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Ginger Tea

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Posts posted by Ginger Tea

  1. ...look out!

    You know that kidnapper of E. Smart ~ well, a relative of that sick/perverted individual told the Smart family that if he was the one who took her (at the time it wasn't proven) that he wouldn't kill her, she would still be alive, but (obviously he did this stuff before) that he 'steals their souls'...

    Soul-stealing...victims haven't coined the phrase, the evaluations of these types of acts, has done so.

    It is only a glimpse at the devastation...an outside view...because it is difficult to describe, at best, the life-altering impact!


  2. Is this a joke?


    mj ~ here's my common cent$ worth ~

    You could ask for the phone # in a reply e-mail IF you wanted to feel out the waters as Roy suggested...


    You could 'fly by the seat of your pants'

    ...like in ~ go and have a good time!

    If it's old friendships that could give you a boost, and you love them as you say you do ~ go for it!

    Just don't be so attatched to any outcomes ~

    If you allow yourself to be open, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised, while having fun and re-connecting.

    I think you'll have a good old time.

    Too much negativity from the Way hangs around all of us from time-to-time...focus on the good things about the people you care about.

    After all, they are all adults now, right?

    Life is tuff enough for everyone ~

    I'd lighten-up and let a good time happen...if I wanted to go.

    If it doesn't gel for you, well ~ you don't have to do THAT again..that's all there is to it..no big drama, no trap, and there is always a way out..lol.

    There really isn't anything to be afraid of ~ they are just people you care about, right?

    Love them up and party ~

    Have fun!!!

    (don't forget to bring along your sense of humor)

    [This message was edited by Ginger Tea on November 10, 2003 at 21:21.]

  3. I've misplaced your new number ~ sowwy!

    Call when it's convenient, and I'll ring you right back...

    Sending hugs and a smile out your way ~

    to you and yours ~




  4. I thought for a second I'd have to 're-work' my film experiences/history ~ whew!

    That film had such a gory opening ~ I thought ~ 'what am I doing here?'


    But, as I recall, asking the person next to me, 'what's happening now?' got me through 'being there' (which just reminded me of a Peter Sellers movie, where Chauncey was the main character, NOW that plays much better on my mind in comparison) ~


  5. ~ There are assets family and friends could put into a corservatorship trust to assist with the care of Mrs. Weirwille...I find it hard to believe that the bod haven't any personal assets ~ aside from their corporation ~ that could go into this trust.. along with Mrs. Weirwille's own personal assets...

    The money CAN be used to augment her care...while not subjecting her to lose the benefits available to every senior today.

    There is specific language to these type of trusts...but they can be done, and should have been considered before now.

    It's not to late though...a lawyer files the properly worded trust...it's set up...her personal assets remain there...her care is augmented by dispersments ~ overseen by a trustee (not way person)...and she can live out her days with quality care and dignity.

    This is something everyone neds to learn about..when dealing with aging parents, yourselves, whatever.

    Think about your future...your resourses...don't leave it up to chance!

    Things can still be done in this situation...and Harvey must already know it.

    How much has the bod benefitted from Mrs. Weirwille?


    There certainly can be a return ~ now ~ if she needs it.

    Harvey ~ not everyone was born yesterday!

  6. I thought he did something on R..D's..perhaps I was wrong...hmmmm

    Pulp Fiction ~ was just that...a type of film made in the genre of vintage paperbacks and comics that were popular around the 30's...a cool film...in the way I see these films ~ for performances ~ great performances by actors we all know and love.

    The draw, for actors, to play in QT's fims...grows with each new project.

    For the millions who enjoy this sort of thrill, like so many popular thriller~suspense dramas in the past...QT brings a dialogue and flavor to his writing that is distinctly 'his own'.

    When he becomes so enourmously popular that he is copied (style and content), for the sheer money-making aspects, it will become more obvious to many why his films are enjoyed to this extent.

    It's definately not for everyone..for sure.

    Some people don't like to tango...but for some, it's the only dance in town.

    It's really just a cool, mindless, artistic diversion...that sometimes makes you think..or not!

    Best thing though..it gave John Travolta a new spring...in his career, and Samuel Jackson, as well ... and kicked their film credibility into overdrive...

    For that, QT is embraced by film geeks like myself...

    It's not that this stuff is meant to be better, just different.

    Ginger Tea

  7. I did see the girls (in the beginning) doing Q.T...you know the way he writes those lines like he's doing the talking..lol.

    I won't give anything away...BUT

    At the end...(in the Drive-In, read this and weep suckas)...I yelled "NO!!!!"

    You know why...

