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Posts posted by bliss

  1. Hope, that is one reason we among others have stayed for so long..praying,hoping, wishing, Believing, that things will get back to "the way it was...". But from what I am hearing and learning, it never "was" good. Just what we individually experienced, esp in the beginning when we knew nothing, so learning anything from the bible was so cool, and everything was just hunky dory, until you got seasoned and expectations rose,and suddenly you are not enjoying the bible anymore. It is no longer cool information, you want more, your vain repitition is getting to you and you haven't seen any miracles.....shall i continue?

  2. Catcup,

    You nailed it, that is exactly the issue...hope. They blame "the people, not the product...". However I have come to realize, thanks much to all you Greasers out there, that the "product" has many flaws and needs blame. Do I blame God and the Word? Absolutely Not! But the "right division" from an organization that I started to elevate above God! Does any Christian bookstore have that book? I will check. Hubby needs it too.

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by Catcup:


    I applaud you for your courage in coming here and sorting things out in order to leave.

    One thing you might want to ponder, is that while The Way says they teach people to get rid of their fears, it is fear itself which keeps people bound to them.

    Those of your friends who say they are reluctant to leave because "there is nothing else out there" are actually bound by an irrational fear that there is nothing in life for them outside The Way International.

    I wonder how they might react if you pointed that out? Most of them are in deep denial. [They would never admit it is FEAR which keeps them bound to TWI, they think it is their "commitment."]

    They have actually committed themselves to not even consider the possibility that they could be wrong. Why?

    [it frightens the hell out of them to even for a second consider that they have invested so many years of their lives into a deceptive organization.]

    The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse has a great section on what is called "equity rescue." It's what keeps a great deal of people still hoping against hope that things will get better, while the organization fossilizes around them.

    What's worse than spending thirty years in an organization that you have discovered is a destructive cult?

    Staying thirty years and one second longer.

  4. I have, Belle, that is what got to me the most. I was one of them that could "excuse" men of their sins (to a point) because they will All disappoint you," so why leave one sinner for another ?" kind of attitude....

    So, it was when I started to question the doctine we had been taught is when I really didn't want to stay....for me. It was if my whole way of thinking and being was and is challenged and a little confused.....it is going to take time..

  5. no JT, they don't MAKE you do reviews anymore. The weekly topics are already picked out and you are to do 1 from the "theme" of week, and 1 of your choice, (hinted to, usually way mag or whatever you are "working"). So way mag ends up being done a few times. Most people just teach the "theme" 2 different ways....snoooooooor

  6. Terrific insight, everyone and really appreciated. This is a very long process I can tell. Oddly, we have shared some of the horrors of theVey with some close friends, they are appauled by it, by still see no reason to leave because " there is nothing else out there". They think that not only because Craiger use to say that, but , who else besides JW's are gonna teach JCNG etc..? Corruption with "men" is one thing, but most who have stuck by this long, only stay because they believe in the doctrine and "research". LoL

    That is why I think we definatley should not "sway" people. Just present some facts and leave it at that. I heard rumors years ago, but that didn't affect my "stand" until I was searching for more and answers.I was snooring through teachings, and it is still very dull. When ever my hubby and I teach, I want to share exciting stuff, but, can't. Not without backlash anyway... Some people just don't care or are not ready to leave. And if they follow what I say just for "my sake", and haven't made it their own, well, what makes me any better than a cult?

  7. Oh yes mr. hammeroni, you would of caught "hell" and more, that I know. I too was too scared and scoffed at anyone who gave time, let alone money, to any "second rate" causes. Even PTA seemed off limits!! That was another thing that started the questioning and looking for more, was I "by accident" went to a meeting run by another church and I was VERY impressed. Looked sincere and they were "helping" others. My daddy always questioned me since my earliest involvement,"what does the Way do for poor people?" I used to scream back , "we teach people How to NOT be poor!!" I don't remember ever teaching anyone that belief, and it's funny, years later we did a teaching on investing and prosperity and got our butts chewed! The hypocrisy, so sad.

  8. Belle,

    Thanks,and I am sorry about what happened to you. I posed the question to my hubby about "would he leave me if I left the Way?"

    He would not, I believe totally, but he knows that others didn't behave so admirably. It is unfortunate,but it seems that people got married with only One thing in common....the ministry, that's all. And then, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, they elevated the commitment to the Way above their commitment to the other(which was a commitment made before God). I didn't realize that many were standing approved "before theWay" instead of God. Go figure.

