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Radar OReilly

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Posts posted by Radar OReilly

  1. Thank you all so much for the kind wishes. My 49th birthday is tomorrow, I am trying not to feel to old.

    I have a wonderful weekend planned with my mom, "my guy" and our combined pack of dogs :confused:

    It will include lots of fun, cuddling in front of the fireplace and of course NASCAR!!!!!!

    I am very thankful for gsc and each of you. You are all incredibly important to me, and mean more to me than you will ever realize.



  2. Exxie,

    Google, CHOLESTORAL MYTHS.........then google, "lipitor, thief of memory."

    Those to sites will explain alot of things to you.


  3. 1. What time is it: 8:15 p.m.

    2. Name: :dance:

    3. Nickname: none that I can share with ya'll :nono5:

    4. Piercings: one hole in each ear

    5. Recent Movie: The Bob Marley Documentary

    6. Eye color: blue

    7. Place of birth: Covington KY

    8. Favorite food: Gallo Salami with Sour Dough bread & red wine

    9. Ever been toilet papering? of course

    10. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes

    Ever hate someone so much it made you cry? not that I can recall

    11. Been in a car accident: in High school, does that count?

    12. Favorite day of the week: I don't have one

    13. Favorite restaurants: The Oceanic and The Blue Crab Grille here in Wilmington NC

    14. Favorite Flowers: roses, all colors, shapes and sizes

    15. Favorite sports to watch: football and nascar

    16. Favorite Drink: nonalcoholic: Diet Coke; alcoholic: white wine

    17. Favorite ice cream: champagne sherbert

    18. Disney or Warner Brothers: WB

    19. Favorite fast food restaurant: Hardees

    20. What color is your bedroom carpet: blue-grey

    21. How many times you failed your driver's test? 0

    22. Winter, summer, spring or fall: fall

    23. Which store would you choose to Max out your credit card: Pier 1 or Lowes Home Improvement

    4. What do you like to do when you are most bored: watch old movies with my dogs

    25. Bedtime: whenever I want

    26. Favorite TV shows: Live trials on Court TV, the history channel or A&E

    27. Last person you went to dinner with: Matt

    28. Ford or Chevy: Mazda

    29. What are you listening to right now? History International special on Bog Bodies

    30. How many tattoos do you have: not in this lifetime

    31. How many pets do you own: 1 pug, 1 yorkie

    32. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? A question for the ages....personally, I prefer deviled eggs

  4. :asdf: Ya;ll are frustrating me here...........(NOT BAD FOR A TRANSPLANTED SUTHNER;))

    Okay, I don't care if you like football or not...........I want your recipes and menu ideas for a huge "private bash." You pick the sport, superbowl, world series, stanley cup, wimbledon, olympics (summer, winter who gives a "f")

    Come on you guys.............get outside of your "nine dots" will ya? :unsure: :blink: :biglaugh:


  5. She may have been the "woman behind the man" while he was alive............but over the past 40 years...she has been a monument to human dignity in her own right.

    Coretta Scott King..........a woman after God's own heart.


  6. This coming sunday is Superbowl Sunday..........next to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, one of the holiest days of the year :blink:

    How are you going to spend it? And if you are having a Superbowl Party for a crowd, or a romantic twosome........how do you plan to spend it......and more importantly.......WHAT IS ON THE MENU??????

    Please include recipes ;)



    OH BY THE WAY..........if you have a big screen tv............you PROBABLY won't be having a romantic superbowl encounter..........and forget "foreplay" or anyother play at 1/2 time :asdf::asdf::asdf:

  7. WB :wave:

    I don't have that recipe anymore but you are right, it was totally yummy. I remember talking to him about cooking lamb one time, my lamb stews never tasted like I wanted them too. He said the number one key to having lamb dishes taste EXCELLENT was to by the freshest, best cut of lamb you can get.....even for lamb stew.

    Let me keep looking.


  8. In reading these responses, I feel that it was the mindset of the student not the teacher that determined how they learned the lesson.

    I personally heard that the followers of the way were to be treated as god's heritage, and so, that is how I treated them. I do remember other more "financially motivated" descriptions. but I remember thinking to myself, "what a dildo so and so is to say that."

    NOW, if you want to discuss what was TAUGHT, and what was LIVED by the teachers........that is another whole story. :realmad:


    which reminds me ......I would rather SEE a sermon than HEAR one any day.

    Here is the edit....it is more of an afterthought..........

    While I personally had thoughts of "that is so screwed up you dildo.........." and went on with my twi "training" :blink: , there were many people (such as my dearest soul friend and mate) that said "F...U and I am outta here." I personally never even considered that option. I was completely bamboozeled, and believed that the stupid dildo teaching me was just having a bad day, or was one of a few bad apples.

    I in no way mean to degrade people that behaved like I did or in other ways..........it is just my personal feeling.


  9. I would like to catch up with Dave and Kim McNabney. The last I heard they were in Colorado Springs while Dave fulfilled his Air Force thing. His mom is Barb that used to work at the Way Corps Chalet, he grew up in or around Indiana University.

    Anyone help me?


  10. Hills.........

    I just need to warn you of one hitch in having a killer tv and killer satellite programming (can you say SUNDAY TICKET?????)

    EVERYONE YOU KNOW WILL WANT TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE!!! People that barely know you will stop by when their team is playing.........and dont plan on any half time quickies........someone you know will definitely show up unannounced..............