    That movie went very fast ~ like the other 3 ~ well, what I did see of Reservior Dogs isn't much if you consider I watched it thru a sweater...lolol.

  8. From Queer Eye...the interior designer did an awesome inexpensive wall treatment that impressed me.

    He took small frames, and matted really cool squares and rectanges of fantastic foil gift wraps...I'm doing that with my smaller pastels ~ the flowers, leaves and herbs that I drew...and the neat thing is, I just used plain sketch pad paper too...

    It's also nice for watercolors...and if you feel artisticaly challenged, you can press the paint (you put on the leaves) onto fine bond paper, or other types, or onto the newer homemade papers you can buy in bulk at paper specialty stores ~ you can stencil too, or stamp....

    Isn't that special ? lol.

    You can buy some gel pens and sign it on the front or back... or just use your imagination! Anything goes!


  9. too funny, you guys! (;

    Those bread cakes might only need some spice, kd.

    You can get some granulated ginger at the health food store or bulk good produce section...

    yup...there are plenty of easy things to do...

    If anyone wants to get into the simplest bath gifts (nice for teens to give friends too), may I recommend you start saving all the dried flowers from your bouquets now or you can buy them cheap at health food or craft stores, really!)~ stock up...you can buy little bags, or make your own also...and viola ~ you have 'bath teas' ~ you can add your chamomile flowers from tea bags too, among other varieties of herbal teas!!!

    It works! plus, dry some fruit rinds now ~ oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc,...sliced thinly, they may be added as well...

    If you are really strapped for cash...this one is a go-with for the bath teas

    ...buy a bag of solar salt

    ..if money doesn't seem so tight

    ...get celtic salts, sea salt, epson salt, dead sea salt...whatever...mix it up

    ...add a few drops of vegetable food coloring...(be creative, green & blues together can make minty to teal bath salts

    ...anyway, invest in one or two, however many essential oils you can afford at the health food store BUIT PLEASE DO NOT buy (synthetic) 'fragrance oils' for the body ~

    Affordable oils are grapefruit, sweet orange, geranium, lemon, lavender, etc...you'll see...even vanilla 'oil', ginger, etc...

    ...after you mixed the salts, colored them, now add a few drops of essential oil ~ only a few...if you do all this in big baggies, you save time...seal it up for at least a day or so.

    Now, those pretty bottles you have hanging around, or a large seashell, or any container that hasn't any metal or other type of containment that would corrode...well, you know...even nice china...can present the salts as your gift...any nice finds from Pier One or garage sales too...add a slimmed down cork for the top of narrower bottles if a rubberized rim isn'y available...

    Now you have a bath salts and bath tea set...you can buy tiny spoons or polish up those baby spoons or widdle wood spoons if you like for dispensing the bath salts unless they are in bottles (which are lovely) and pour right out.


    That's the simplest ~


    More later for anyone interested or looking for something new to give ~ that can be made at a fraction of the cost for retail.

    Wanna collect nice bottles for bath oils ~ I've got some tropicals and florals in mind next!


    A gourmet gift basket ~

    A nice long bottle for extra virgin olive oil ~ with your inserting a sprig of rosemary, etc (for a salad and dipping oil, actually)...will make a nice gift basket when adding some imported pasta, a homemade pasta sauce or store bought~gourmet section, cheese and pepperoni sticks, fancy crackers, a special bag of coffee, a nice wine or champagne or bottle of liquor or sparking juice (doesn't have to be expensive)...AND biscotti sticks...or create you own...these are great for a boss, a business partner, your Mom and Dad...a host/hostess for the festive occasion...this is a 'can't go wrong' type basket. You can add cute oven mits, an apron (kiss the cook) whatever...you get the idea.


    If you have vintage glass beads around, or old beaded necklaces you don't wear ~ buy a spool of wire ~ string them...curl the ends in larger loops (to hang)...use a little gold paint...and you have new ornaments for your tree! Or to give...crackle the beads or drizzle some paint, anything you want...draw on them or leave them as is...it's 'new' now...


    More soon...

    I love these ideas Guys...

    I wish ~ maybe Kit will add the old thread that has the Bailey receipe on it too ~ and Sudo's turkey in a roasting bag...etc., etc...from 2 years ago...pretty please, I know I'm the disliker of the archives...but not about things like this..lol. (;


    Keep 'em coming..and please, Ex..know your family is already gifted by your presence ~ w/wo presents ~ because your humor is what's priceless!

  10. ..or encroaching, depending on how you feel about it, lol.


    Homemade gifts are fun and easy on the pocket-book, for sure... and mean so much as it involves your effort, creativity and time ~

    I thought we can share some 'homemades' here ...

