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Radar OReilly

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Posts posted by Radar OReilly

  1. Abi,

    I agree with you 100%. The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds.

    Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. With technology as it is today, it would not be that hard to classify them seperately. People that prey upon and abuse children as one type, people that prey upon and abuse adults as a different classification.

    I am an adult, if you have followed waydale and gspot, you may know that I am a rape victim...

    but I was an adult when I was victimized. As horrible for me as it was....I was an adult. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a child.

    Our minds, our lives, our ability to think and reason are different as we mature. The scars on child victims must be unbelievable.

    We as Americans need to really get tough.....demand things from our lawmakers. They need to outline legal perameters for offenders against children and adults......it is something that we as Americans have the right to expect.


  2. Bev eventually married Tom Be*nner, 6th corps. I think you can find a site for him somewhere.


    Oh yeah, her folks are in the Oakland CA telephone book...R & J Ander*on....good luck. That album brings back great memories of my high school years.

  3. Remember the line from twi...Our lives are not our own? We have been bought with a price?????

    Somewhere deep in my soul, I believe those two lines are true.....but NOT in the sense that twi taught or advocated them.

    I DO BELIEVE, that I have been bought with a price, and that Jesus Christ does "expect" things from me.

    What I DO NOT BELIEVE, is that my fellowship with the Father depends on my completing some wierd doctrine decided upon by a man here on earth.

    Nowadays, I truly FOLLOW MY HEART. If my neighbor needs groceries, I show up at their door with left overs. If they need cash for their kids at Christmas......last year I bought Walmart gift cards and left them in their mail box.

    My mom works for the United Way.....this Christmas a family moved to town right before the holidays without a cent. We *adopted* them.

    One of the things I hated most about twi was the judgmental "designer cause" line that lcm spouted.

    The Man in the Mirror? I just want to face her and know that I have been honest in my heart.


  4. He was not:

    1. Concerned about the "average believer," he could have cared less. As long as whoever the person was in line with him, he was okay, if not.....he could care less.

    2. He was NOT, compassionate towards any human that could not live up to his dictates.

    3. He was NOT, respectful of other human beings lives. Married, single, it didnt matter to him whose lives he destroyed.

    4. He IS NOT, worthy of the tears I have cried or the nightmares I have had.


  5. Jonny.....

    Hi guy (smooches).....this may be a topic for another thread, but something you said made me want to ask you this question.

    You said that your wife told you about her encounter with LCM, and how she handled it AFTER the two of you had left twi.

    There are scores of marriages that have ended because of this man and his lecherous ways. I have spoken at great length with a few (ExTwi for example).

    I know and have talked to a bunch of women that have been "victims" of spiritual/sexual abuse, and the ramifications are endless in their lives,even up until today.

    Here at Greasespot we often talk about the women that were victimized by spiritual/sexual abuse and the effect it has had on their lives. To my knowledge, we dont speak of the effect it has had on their partners and marriages.

    I remember a few years back, we had a poster come barreling in....his wife had been diagnosed with a form of genital warts....and they had been married for many, many years. She was finally forced to admit to him that the former pres of twi had ALLEDGEDLY forced her to have sex with him. The man was crushed. I often think of him and pray for him and his entire family.

    Jonny, what would you had done if you had known earlier about the incident you described? What would you have done if you had already been married to Mrs. Lingo? This is a question that weighs heavy on me. Do we need to start another thread?


  6. Exxie,

    Roanoke is a cool town. Your friend will be fine there. I have some old business contacts if he/she needs a place to start looking for a job.

    The actual closest big town is Winston-Salem NC. They have a bunch of colleges, an opera and even some ballets. Your friend will be okay.

    Let me know if you have questions.


  7. Can any of you help answer some questions for me?

    Rob and Denise.....in? out? still married? Know how to reach them?

    Sid and Cass.....in? out? still married? Know how to reach them?

    btw....Mark Sanguinetti was a kick foot soccer player back in the day! wink2.gif;)--> If we ever have an all gspot reunion...love to see you all out there!!!


  8. Whether the Peelers win outright or settle it doesnt make a lick of difference to me.

    Every single cent that they have to pay out in settlement money and legal fees is money that they do not have to further spread their propoganda, and pay the salaries of their board of directors. nono5.gif


    Dmiller......check your private topics please

  9. Cindy,

    Don't for get the peace symbols on ANY and EVERY thing! Find some lava lamps icon_eek.gif at the flea market? And some frangipani or patchouli incense will make it feel just like Berkeley in the 60s confused.gif


  10. We had Hope's big 50th bash on Saturday night, and it was a HUGE success. John had the evening catered with an Italian menu, and we had decorated the house in an Italian bistro theme with the table cloths, candles and flowers, etc, there were 50+ people in attendance.

    The party was mostly their nbw friends, but there were some exways in attendance....me, Belle, Mr & mrs Royal George, Mr & Mrs. in4now/on2new (an old waydale poster)some local exways that don't do gspot and an 1&2nd corps couple that live in the area (I didn't ask them if I could use their name, so I won't.)

    We all had a blast! Most of the Richeson's nbw friends know at least a little bit about twi and they were great to visit with, but for me personally, this was the first time in a couple of years that I have been with exways, so I enjoyed myself. I would like to mention that Hope and John's older daughter and her boyfriend were AWESOME, they were invaluable in helping with set up, and clean up....Hope and John have raised two incredible girls.

    The party was a wonderful success, we wish you all could have been here with us!


  11. April 20th was Hope's 50TH birtday! She certainly is A GOLDEN WOMAN.

    We here at Greasespot and Waydale before it, owe her a huge thanks, she long with her husband have done so much towards EXPOSING TWI to the world, helping people decide to leave that wretched cult, and continue to help people leave and regain their lives up till today.

    I love her like crazy, and I for one hope this is the best year of her life SO FAR.

    That said, she and her husband are having a BIG party on Saturday night so that they can celebrate with their friends....and guess what? I arrived here in Tampa last night to help them celebrate! John invited me, and picked me up at the airport, I called Hope from their driveway and was asking her all about the party, and how her plans were coming along. As we were on the telephone, I walked in her bedroom and asked her "CAN I COME?" It was GREAT!! John and I were so happy that we actually managed to pull of the surprise.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOPE RICHESON! love3.giflove3.gif


  12. If Paw were God......

    Our families would all be happy and healthy.

    Twi would be closed down forever....and the proceeds would go to help fund counseling for exwayfers.

    Every cat in the world would have a happy, healthy home and would have their life filled with play time and catnip.



  13. A kind and gentle soul, a good man, a wonderful husband, a loving father died today.

    He never heard of twi, was never much of a church go-er, but a more loving and worthy human I have rarely met. He was close to 80, celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in December 04 and finally, succumbed to lung cancer.

    He will forever have a place in my heart....reserved for true heros.


  14. Oh Shell.....

    An experience I will never have...thanks for sharing it with me....and all of us.

    You are one awesome mama, and will be one kick foot grandma!!!



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