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Radar OReilly

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Posts posted by Radar OReilly

  1. :asdf:

    TJ......the scourge of Gunnison.........HELL YES.

    Tom Jenk**son was as close to the devil himself that I ever want to come. Toadfriend was extremely generous in her post, evidence of how much deliverance that she has had since she left twi.

    I don't know what the earlier corps experienced at Gunnison.........but I know that the 12th and 13th corps were close to sacrificial lambs there. To this day, I can't stand to drive thru the state, or even fly over it. TJ was maniacal, and an idolator......but I don't think he was an adulterer. He was mean, brutal and cruel and his oversight of the camp has colored my entire view of the state of Colorado to this day.....(okay, so maybe I need counseling :blink: )

    Ya'll want to know more.......ask me privately, or Toadfriend or Al Poole or just about any 13th corps person ever in residence there, unless they are with the Mahone/Jenkinson Group in DC. When I lived in DC, Bruce's wife Pam (also thirteenth corps) called me and invited me to a meeting that Jenkie was teaching at.......I flat out asked her........."If I hated to hear him teach when we were in residence.......WHY ON EARTH WOULD I WANT TO HEAR HIM NOW>???????????"

    Oh Gosh.........now I am in a really bad mood :evildenk:


  2. But Oldies.........

    HE WASNT STANDING ON THE WORD............and we all know that now. So, in other words, the people that left after the letter were correct in their surmisings. And the idiots like myself and a number of my close friends were wrong by "standing" with him and enabling his evil actions and black heart.


  3. Bob Ed Wierwille and his sister Annely Skapura are the children of Reuben Wierwille and his first wife. Bob Ed's wife, Marsha is Donna Randall's daughter. In other words, old twi royalty :unsure:

    Bob Ed is a good old boy, that worked on safety for years, his wife is a school teacher that has never REEALLYYY been involved in twi in any great capacity.


  4. hmmmmmmmm,

    This one is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY CLEAR.........

    The prostitutes should be paid by the state to service the disabled. That way, the hookers are off welfare, and the disabled have healthy trained "therapists."

    IN OTHER WORDS...........WTF????????

    Mark........you need a more constructive hobby!!!!! But you know how much I adore you ;)


  5. Awww come on Pirate....we are on high ground a wh on 1/4 from the Cape Fear. According to County records....we didnt flood during Fran or Floyd. Pack up the Missus and come to the beach for a hurricane party. nono5.gif


  6. Just an observation......

    The last known sighting of lcm....made by anyone I have spoken with personally.....

    Lcm was bald as a bowling ball and was sporting the shaved head look. I was not able to confirm whether or not he had a pierced ear. confused.gif


  7. So, Raf.....

    Ophelia is scheduled to come ashore here in Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach NC.

    I have my deck furniture packed up and put away, $110.00 worth of batteries, enough to fuel battery operated flashlights, tvs and fans. Lots of ice, water, wine, supplies and pet food. Want to stop by here on your way home....just so you don't miss the experience? wink2.gif;)-->


  8. JKBoehme....welcome to gspot and thank you for the well thought out....if REALLY LONG post confused.gif

    You are 100 percent right on in you remarks, but a bit toooooooooo much for one post (imo.)

    Preparing for the Allen suit against twi....I remember having a conversation with their attorney, Larry Levy. His main concern with twi policies, procedures and practices was their complete and total, UNDUE INFLUENCE (actual legally accepted term) in the lives of their followers.

    Undue influence includes, abortion under duress, divorce under duress, financial support under duress, and among others, familial abandonment under duress.

    For those posters that conclude that actions taken without an PHYSICAL GUN to your head do not equate to REAL gun to your head.....ya'll need to look into the legalities of coercion and blackmail.

    Thanks for bringing these points up JKB.....you are new and dont seem to have a dog in this fight, maybe your input will bring some new understanding.


  9. Dovlet was a woman that touched me deeply with love and concern.....when others barely had time for me. She always had time to chat and share and minister.

    To her family.......Sandi was very beloved to many .....her heart, her care, her understanding, her longsuffering. I know I shared but the tip of the ice-berg. Thank you for sharing her with me.

    With great thankfulness.......


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