    I have a few new gift-ideas, as I'm sure many of you do too ~

    We can drop them in here...

    You know how fast time flies when we're prepping for the holidays, so ~

    I'll be dropping some in here and I hope you'll join in too!

    Over the next few weeks, I'll put some simple-to-make bodycare gifts, some ideas for gift-baskets, and glass beading do-dads for ornament icicles, etc., and bracelets for all ages...how about sharing some your ideas too ~

    Feel free ~ ok

  11. ..the 11th Corpse thread is funnier right now ~ wake up, wake up !!!


    I'm leaving...don't worry...lol

    (a little pull-up from bless patrol, that's all)

  12. IF this is a family affair ~ so much for the Household...

    If this is a family affair, they could have shown discretion and left it alone ~ BUT NO ~ they are basically calling Mrs. Wierwille's daughter a liar... what else is new in twi, Harve?

    If this is a family affair ~ they should have displayed self-control and left it up to the family to iron out what is happening with the Mom.

    If this is a case where Mrs. Wierwille needed 24/7 professional care ~ and to move her away from a life-long home would render her more disoriented ~ then they CAN/COULD have brought in a professional home care staff WHERE SHE LIVED, to take the optimum care of here at home... managing her daily care.

    Many people do this ~ it is common knowledge.

    Her SS insurance would have provided much of this care. Then extra funds could have been provided, increasing the amount and quality of her care.

    If they were concerned about using other assets, they could have protected those assets in a conservatorship/trust.

    My guess is ~ this is a retalitory act by H.P...who hasn't the respect of the GS population anyway... because the hearts that have been hurting here were not addressed yet...it's a blatent display of rubbing someone's nose in 'something' and trying to one-up the ante...using the lowest cards...and crude manner...an attempt to humiliate or attack the credibility of a child of a parent one felt impotent in creating any change in the current situation because they were not given full access.

    Many of us have seen the elderly passed over to the hands of strangers for care (not necessarily a bad thing in some cases) but that should be when all other aspects of constructive care options have been tried FIRST. It's usually a last resort.

    Harve's taken the low road ~ attacking someone where they are vulnerable ~ their parents' personal business ~ attempting it's famed legalization and callousness for all manner of relating to affected people.

    I feel, personally, (in opinion) that Mrs. Wierwille might have benefitted from 'in-home professional services'!

    A professional staff of health care providers selected with expertise in the areas she requires to maintain/improve/treat her health situation.

    This way, she can still relate to the familiar and the home she has lived in her entire life.

    Proper trusts, like special needs, or a conservatorship to protect her assets, would have assisted in the access to medical (paid) svcs. and the benefits available to all seniors ~ and with the proper protection in her individual case, the extra money could have been delegated for use in providing the best care available to the Mother of TWI, over and above the average (or below) costs, which is allowed.

    In "The Fountain of Age' by Betty Friedan, a woman's right activest (now senior activist), many alternatives for these situations are discussed in detail...as in other published works by people in the know.

    Sadly, it appears TWI did not 'research' the 'doable' options, like keeping Mrs. W. home with a great home-care staff, employed from 'outside' their organization.

    On the 'other side' of the coin, the best thing, in a way of speaking, is that they now have no control over her dail life.

    I think this might be good if indeed this illness was inconvenient for them...and that makes it better off to be where people can provide the care the Way Int. may NOT want working on their grounds... which is pretty self-serving along with their dogma... in my opinion.

    ...but not in furthering along possible disorientation.

    ..in my opinion only...

    But, in my feelings ~ Harv is behaving crudely ~ rude and it's socially unacceptable to address the personal family business of anothers' ~ even if they are befriended by certain websites...who care about her.

    You could have let this go...

    You, on the other hand, think so very little of GSCafe...or other serious issues here would have been addressed.

    It's cowardly to take shots at someone deeply affected by the predicament of a loved one ~ especially when the medium they use to do it ~ is considered very low/unworthy to you ~ to answer any other charges.

    Harve, get your head out of the clouds and look around... it is the Way Int. that could have (and should have) butted out of the first families business a LONG time ago, and every family before and since!

    This is just the tip of the iceberg in relationship to the 'fall-outs' your legalistic and obsessive practices have created in the lives of many families.

    Getting into the womans' face (way) here about what she says about her mothers situation is despicable... and even if she was misguided... do you need to be cruel with such manipulating at a time like this?

    If you won't help, you are part of the problem, not the solution.

    Ginger Tea

    [This message was edited by Ginger Tea on October 27, 2003 at 14:31.]