  9. Hahhaaa, good one Wing (mind the nicname?), I will be sure to use that one!

    Thanks for the info Vickles, i really feel that their is "more than this" out there. I really do. I have done some social stuff in some churches through other groups and was Very impressed with some of the prayers, (best I have heard in a long time)and their giving hearts. And this was a year ago......that started my yearning for more... of course I had to cringe when they ended the prayers with "in your name". I still have to rethink that one.

  10. Thanks Goey for that thorough scope, I will show that to hubby... your right about the doctinal trivial stuff not affecting faith and practice, I needed to hear that because I was an arguer of every "jot and tittle". I still hold true to the Words integrity though.....but it is not what I want my relationship with Christ to be about.

    Wing- my husband said today that to look for an apology from theVey won't happen. It is not allowed by the "lawyers"(so he was told) So hurt and destruction of many families doesn't deserve an apology because they can get sued? Where is WWJD in that? I don't think God would have them tight lipped if they really were standing for Him, because after all, wouldn't God take care of them if they righted all wrongs? He is their sufficiency, right?

  11. Thank you all for your words, and most of all, I will not forget God, or His son. That is really what it is all about, being able to "remember" the Lord, without tainted images. I am striving the find this balance in our lives again or for the first time...

    Just this morning my husband sadly said, "I love the people and fellowshipping." I said I love them too, but I don't even agree with some doctrine....and then I hit him with the hammer about Doc V and his escapades. He said, "so are you going to tell me any worse stuff like he cut limbs off and sent them to the 4 corners...?" (chuckling in shock) Then he said other funny stuff, so he doesn't get mad at me, he's just trying to sort this stuff out..can't understand how his upbringing had flaws (even though his parents raised an excellent man, to love God first and love his family.) I don't think I am interested in any offshoots, I have problems with any Dr followers and groups that will moan about the Way all day. Church to him sounds like such a turn-off totally, like selling out to the devil himself, and any of you raised in the Way, you know how that "church" sounds....it scares him half to death! So, discussions, and more dicussions are pending...I have a feeling this will be a slow process.

    Herbiejuan-Gs wouldn't let me reply, but NO, I am not [edit**] ,FYI. Thanks for the offer.icon_smile.gif:)-->

    I pray everyday, that God will guide my steps and that I am walking uprightly.

    So,here is another question posed to me from some "innies". Why leave when everything is "good"now, nobody in your business, LCM gone, no more yelling, a new class out (video)soon, love coming back, you love your fellowship, the manifestations......?" Aside from "no more corruption", which who knows that answer, shoulda left then heh? But we didn't,we were ignorant, ok, so lets say they are trying to be the Biblical Research Ministry, we all thought we were involved in now? Does that mean we should stay..? I can't listen to another teaching from the previous 2 administrations, or on their works... I am rambling now, forgive me.

  12. My hubby was then informed, he's been a wayfer since sperm...and when he read some stuff, I think PAP, he was shocked and I think a lot heart broken. He could not believe it. But he supports me and believes in me, and we have a great relationship. His only hang up is fear. Mostly of friends, and doctrine. Way is all he knows, never questioned anything..but he's sees the errors and now wants to change, but can't figure out yet what to do. He is not sure there is anything else out there...for him..

  13. Whoa, where do I begin to answer all the questions....

    I guess, I will start with the basics.

    I was bored, I love the "meat". Haven't got that at all lately. Just some reviews of collaterals. Snorrrrrrr.... so being the wise snoop that I am, I started to read Bulinger, Dake, Kenyon.....never would of done that a few years ago...

    Saw some amazing stuff, felt trapped, like I could no share any of it, started to think, (for once)and question everything. Started to see that I could not ask questions or have real bible discussions, truthfully. Ah, my leadership is cool, but I've been a coordinator for a long time and used to be hard on some...I know the deal just say.

    Enter: GScafe the "evil of the internet". Never went there, never cared, until all this started working in my heart.

    Question: Did you guys know that Most "innies" think that Loy only had a one time consensual affair?" No joke , they all think that!

    So of course, I was Shocked at first. But I've been lurking for a while, so I am pretty informed now. Now I question EVERYHTHING! So, now doctrinally I have issues and practically.

  14. I am younger in my mind for sure, but I am very married with children. My husband and I are in "discussions" right now and my inlaws acutually are still involved heavily. Thanks Allen, I will keep that in mind.... still need help though I guess we have a lot of things to do before we go....help! Lots of friends and ties and stuff...... Some friends (I believe, will still be there), some esp at HQ, not sure how they will act...well I can assume...

    Thanks for the welcome!

  15. Ok, so any advice for someone who has family involved and doesn't want to disrupt their "happy little world" by telling them all the dirt? They just love their fellowship and the Word, and love going... I on the other hand don't love it, so of course, I snoop, and now, too late....I know too much. Can't hold me down now!

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