongoing situation, so I will note a few things here, and not feel the need to keep bringing this to the top. Besides, praying for others here may help.

    Samuel is autistic, but in some aspects he is pretty bright. He can already figure out how to fix several things, especially electrical, better than I can, without any specific training. He has an appointment with a counselor who specializes in autism on the 29th.

    The other some Digi referred to when she said both boys is MOses, who is 17 and has been disabled from birth. He is very outgoing, enough so to bull his way into one of Gallagher's shows in town a couple years ago. He is also active; on the first of May we will go out of town (Lincoln, NE) so Moses can play in a card tournament.

    I guess they all could use prayer, including me. Too many things to figure out to make work these days.

  12. ...and if the 6th corps knew anything about it they didn't pass anything onto us...weren't they supposed to be our mentors?

    Of course in our first res year, the teaching was Thessalonians. In any event, I never got a hint of sin justification during my corps time. It could have been the pure way I thought. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    But at ROA 1978, the corps going WOW on interim year were warned rather plainly against such wrongdoings by VPW during a meeting in the woods.

    Well, maybe I got a hint of it after that from fellow 8th at HQ before my untimely exit...

  13. Not a good day in school. There seems to be depression involved. Have plenty of advice on short and long term actions, but some things wil not be easy.

    Digi, long time no see. I really hope you are doing well. I don't know of anything I can ask, since there is one thing I know you are doing. I am grateful for that, since God is going to have to have a hand in this. You should know about that; geez, talk about someone who has gone through some rough times...

    But the messages of prayer from everyone are touching; as is the knowledge that others pray also even if they havent posted.

  14. I don't think Jonny was saying he couldn't have gained the knowledge elsewhere. I think the key...for HIM (not necessarily someone else in particular) may be that perhaps he WOULDN'T have gained the knowledge elsewhere. For example, there are oodles of places one can do academic research and writing. And, many might gasp at the thought of comparing Way Corps research to this or that university. But, according to Jonny's testimony, the corps did benefit him in that way. Perhaps it is the same for the other things Jonny says he learned in the corps that have helped make him successful.

    If Jonny does not deny someone else's testimony about their unpleasant experiences...and I think he has made it clear that he doesn't...then I don't think giving his own testimony about the things that have helped him that he learned in the corps is looking through rose colored glasses.

  15. The situation is more or less holding its own for now, but it is an ongoing thing. The son I am talking about is autistic, and there may be some combination of that and getting up the age 14 involved. That, and the overload at times...our oldest son is physically disabled. And when our youngest son, who is pretty bright and well rounded, has his next birthday on November 29th, we will have four teenagers at home.

    Is there no icon for exhaustion around?

  16. A few things I'd like to mention...

    There seems to be what I always have suspected...quite a difference in experiences between those of us who were in residence in the 70s...and those who were in from the late 80z through the 90s. Especially in the good times, the extra-curricular activities, the getting away with things (which even a quiet person like me was able to be a participant), and the regulation of and the accounting for each minute of the day. I have a hunch that in much more recent years, you couldn't get have fun doing a lot of things that I and others in my time did.

    For me, one thing that was valuable (which I carry to this day) was the fitness and health thing. That includes the eating. Yes, the in residence corps meals at Emporia in the 70s was not an all you can eat thing. Most (me included) could have eaten more at most meals. Frankly I don't think that was a bad habit to get into. Perhaps it seems a better habit for me now, in my 50s. But I think it was a goos start.

    Funny, I never lost any weight though, despite the running and work. I did have a fellow 8th corps Indy buddy and lightbearers partner who lost a hundred pounds and looked much better for it (some of you fellow oldie 6th and 8th may remember the famed General Patton).

    On the other hand, another person I knew at Indy who went into the 6th corps (and who i joined for a while at Emporia when I went into the 8th) GAINED weight in residence...she told me once she had never before eaten as regularly as she did before the corps.

    And, I think the quality of the food was good. It sure wasn't a diet of Big Macs, Whoppers, monster burgers, and cheesecake.

    What does it mean? Okay, that's another debate with perhaps much different answers. But when I hear someone talk about the in residence corps diet as if it ere a starvation diet, and as if the corps people came though it emaciated and unfit, it sharply decreases, to me anyway, the authority and believability of the rest of their testimony.

    By the way, I would be interested in being enlightened as to what the corps diet has been like in later years from some of you younger and more recent ex-corps.

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