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Posts posted by jardinero

  1. Speaking of disproportionate reporting, my favorite columnist, Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times appears to "get it". For your Sunday reading enjoyment:

    Advocates of 'proportion' are just unbalanced - August 6, 2006

    Here's a teaser for those who don't want to read the entire column (but worth the read, IMO):

    "Disproportion" is the concept of the moment. Do you know how to play? Let's say 150 missiles are lobbed at northern Israel from the Lebanese village of Qana and the Israelis respond with missiles of their own that kill 28 people. Whoa, man, that's way "disproportionate."

    But let's say you're a northwestern American municipality -- Seattle, for example -- and you haven't lobbed missiles at anybody, but a Muslim male shows up anyway and shoots six Jewish women, one of whom tries to flee up the stairs, but he spots her, leans over the railing, fires again and kills her. He describes himself as "an American Muslim angry at Israel" and tells 911 dispatchers: ''These are Jews. I want these Jews to get out. I'm tired of getting pushed around, and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East.''

    Well, that's apparently entirely "proportionate," so "proportionate" that the event is barely reported in the American media, or (if it is) it's portrayed as some kind of random convenience-store drive-by shooting. Pamela Waechter's killer informed his victims that "I'm only doing this for a statement," but the world couldn't be less interested in his statement, not compared to his lawyer's statement that he's suffering from "bipolar disorder.'' And the local FBI guy, like the Mounties in Toronto a month or so back, took the usual no-jihad-to-see-here line. ''There's nothing to indicate it's terrorism related,'' said Special Assistant Agent-In-Charge David Gomez. In America, terrorism is like dentistry and hairdressing: It doesn't count unless you're officially credentialed.

    On the other hand, when a drunk movie star gets pulled over and starts unburdening himself of various theories about "f---ing Jews," hold the front page! That is so totally "disproportionate" it's the biggest story of the moment. The head of America's most prominent Jewish organization will talk about nothing else for days on end, he and the media too tied up dealing with Mel Gibson's ruminations on "f---ing Jews" to bother with footling peripheral stories about actual f---ing Jews murdered for no other reason than because they're f---ing Jews.

    On the other other hand, when the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, announces that if Jews "all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide,'' that's not in the least "disproportionate.'' When President Ahmadinejad of Iran visits Malaysia and declares, apropos Lebanon, that "although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented," well, that's just a bit of mildly overheated rhetoric prefacing what's otherwise a very helpful outline of a viable peace process: (Stage One) Please don't keep degrading our infrastructure until (Stage Two) we've got the capacity to nuke you.

  2. Just to keep the multiple RumRunner threads straight and up to date, Rummie posted this Sat. night:

    I'm OK - thanks. I just have swelleing in both legs that is supposed to be going down. It's stable but not descreasing in one leg and increasing in the other. Spent some time with feet elevated aboe chest last night and things are a little better this AM but MD told me if it is not down on Monday to come in. Nothing to worry about at this point. It just keeps me less than mobile.

    Thanks all for your prayers - I'm fine on this end.



    Well, be less mobile, but let the swelling go down, will ya? Hope all is well by Monday.


  3. Thanks, TheHighway ~

    Wow, moral relativism at its best.

    Not that it wasn't practiced all along (such as in our society at large, methinks)...and actively in twi, but just hadn't heard the "official" teaching on this as barfed out by lcm.



  4. Bliss wrote:

    I was so thrilled the day LCM announced that sex before marriage was NOT SIN. I was at the Indiana Campus at the time, and so excited about this "new revelation"

    Bliss: he actually taught this publically???? Did other leaders also? (I mean, I know they did in practice, but as "new revelation"?) When was this?


  5. :offtopic: Waysider:

    Nope. House built on a slab, so no root celler. This is the first year I've NOT had a veggie garden. Was too busy, but did grow some beautiful wild flowers this year that are all in bloom and about 6 new hostas and a few day lillies :)

    Simon - - :biglaugh:


  6. Excie ~

    I think that's the hardest thing for a lot of people to reconcile. We had a new gal show up in chat the other night. Young gal who's dad was an early leader and she was asking a lot of questions - - like - - was it like this? was it like that?

    My answer? Depended on what city, state, country you were in and on what day, full moon, or year, or decade. Depended on whim, willies, witches and what else? ;)

    The inconsistencies - - to the sweetest of people who were the salt of the earth - - was the most difficult. For toughened street folk who didn't buy into some of the crap (later on), we'd just say PFFFFFFFFFFT and move on. But it really bothered many of us too.

    The two-facedness, the hyposcrisy, the out and out deception.




    Geez..............what is it you people don't get about OM, anyway? The guy only want's to argue. He has absolutely no interest in anything you have to say. He has no intention of ever removing the rose colored glasses. Certainly not worth the tapping on the keyboards to respond to him on these threads.

    Move on. They eventually shut up when they don't get the attention.


  8. I watched CNN in the morning this week and a few other stations who seem OBSESSED with the Gibson story while this one seems to have gotten rather underreported:

    The Seattle shooter who killed one woman and shot five other women in the stomach, Naveed Afzal Haq (I know - - it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as Mel Gibson's name), after declaring he was a "Muslim American" who was "angry with Israel" has been charged (today) with 9 felony counts including murder, hate crimes and kidnapping.

    Not trying to get this thread bumped down to the Political threads, but just seemed a tad out of balance to me.

    But, that's just me.


  9. Happy Birthday to my favorite "bird lady" ;)

    May this be a start of a new year of adventure and peac for you, my friend.

    Hugs ~


  10. Welcome to GSC, Nowgrown.

    I was at RC at the same time as your first year, as my family was F11 (as are a few others who post here). Our oldest son was 8-10 years old while we were there, so I probably was around you in Children's Fellowship and no doubt know your parents.

    Happily, as far as I've been able to determine, most of our Corps left twi shortly before or after graduation, though I've heard a few who stayed in a little longer or migrated over to ex-twi splinter groups.

    Glad to hear you got out and on with your life. Happy reading and posting.


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