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What do You Wonder most about living here in this world???


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1.What things do You wonder about in GOD's plan, design, creation/creations?

2.What do You Wonder about living here in this world???

3.What puzzles You or what pieces have You put together???

The thoughts and wonderings I have are from a Christan and godly standpoint and my thoughts

recently were stirred up concerning God's designs for Mankind, and Animals.

Here is one of my many wonderments:

I just read WhiteDoves new Thread "What a Friend" and was responding to it. Of course the more I wrote the

more I saw that I was going off topic in His Thread so I am starting this one as not to dismantle His. Please do

read His; It with tear at Your heartstrings and make you think; and make You cry!!!

The story of Mickey and Percy brought a lot of thoughts to my mind and heart

What a touching and tenderhearted testimonial to the bonds and depths of true friendship and undying love!!!

A great example of real love, friendship and loyalty that sadly seems in such depth, much rarer in the human-

kind sector of this world. Where in, ties aren't woven tightly and bonds unravel quickly with very little

provocation!!! The World is waxing worse and worse in all realms:

Isa 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

I remember being taught in TWI...not really taught...just told that animal soul life was not eternal...Perhaps that

is true.??? Perhaps it is not??? I was never provided scriptural evidence. If anyone has any please enlighten me!

Perhaps they never lost or always have had a spiritual connection to GOD?! This is my wonderment in part.

I hope that GOD gave them a way into eternity as well as we have; as there are several loving pets I would

again like to see and many renowned animals I would be tremendously overjoyed and grateful to spend

eternity with; like Mickey and Percy, and Christian the lion to name but a few!!! Their presences

provides/provided soothing comfort and serenity now on earth!!! In Eternity too would be nice and maybe


It is not that I don't see or understand that GOD so richly and graciously gave us this world and everything in

it to bless, help and provide for all our needs, out of His Great and Particular Love for us most especially.

Yet, Perhaps animals were designed to be more than faithful companions and meet our other needs.

Since we have such a limited view and scope of GOD's thoughts, ways and total plans...I guess that we can

hope a lot while we seek our answers and mysterries; and wait many of them out!

Who among us has not learned from the love, loyalty and example of an animal, a lessen or two!? Who

among us has not seen an animal cruelly abused; crawling back to it's abuser seeking mercy, forgiveness and

love!? Seems to parallel in ways man's similar state with GOD ironically, doesn't it???

Although, not all aspects and responses are similar. Our domestic animals and pets often trust more easily than

we do. They often forgive and show mercy more easily than we do. IMHO, GOD must have put that in their

DNA or their souls...whereever???, to bless and remind us to be kind and to be loving and compassionate. To

be convicted to refrain from abusing weaker and more vulnerable beings!

Don't they seem such an example of GOD's own heart to us???

Many of them would lay down their lives down to protect us from harm; as Christ did, but on a much completer

scale, and in a far more thorough way!

Yes...we are superior, but perhaps, not in all the ways, and to all the degrees that we sometimes claim to be!!!

Edited by RainbowsGirl
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