  13. I am sorry to hear about your present difficulties.

    Reading your thread, I was reminded of a recent situation I found myself in 2 short years ago.

    You are a very strong, beautiful person ~

    and as this runs it's course, you'll make the best decisions, I'm sure, for yourself when you are ready.

    When I felt overwhelmed, I began to find solace in the simplest, little things.

    You get through it...and it gets easier each day to 'get there'...wherever it is that you need to go.

    I was thinking about you today, and realized that you do posess all of the resolve you could possibly need...it's already within you.

    I'm glad you have the support of your friends too.

    Take time to love yourself ~ really treat yourself with every kindness you can muster ~ the way that you would treat someone else you loved dearly.



  14. In my posts, I mentioned 2 essential oils ~ tea tree and lavender that can be applied 'neat' (directly) to the skin.

    A warm chamomile teabag can help soothe irritations...but it sounds like you are having a problem that definately requires med. attention.

    Btw, other essential oils need to have a carrier oil ~ like sweet almond oil.

    Good luck with arresting this problem.

    A second opinion would be in order if your problem is this serious...insurance pays for that, as well.

  15. Interesting SGA

    While I don't really understand all that's homosexuality...I realize someday we will know more/better about it.

    As far as women in power relating to aggression, I hope with 'enlightened' societies...the immediate perception of weakness due to this sex will change.

    It could be responsible for women in power, in the past, having to be more defensive, therefore aggressive (a good offense is the best defense kind of thing)...when dealing with aggression/enemies.

    There is much to be said for having strong allies, but that alone doesn't preserve your nation.

    With trade alone, countries have been targets by enemies.

    If a woman is perceived weak in her role as protecor of her nation by her enemies...her sons and her countrymen's lives at stake also considered...life-giving, nurturing, and protective all inclusive...she will still HAVE to protect her power.

    I don't see women with an inherent ability to be more aggressive..but in the world-view, she may/will be able to because of the perception that she is weaker, or will/might be, which may contribute (through peer pressure, job design, and defensiveness)...to push that 'card' to go to war when the THREAT is perceived.

    Just my thought...


  16. iss~ues

    gazuntieght (sp)!


    So, here we are together again

    Well Zix

    I realize that you are just exactly who you are.

    Wouldn't have it any other way.

    And I, me, myself, am who I am...

    Don't think I want to change that.


    But, there is always change Zix, look at the world around us.

    I feel that I might have room in my world to experience changes from time to time

    ~ nothing major, mind you ~

    ...favorite restaurant

    ...fall wardrobe

    ...potted plants

    ...definately NOT my hair colour

    There are things that generally won't change.

    Like I wouldn't expect the morals I have to be revised any time soon

    ...or my hospitable nature

    ...or my tolerence level for other peoples' individuality

    ...or my appreciation of relationships.

    And I do realize that 100 or 1000 or a gazillion little clones running around just like me ~ sounding like me ~ looking like me ~ and ~ dear NO ~ posting here like me

    ~ would not necessarily make this particular world a better place for all concerned.

    So, why the f*** do you want me to be like you Zix?

    Now, if you think about it Zixar, how comfortable WOULD you be in a like-minded ~

    all wearing the same shirt Zix-world ~

    or even all Republican party world ~

    or a Demo-tree-huggin'-barefoot-incense burning-tofu loving-no fur coat for you

    or rebel flag-wavin', don't touch my guns,

    back offa' my turf you foreigners who don't look like us types

    Remember all these words are to be pronounced in unison by the like-minded ~

    for the full audio/visual effect

    (mental images required here).

    Yes, of course, you & I are different...that is to be expected.

    Were it not the case , that might be frightening.

    My point point point is, finally,

    whatever your bent or ilk is, your individuality makes a statement, whether or not it's spelled properly or in a context every person gleans, the content..., the intent..., and the thought behind the statement is still there,as well as the real live individual makeing that statement.

    Now I have noticed plenty of times ~ when you Zixar, have rattled off this or that in scientific jargon that many lay-persons would have difficulty understanding...and you have been generous with your time to explain or coach along a curious poster through the rigors of this or that concept. A stretch for some, boring to others, and interesting to many.

    However, that in itself does not make YOU a freak. That is for sure a form of individuality.

    You have many characteristics that make you

    a whole person.

    What I feel may be the most injurious

    character trait (flaw maybe) is

    how when you could be generous enough to

    allow others, myself for instance,

    to be different in all that is not Zixlike,

    Instead I have, in the past, reaped the

    callous, snide, cutting meanspirited

    (your different sooo...

    there MUST be something WRONG with you) intolerent arrogance that has characterized

    my perception of who you are as an individual.