    Just ask........Justloafing :o


  11. The last time I heard/saw Amy was in the Indianapolis area.........but that was a number of years ago. Carole and Bruce Naylor divorced quite a while ago, but I think he maybe still in Florida. Carole is up in the panhandle of Florida @ the Destin area....last time I talked to her.

    Happy hunting, if you find them Al..........please give them my best, and my email ;)


  12. ACT2,

    Please.........I in no way meant to bitch or complain about anything.....or anyone said. It is just ME........I personally have a problem about anyone other than bot/bod and total twi heavies being named.

    Like you........I have WONDERFUL memories of people, times and situations.

    These are trying times.........we are all walking on either quicksand or clouds. Forgive me if I hurt your feelings.


  13. Buck,

    How did this thread end up being about YOU?????????????

    I completely and TOTALLY disagree with naming names here on Gspot......other than twi trustees<bod, bot and very public corps cordinators, etc. (in other words.....the old waydale guidelines.) HOWEVER........if people are going to name names.......and the gspot admin agrees.....so be it. What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.........is how and why you made yourself a focus point of the thread.

    Please...........go back and read the thread from the title to present.........AND STOP PERSONALIZING the fricking thing. People have the right to their own thoughts and feelings. They are entitled to their own points of view.......stop picking on people for feeling the way they do. Over the past few years.......I dont remember anyone picking on you for speaking your own mind and vocalizing your own thoughts.


  14. The original/first reading----revelation (vomit) of Passing of the Patriarch, was Wednesday, April 23rd, 1986.

    At the time I was working at the twi hq swb.......I will remember that night........every day for the rest of my life.

    Years ago........I did a thread/essay on Passing of the Patriarch........A Night that will live in Infamy. You can find it in the archives.........maybe some kind soul will pull out the the link ;)

    My own personal opinion..........it is mine alone, but I do believe that current and past followers of TWI, need to hear this info.......to make their own decision.


  15. I am back.......and slightly less nostalgic <_<

    The first actual fellowship I attended was with Joyce Derr Carr, now awaiting the return, a loss that I have yet to come to terms with.

    When we first attended "Way" meetings (the term twig hadnt been invented yet) the meetings were full of teens and the "old people" were like Jim and Kit and Fred........barely in their 20s. The meetings were full of wide eyed wonder.........and thankfulness that we had been called out from before the foundation of the world. We hung out as friends and as "believers."

    What Joyce and I DID NOT KNOW........was that there was an entire parallel universe of fellowships in Alameda that were being coordinated by Jerry Carr.......that had split from TWI during the Dopp/Heefner split....over the consolidation of the "ministry" and the sending of the abs to "headquarters." We were constantly told that "someday" we would take the PFAL CLASS.........but it wasnt available right now.

    THE REASON that it wasn't available was because VPW/HQ had banned the pfal class in the Way West for at least one year while they figured out the Dopp/Heefner/Carr issue. Joyce and her sister Jeanne and I (who were best friends way before twi) and I waited patiently to be allowed to take pfal. You cannot imagine our shock the first time we met the entire OTHER half OF THE WAY WEST!!! VPW reconciled with Carr and others and all of a sudden we were one big happy family fellowship..............they had finally agreed on where the ABS was to be sent.

    Jim.........Kit.......SOCKS...more to offer?


    been there..........done that..........have the WAY WEST t shirt to prove it.

  16. Belle,

    One of the most cherished gifts I ever received was from a dear, dear friend.......who thank God, was nbw. He lived in Seattle, I lived in DC........but he knew that I grew up in the SF bay area. He was at an auction and found an original 1904 book (really......published in 1904~!!!) book about SF China Town, complete with pictures. The book has pictures of places in it that I can actually recognize...they look the same today........100 years and ONE GREAT EARTHQUAKE later.

    I know that my friend didn't pay that much for it.........but it means the world to me. I have it displayed proudly in a place I can look at one hundred times a day.

    I guess what I am saying.........you will know the perfect gift when you see it, or think of it.........your heart is to find the one thing that will touch him........and REALLY mean something to him :wub:

    It is out there dear one!


  17. This is a tough one for me. Are my memories the way they REALLY WERE, in the mind of a 13 and 14 year old girl? or are they the recollections of a now middle aged woman remembering her childhood?

    I went to my first twi meeting on 12-31-1970.........it was called THE WAY PRESENTS.........it was held in Oakland CA. I attended, but I was only in the 8th grade. A few weeks later, I went to our family's cabin up in the Sierra Nevada mountains and met some pentecostals. They talked to me about the need to be born again and to speak in tongues. In September of 71, I started high school and met some other kids.....within a matter of months, we would all be head over heels involved in The Way. It was not yet called TWI.

    My earliest memories of the Way were like Jim's........(HI JIM!!!!), I am from Alameda too!~

    My early memories may be true or not true........but they are mine. We were mostly in High School .......or recently out, or some of us were "ancient" like Jim and Kit..........oh geeze........all of 20 or 21.

    I think what I am saying.........for people such as my self........now 48 and out of twi of 6 years on this coming Thursday (happy anniversary to me!!).........our lives have been complicated. How do we disect where our own life memories and history stop........where do our cult lives begin........how do we seperate them.......how do we begin to make sense of it all?


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