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Posts posted by jardinero

  1. I scum to the Jardinero alone ...

    Tommy2Ts - - I didn't know you were bilingual international scum! lol

    and my dear StrangeOne - - I do believe our western IL farmer friend is correct - - it's wine at nine, or at least that's when we start drinking in Chat, so y'all come join us now, hear?

    and scum brother of mine, Brother T-Bonehead - - so solly to awaken the sleeper program and send you back into relapse mode - - god, did we really say that crap????? :confused:

    and Goey darlin - - we'll take your kinda slime doing our bidding any day!


  2. Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu, Joji!

    To our resident (and favorite) curmudgeon. May you have many "happy endings" to keep you smiling in the years to come :biglaugh::dance:

    Sometimes we forget to say nice things to people until their special day, but I know many of us really appreciate your wit, appreciation of other cultures and the general onoriness you bring to the cafe.

    Thanks for being you! :drink: Kanpai!


  3. 'Tis that time of year it seems. We've just had 4 or 5 dads from our office out at their respective Scout Camps, too.

    Hope you have nice weather and Andrew earns all his badges. :)

    Have fun, Ron! :wave:


  4. Actually this isn't about the Cartoon Wars, but I thought it was funny that South Park received an Emmy Nod for their episode poking at Tom Cruise in "Trapped in the Closet":

    Tom Cruise's Least Fave 'South Park' Episode Up For Emmy

    LOS ANGELES (July 6, 2006) -- One of the Emmy nominees for best animated program is the episode of "South Park" that's said to have angered Tom Cruise and Isaac Hayes.

    The episode called "Trapped in the Closet" implies that Cruise is gay and makes fun of Scientology.

    Cruise's fellow Scientologist Isaac Hayes reportedly quit because he was upset with the episode. And when it came time to rerun it, Cruise allegedly called Comedy Central and demanded that it be pulled. It was, even though Cruise's people denied he asked for it.

    Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  5. I thought I'd add a couple of thoughts from a post I made over a year ago on an old thread entitled "VPW, Cancer and Gartmore". This is talking about the opening night of our first year in residence Family Corps XI, August 1984. I think you'll see a little perspective of his concerns for some of his pet programs in my post. This is just months before he died and he was already quite ill:

    Back to opening night of our Corps. John welcomes us and then turns it over to vp. VP looks around and then what we heard next confirmed a lot of growing concerns we had been harboring about the ministry, but only discussed in private. He was serious, somber and by the tone of his voice, we could tell, this was going to be something very “heavy”. He looked old, tired and for many of us, it was the first time we had seen him up close and personal since he had gotten the fake eye. VP tells us that he had been concerned about the direction of the Way Corps for some time. It had really gotten away from the original intent and heart - - and he was going to see to it that it had a chance to change. He told us that “none of those guys” at HQ listened to him any more. He was “out of the loop” and was not consulted any more on decisions that were being made. “Well, I overrode everyone on this and just did it.” He said that he had hand-picked John and Mary Ann to come here and run this thing - - and if John will listen, there will be a Way Corps program again.

    I can’t remember everything he talked about, nor am I one of those diary freaks - - but the gist of the rest of what he discussed centered around the work program. The program, he said, had become too academic - - and made some implication about Don W’s influence on that. A big part of the Corps program needed to be the work program, he said. If people didn’t learn the discipline of hard work, then they’d never be able to “work the word.” So he felt like this was a good place to start over. With the Family Corps. And he said - - and it’s probably not for you guys - - but for your kids. He talked up Greg and Cindy Bernardini a bit - - particularly Cindy - - and said that it was for the kids that this program had to continue - - “if the Word was ever going to live past this generation.”

    O.K. Pregnant pause here. Our heads were swimming. This was heavy. No one listened to our beloved Dr. Wierwille? [Flashback to that ROA and a comment Don had made that ****** off hubby royally. He said something about the staff at HQ being the “true” corps. The staff were the spiritual ones who were keeping the Word alive. Not all the believers and Corps on the field!]The Corps program was screwed up? (Well, duh! We coulda told you that! He had just confirmed everything we had been seeing for the past number of years on the field!) John H. was “hand picked”? For us? Boy did we feel like we were spiritual going in when we did! Ha!

    I honestly can’t remember anything John said that night. I know he pretty much, as his manner would be for the remainder of the year, deferred to vp. If vp was there, John didn’t say much. If vp was gone, we could expect John to be short, direct and pointed.

    Another post was from my recollection of a SNS hookup we attended just prior to this time (would have been the summer of 1984), shortly after VP had suffered an almost never discussed stroke:

    We had been very concerned about vpw, as one Sunday during our apprentice year, we had the whole branch over our house for a SNS phone hook up on which vpw was the teacher. What we heard after he was announced was shocking and disturbing. VPW was teaching alright, but was slurring and speaking so slowly - - it caused all us loyal wayfers lots of concern and alarm. This was no Drambuie slur. This sounded like he had had a stroke. I don’t know the name of the teaching but it was something about the tribe of Chad -- - maybe one of you remembers that one. Odd thing to us. No one talked about it. No mention of any illness. No comment from vp about being under the weather. Nothing. Just left us hanging and speculating - - and very alarmed about our “father in the Word”’s health.