    I am interested in changing my perception

    on this small matter of difference.

    What, if anything would you concider contributing to my conversion to...

    Zix compatable...,and interesting...

    ,but different then me land?


    P.S. the content of my post is not to Flame,

    but inflame the imagination with the genuine

    gifts that are... civility

    ~ ciao bello ~

  17. I read your post and I want you to know that I enjoyed the time I spent with you having fun in the nostalgia thread...I lost something (an aspect of concentration) last year but I know you are a very wonderful, and decent Guy.

    I have met a few CA. GSers this past year (2)...passe'ers..lol...in a way.

    I also speak to people who I would not discuss with others.

    Some people as are harmed/hurt as the thing they impose themselves to try and fix.

    In the big picture, we would all wish everyone happiness and good health.

    Sometimes, the ones who come off the harshest, the most regimentated, or intellectually astute, are the most hurting, just like the most vulnerable.


  18. You know, this is going too far.


    Last year, I practically gave you an invitation to get to know me better...

    ...it was in the soap opera forum when you were on some bandwagon to fry Satori.


    Just because you are experiencing discomfort, or frustration with others...doesn't give you the right to assign blame or labels to the person you perceive as 'offensive' or 'inappropriate' to WHERE YOU ARE in your own life.

    If you read stuff here, well....do I have to tell you (whoever) that fantasizing on TWI 10 or 15 years from now is unhealthy for you ?

    Does everyone have to tip-toe around someone else's 'limits' in expressing opinions?

    Do we owe anyone anything here?

    I'd like to know...really...I'm being serious.

    So Zix, it may be an insult now to Ex you that you put me on her level ~ or not ~ or worse ~ I can not know what that means because I have NO IDEA where you are at today, or Ex, or anyone else here...

    This IS NOT my main staple, so to speak.

    I hope it isn't yours, truthfully, as well.

    But it is...for some people coming through here.

    I haven't done anything to anyone here...nor has ANYONE ELSE.

    Not REALLY.

    It is a message board...where some busy people come to be a part of this endeavor to share themselves, their experiences, their personalities with others who KNOW the deal with TWI...or it's a place where others need to release their pent-up stuff (which doesn't include everyone)...or a place where some derive their social life from (for the time being)...and other situations I won't go into but I think, for the most part, people here aren't looking for a cult experience, but prefer either to having a ween-off experience or their enjoying (if it's still going to be possible) ... a place they like to hang-out.

    What the f*** are you trying to play here?

    You want to use ME, who you do NOT KNOW, to make some statement about this HOLY WIERDNESS

    I must embrace to put me in a more negative light than the freekin superstitious religious waybrained die-hard would cast on all of you anyway?

    I will not be your scape-goat.

    I'm just not you.

    I'm me.

    Dot is whoever the f*** she is...so is Ex, so is QQ...so is Vertical, so is AHAT, so is Bluzeman...let me see.

    What the .... is the matter with people here?

    You want to LABEL people STILL?

    Hell, I thought LABELLING sucked...before TWI and after.

    It sells you short.

    It is unfair to the other person.

    I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable about me Zix...I really am.

    I reached out to you last year, on your b'day thread after you offended ME even. After offending sexually violated women.

    I guess that makes me weak or crazy to you.

    That's foolish, on your part.

    I would not have said this before, or in public, but when you want to draw attention to me, in an unflatterring way, for NO GOOD REASON, I'm going to read your beans.

    Get OVER IT, ZIX

    You are a smart Guy with issues like everyone else.

    Quit trying to make a spectacle of somebody else.

    All fingers point back to you...what you can and cannot do.

    Same with EVERY ~ F****** ~ body else.

    If I'm so f*****-up, and I'm here, what the f*** are you doing here?

    Same goes with every one else.

    This is not OUR living rooms.

    Our house.

    Geesh...get real.

    Inadequacies show through.






    Strengths do.

    You make way too much of me Zix.

    I do not deserve it.

    Read between the lines.

    The next time you want to use me to make a lame point, I'll be in your face again too!

    Last year I was too ill.

    This year, well, my manicures at 3:00.

    I guess I've gone too far, seeing you are not a forgiving person...but I guess the proof is in the pudding.

    Because we don't know or understand someone...doesn't make them bad.

    This is what I do not understand about TWI's influences over others today.

    We know better.

    Why does diffference matter?


    (I hate being angry...It's my problem, this time I'm NOT laughing )

    [This message was edited by Ginger Tea on September 23, 2003 at 10:19.]

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