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A Christmas Story


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It was a television show that almost never got on the air.

When it was made, it's creator cringed when he saw all the mistakes in it and he almost scrapped the whole thing.

The network suits who screened it before it aired were almost unanimous in their dislike for the show. It was slow, they didn't like the performers or the music and it was supposed be funny, but there was no laugh track with it. How would your average American couch potato know something was supposed to be funny if there was no 1950s-era recorded laughs to tell him?

Worse than any of that, at least to the suits, was the fact the show included a reading from, of all things, the Bible. Horrors!! You can't read from the Bible on network television!! That just isn't done, especially in what is supposed to be an entertainment show.

Not only was it the Bible, it was specifically the King James version, specifically Luke 2:8-14.

The genius behind the creation of this show fought the suits to keep the passage in the script, and he eventually won out, probably because he was already a pop culture icon at the time.

The show aired for the first time December 9, 1965 in place of "Gilligan's Island" and shocked the network exec's by getting higher ratings than any other show that week except "Bonanza." I guess even Charlie Brown couldn't beat Hoss Cartwright. Half the television sets in the U.S. were tuned in, which CBS never imagined, and the most memorable part for most people is the reading of the story of the birth of Jesus by Linus Van Pelt.

Tonight at 8:00 PM, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" will air for 42nd consecutive year. I guess Charles Schulz had a pretty good idea as to what people would like.

Got to get home to watch it again.

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