    Anyway, just some thoughts to throw into the mix. I don't think people really realized just how sick he was during the 83-85 time frame. Could have impacted his decision to talk, confront, or not to - - depending on how he felt.


  6. Well, I use purple, because I like it. And I use larger fonts because it's easier for ME to read. Sorry you find it annoying, but feel free to skip any and all of my posts - - it won't bother me in the least. :)

    Also, I'm on a computer all day at work and receive, write and respond to nearly 100 emails a day, so on my off time - - I like a little variety.

    Funny the things people get annoyed by. I get annoyed when the checker at the grocery store changes the register tape just before he/she rings me up. Not too much else annoys me these days...

    oh yeah, except loud people before I've had sufficient coffee :biglaugh:

    Viva le difference!


  7. Very interesting questions indeed, Scout.

    My first impression upon reading through them is to comment that the very thought that you are reassessing where you are, asking those questions and giving some thought to the possibility that "there's more" out there is a good sign.

    Many people hit mid-life (I'm 51) without much forward thinking, considering, assessing and get totally "blindsided" by it and become poster children for the person who has the affair or, buys the red Porsche or, quits the company after 20 years, or is surprised that women really do change through menopause.

    Many of my own life changes happened in my 40s also and I've spent the last 7 years since finding myself (as a single again, a single mom, back in school for a bit, in a new career, in a new state, home, group of friends, etc.). My own parents both died when I was in my 20s, but my oldest sister died a couple of years ago and I'm still recovering from that one.

    I think the questions are very healthy, and I agree - - some posts here do tend to jar my thinking in a good way. A number of us here will tell you that journaling is a wonderful tool to use during this type of journey - - both to begin articulating what might be the forumulation and/or elaboration of an excellent thought, creative idea, self assessment, self debate, etc. It's also a great tool to measure change, progress, successes, etc. as you look back in a couple of years and can see actual milestones you've accomplished (or not).

    But for the roadmap? I find comfort in talking to older women, my aging relatives, reading, reading, reading which I find to be some replacement for the wisdom I might have gleaned from parents. But I agree - - often life just is what it is and there's no roadmap, or enough preparation that really helps in the tough areas.

    The natural changes of aging are very real however, and if you are one of the many men (and women) who are somewhat ignorant of those changes (despite 50 being the new 40 attitudes), I would encourage you to read and understand the changes you have, are and will got through physically as you kick and scream and moan and groan and ache through the aging process. That will help you separate the physical from some of the very real emotional challenges you are no doubt handling right now (and sorry to hear about your parents, btw).

    Good questions! Keep at it. I'll be interested to read all other other 50-somethings chime in.


  8. L ~

    So sorry to hear about Buddy, though it sounds like he was with his beloved family right to the end. Such a hard thing to lose such a good pet like Buddy. I'm sure your hearts ache.

    Love to you both ~


  9. Hi Ploem ~

    There are at least 3 of us here who were there (as adults) when you were there in 85-86 (me, Tonto and T-Bone). My oldest son was in 3rd grade when you were there and I knew most of the teens, so probably know you and your sister.

    Welcome to the Cafe. Hope to see you around. Let me know if you have any questions.


  10. Oh, Dot - - I started on House right from the beginning and I love the show! When you work in corporate America, you develop a very jaded view of the world, so he says the things I can't get away with.

    Now, though, it's on the same time as Boston Legal and as much as I'm not a William Shatner fan, I LOVE his character and James Spader - - OMG - - he is deliciously carnal. I absolutely cannot miss the last 5 minutes of brandy, cigar smoking and their wrap up. The BEST on T.V. imho. Oh, yeah. I was shocked when Candace Bergen joined the cast, but oh, haven't they given her some great scripts! Yummy like reading trashy novels when I travel and can shut out the business for a good dose of humanity spun well for entertainment :)

    And my other trashy fav is Gray's Anatomy - - only cuz Dr. McDreamy (in real life) is an Indy car owner and I have to support the local economy!!!! Great writing. My entire young staff at work is hooked on Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy, so we have to open all of our Monday staff meetings with the review or fill in if one of us missed something. What a hoot! :biglaugh:


  11. Oh ((((((((((((likeaneagle)))))))))))))) how very sad that all is. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a heartbreaking thing like that. How trying to have to choose loyalties like that and find yourself in such a no win situation. I hope your heart will heal with enough time, but these people are lunatics! I'm glad you have control over your life again. And we all are here so that people like your ex-fiance will get out in due time and heal.


  12. Linda, that's cuz of all the NY Times crossword puzzles the boy does so he can use words like "nomothetic" in a sentence (big showoff! - - ;)).

    J. :biglaugh:

  13. Hap, Hap, Hap!!!!

    What wonderful news. Our God is so good.

    Thanks for the "peek" into such a heartwrenching, yet tender drama.

    I'm so happy this morning for all of you and particularly Chacos & Bryan!

    J. :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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