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If You Could Pick the President of TWI From Greasespot...


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On a more serious note...this thread was supposed to be entertaining and it was until I heard of the passing of John Shroyer. Now I don't feel like joking about this anymore. In reality, and I mean this, with a heart like his, I would have wanted him to take over the Way. I refer you now to the In Memoriam section on this post.

I was going to say something -- but in deference to your post -- I'll refrain.

(I never knew John --but from all that I've heard about him, he was one of the *Good Ones*.)

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Waysider, hey! That's my line. "Anyone seen my sonic screwdriver and would you like some jellybabies?" Better be careful or this will end up in the Just Being Silly forum. TLB alias the 12th Doctor(Who) :biglaugh: :D :lol: :rolleyes: :ph34r: :jump::dance::spy::offtopic:

I would have voted for doctor No. 4 but even him his tardis and his sonic screwdriver could not save the TWI.

So let it die a slow painful death. :biglaugh:

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Dooj, sounds like the kitchen is in excellent hands...

Here's a start:

1. Seek God for His will regarding the future of the organization. Declare a time of prayer and fasting to seek His face and His direction

2. Lead a series of repentance and cleansing meetings where anyone past and present TWI,can come to repent from hardhartedness, exclusivity, rejecting Jesus, hurting families, destroying young girls lives, etc. I think its called identificational repentance. (If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and trun from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. I Chron. 7:20)

3. Find all the money, any hidden Swiss bank accounts stashed away, find out the net worth of all the property, equipment etc.

4. Sell the New Knoxville property or sell most of it and give the house and original farm back to the Weirwille family heirs.

5. Set up a fund from the collected worth of the bank accounts, properties to provide monetary compensation to victims of sexual and other abuses of the past TWI leadership. Appoint a committee of compassionate individuals to review all the cases and decide on the amounts to be allocated to each.

6. Provide counselling to all remaining staff, provide job training opportunities, severance, retirement packages etc.

7. Invite all past and current TWI members who want to have a say in the future of the organization to series of planning meetings to determine the mission, objectives plan for the new organization. From these meetings decide the future direction of the organization. If deemed useful and feasible, move a downsized staff to Gunnison to operate a new HQ for the purpose of blessing and supporting the body of Christ, or sell Gunnison and move it somewhere else, or not...

8. Send apologies to every person involved in TWI-1, TWI-2, TWI-3 for every wrong done by the leadership.


I love this

A plan!

Good job

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