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This one's for Hona Lee


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What did that s.o.b. do to you Hona Lee?

I know that you were a little rough around the edges in the old days, but what happened.

That loser wannabe was suppose to know how to treat a woman.

Now, he won't even stop beating you to this day, he's one dumb s.o.b.

He acted like it's all about him.

Then he threw you out like yesterdays news when he was done with you.

Now he still beats you because he thinks that you make him look bad.

Don't worry about this one thing Hona Lee, when your King sees what he's done to you that dumb s.o.b. is toast.

Edited by JeffSjo
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Dear Pawtucket,

I thought she was Johnny Lingo's wife in the old movie called "The Ten Cow Woman" that Dr. Wierwille was suppose to like and that I've heard was often shown to the Way Corps. I HOPE THAT I'VE GOT HER NAME RIGHT, BECAUSE THAT MIGHT BE A MISTAKE THAT TOTALLY RUINS THE POINT.

Edited by JeffSjo
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I have to admit that if I had done my homework I would have used "Sarita" instead of "Hona Lee." Thank you Excathedra for the correction.

Still, I hope that the point is not lost on anyone.

Imagine, some dumb S.O.B. so full of pride that he cannot stop mistreating his girl. Considering that Dr. Wierwille promoted this film and that many, many people that were in TWI supposedly held it as a good standard, I find it to be almost unbearable how many of these supposed ministers treat folks that were abused by TWI.

I think it entirely fitting to describe them as dumb S.O.B.'s.

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Isn't Hona Lee the place that Puff the Magic Dragon lives?

I thought that was where one goes after smoking one of Jackie Paper, papers :biglaugh:

But really it is on the island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i. By the sea of course...

And now you are telling me that little Jackie beat that Rascal Puff...Oh this is to much.....

Edited by WhiteDove
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White Dove,

Colorful words that can be taken more than one way is what I usually see in your posts. Maybe it's just a communication thing, but I doubt it.

Is it too much considering how that virtually everyone I've ever known in the ministry seems to have been taken in by ministers who lied about what was going on and destroyed people's lives to cover their tracks?

Personally, I fear it is not enough!

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