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he Power of man made things that can be used for the glory of God

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The Power of man made things that can be used for the glory of God

wrote 04-25-2006

1. Here I Roy William Perry III sat thinking about what is man made and what was made by the love of God in the beginning as I write unto you the people of the world wide internet. God loves us all my dear friends.

2.Even the “written word of God” was wrote with the pen a man made tool that can be used for the glory of God or the glory of man.

3. While the mouth is a tool made by God when he form, made, and created man and his mate. So when we used the mouth we are using a tool God made but we can use this tool wrong by using it to receive one’s own glory.

4. The gift of the holy spirit was and is a God made gift that was given unto us which can not be used as a man made tool like the pen but the mouth a God made tool can received from the holy spirit and the hand a God made tool can write down what the mouth spoke.

5. The hand can all so write down what the mind, hears, or how ever a God made part of man received from the gift of holy spirit another God made tool.

6. Now the hand a God made tool can write down what he or she learns by the way of the five senses for his or her personal glory.

7. But we are not reaching for our personal glory but for the glory of God and his son Jesus the Christ.

8. Other tools that can be used for the glory of God that are man made language, pen, paper, book, cooking, computer, and many more.

9. While all of these can be used for the glory of God they are still man made tools and not God made while God may of help man made them they are still man made.

10. While the are many God made tools that we can miss used the is one that can not be miss used the gift of holy spirit with all it uses.

11. Like the hand it can be used just for saying hi, eating, reaching to help, helping others, and many more ways of good so does the holy spirit the Christ in us have many uses as does every part.

12. Like the word of wisdom it can be used to give you the knowledge of what it takes to heal a person, get a person out of danger, teach a person, reach a person with love, understand a written word of old or new, and the list goes on.

13. Now whether you use the pen to write or the computer its up to you whether you do it for the glory of God or the glory of self.

14. Thank you my dear friends with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A great post, Roy. One of your lines made me remember an old one-liner I heard in TWI - something along the lines of - when you share something it's either to bless or impress. I think there's a lot to that...I'll pray for you too !!!

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