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Everything posted by sharon

  1. I really stink I thought it was Babes in Arms.
  2. Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night. Raf-I was 2 ;)-->
  3. ok deal me in.. please remember Sunday is Mom day~~~~~~~~~
  4. sharon

    Gay Teenagers

    Jonny & Galen I have 3 sons, and they are babies the oldest being just 10, but the girls are already calling hime..scares the .... outa me, I actually called one of the girls mothers and asked her to control her daughter (phone was ringing at 9:30 at night!! son has 8:30 bedtime) the mother of this young lady, laughed off my concerns, wonder if she'll be laughing when her daughter comes home pregnant? Sexuality is hard on all parents, teaching them self respect and discipline, is dificult at best, when faced with the daunting task of being so "diffferent" from the other parents makes it so much more daunting of a task. Every day I have to remind my children, that I am not Tommy or Susies mother, I am their mother and I do my best to raise them with love and compassion, for ALL people. I do that, because it is my humble, non-linear and childess opion that, this is how G-d, would want me to be. Trefor, How about Adam and Shumel, (I actually called my rabbi, as my Hebrew is not the best, but there is NO translation for Steve in the Hebrew language). If you walk in love on a daily a basis your children will learn love and then they will walk in love as well. Simplistic yes, childish perhaps, but G-dly absolutly.
  5. sharon

    Gay Teenagers

    Thank you Jonny Lingo, I needed that..
  6. sharon

    Gay Teenagers

    For the record I am very happily married to a man, and enjoy a wonderful life with with him. Did I once disagee with the statement G-d created Adam and Eve? Wait, did I ever once say that I approve or disapprove of homosexuality? My question was never about my attitudes toward homosexuality, my question was about a parents love.
  7. sharon

    Gay Teenagers

    Jerry, First, your right the graphic and language where not necessary, and disrespectful, I have edited accordingly. you say- "You, who have been arguing that homosexuality is not sinful, quoted Genesis 1:31" I'm confused at what point did I quote Genesis? I quoted Bere**** 1:31, different book, I would never presume to change your source don't change mine. The Torah is not just the first 5 books of the bible. Please do not pressume to change it. I am sorry that you felt my contribution to the conversation wasn't up to your standards. you say- Sharon do us all a favor and learn to have a linear conversation. Simply because you phrase your words, politely you seriously cannot expect that to be percieved as anything but rude. I have not once commented on my personal or my religious beliefs on the subject, I was just facinated by your hard nose attitude. you say- a LOT of things I would not "accept" from one of my children and announcing that he or she is in love with someone of the same gender is just one of them. Remember I asked Galen the same question his response (he also disagrees wiith homosexuality) Galen says: Would I prefer that he get a good education, a solid career, and most of all a smart capable wife? Certainly. But no matter what our children do in their lives, we will still love them. If I was looking for parental guidance I sure would prfer Galen's to yours. I was under the misconeption that the forums where for open discussion that would allow for sharing and learning, not a place to have someone attempt to shame them. you say- The logic and eloquence of your arguments are absolutely withering. I was not arguing at any point I just wanted an answer to a question. An argument as defined by Websters is: a reason given in proof or rebuttal b : discourse intended to persuade At what point did I do either of those things, the only thing that I did was to ask you a question, that if you did not want to answer you could have either, told me you weren't going to answer, or ignmore me. Instead you feel the need to be self-righteous, I wonder why? I bet is I'd brought cookies to your Pfal class you'd thrown me out as well.
  8. What a she's a very lucky lady and i'm certain he's a lucky man..course if he found my song i'd really praise him.. now i'm off to my corner as i came in to your house and made my self a little to comftorable and other people have things to say
  9. oh course he is with his beautiful song for Carol bet he even remember's their anniversary
  10. correct here as well... take it away and for Raf's sake bring it back to the present.. -->
  11. Chatty, I still think Rhett and Scarlett got back together, so don't worry I am such the "White Horse and handsome stranger" kind of girl.. geeze when I got married the 2nd time I did it at the Plaza in NY. because of Eloise :)-->, romance is a Wonderful thing.. and Pirate of course you are correct.
  12. ahh Ingrid Bergman in Anastasia.. Yul Brenner was in it as well. as for mine, think of my hero Johnny Fontane was based on this.
  13. Kathy, If they don't have that one might I recommenend this one: I never knew it could be like this.
  14. From Here to Eternity Frank Sinatra Ocean's Eleven
  15. oh who could forget Audrey Hepburn...and the 1st is so much better, back at you: I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns, and I hate all my underwear too.
  16. listened to the daddy song...loved it!! can't seem to get that one song...
  17. and pretty blue boxes we do like the same movies!!!
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