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Recovering from Cult Addiction


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In twi we were taught to be attacked that "unbelievers" even christian those pesky unbelieving believers" (what the heck is THAT?) were gonna get us.

they were evil capable of harming us able to STOP GOD and the MINISTRY.

we were taught to fear people not love them.

if the "shoe" belonged to anyone other than a way believer in good standing it WILL drop on YOU and you deserve to be hurt from it because you didnt listen to the warning.

anything they say or do for the most is part and parcel of the devil satan helps and if you mix in with them to deeply without remembering twi came first welll you might turn into one yourself!

Oh NO! but true.. we were taught to fear the others in the world.

ot in the very least dismiss them as UnGodly and certainly unworthy.

I was married when I got into the way. TWI leadership called my ex-husband an "unbelieving believer" - he once was an active Christian, but didn't study a Bible, attend any way functions or contribute money to them. He didn't forbid me to attend, but I was told I was unequally yoked and convinced to divorce him by twi. Then our son and I were kicked out. Nice. :blink:

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Thank you for all the replies!

I'm putting the presentation together today and present it Wednesday night.

Most of these presentations are by groups, but at the request of my professor, I'm flying solo.

I've compiled the gs replies and emails I've received, removed identifiers (name,locations, etc.) and quoted ya'll quite a bit.

Wish me luck on Wednesday!

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Here's one more thought.....

I have gotten to the point where I dread anyone teaching out of the Bible, especially a taped class. I used to love hearing good sermons, good classes, etc. I am terrified of confrontation. Even with the ever so kind and patient Mr. Garden, I have difficulty expressing an opinion, if I don't know what his is first, so I can agree. Some of this is directly a result of TWI teaching on the role of the wife. You might want to include how warped the TWI image of marriage was.


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  • 4 weeks later...

HUGE thanks to all of you who posted on my cult recovery thread(s) and who emailed me with your comments and your personal stories, I really appreciate the courage it took to do that.....

The presentation was two weeks ago, but I haven't had a chance to post since then.....Here's what went on....

I gave them all a packet with info on cult recovery and some of the posts and emails I got (I took out any identifying info)

Steve! went with me as my "show and tell"

They asked a lot of questions and really listened to what I read that ya'll had to say.

The presentation went very well....I was the next to last person to present over the weeks in class, and here is what my professor wrote to me:

Great research

Well organized

Excellent Articulation

Very Informative

Good Understanding of Diagnosis

A-One Treatment Plan

The best presented in class thus far.

My grade was an A

I uploaded a copy of what I gave out during the presentation, if you'd like to see...

Again....MANY THANKS!!!!

oops....JUST realized the attachment below was my rough draft.....the final draft is smoother and has a bit more info on it....I'll try and find it and post it, but with a seven hour class tomorrow (Saturday), it might be a while...


Edited by Cindy!
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