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Posts posted by bliss

  1. So, let see.........

    I see you , Oldies, brother in Christ, kill or molest or steal (example)

    So, I (the BOD) kick you out, ( because, no, I don't want you in )and not call the police..........hummmmmnn

    Then you go out an kill/molest/steal again.

    If a crime is committed, isn't is a moral obligation to notify authorities?

    I guess the criminal should thank God it wasn't the Old Testament, huh?

    I don't think kicking the perp out is a real consequence Oldies, they just need to find another place to hide.

  2. Just wondering. Legitamately of course, not for walking on grounds without calling first!!!!! I am talking a real crime.

    I was thinking back around 1995 at the Indiana Campus. They kicked out an In-Rez family Corps guy from New Zealand, because he was a pedophile! (Accused of anyway). Sent him packing, but then what?

    What about notifying the authorities and pressing charges on REAL perps? I know about Temple Lady's story, that is very disturbing. But are there any other crimes that have happend with people and the only punishment was being "kicked out?"

    If they never got involved with authorities to just "save face" or "let not the ministry be blamed", yet allowed a criminal to go free, well, that is inexusable.

  3. BELLE, You are forgetting about destroying old stuff so that "God forbid" it would get into the right hands and bless somebody!!!!

    All my old Sunday tapes (and I mean old, seems we were never supposed to throw out anything), We were told to rip out the tape and then throw it away!!!!!

    Like someone hearing "thank you Father a million times" on a tape was going to get into the WRONG hands and ruin the ministry

    OUI VEY :o

  4. HAHAHAH Second James

    Actually I have observed this phenom myself over the years.

    Unless there is hair falling in your eyes (where you would NEED to flip) I find most flippers are INSECURE about their looks and have to constantly look 'perfect".

    At least how they think they are perceived as to not disappoint the onlookers.

    I have known girls to use their hair to hide from onlookers, all the while demanding the attention. It is subconcious for the most part , but starts as an insecurity issue and then grows to habit from there.

    I am a girl and WAS a flipper once. I am now a WOMAN and have put away childish things.......and use hairspray. The two don't mix.


    ok ok

    I did the flip a minute ago, so I annalyzed this even more.......

    My hair was in a pony tail, so I took it out and brushed my hand through my hair (technicaly not a flip, but close).

    What I realized , is this is a way to "fluff" my hair, hence, make it look better.

    Most girls flip one side to the other to "fluff" therefore, look better.

    Unfortunatly, most do it too often and exagerate their insecurities.

    IMO :P

  5. Hey Vix

    Just Highlight what you type then click the font button. I am still working on it myself. Then your words will change, it's tricky i know.

    We are all eagerly anticipating your "next installment".


  6. That is why you obey God rather than men!!

    I will then take full responsibility if I blow it. Never allowing condemnation or guilt or "pressure" from anyone. Had enough of that, thanks.

    I did reconsider my comments on Prophets though.......weren't they used to warn people of "their sin, and to turn to God"?

    I don't think they are used to say "don't go on the airplane today".

    Let's face it, tragedy happens all day, every day to people. If God is no respector of persons,

    then it wouldn't be fair if he "warned people" (as a group) to not go to the WTC, but didn't "warn" you of the Semi truck that was going to run you over.

    I mean even Joseph didn't warn people of the famine. He interpreted a dream, got the top dog job, and prepared for the tragedy. The famine WAS COMING, only Joseph took head to eventually save the children of Isreal from dying out.


  7. If God is still God, than He will ALWAYS make a way to escape.

    I think God does "warn" people from escaping a potential tragedy.

    Remember Samuel? He "heard" the Lord's voice mistaking it for Eli's at first.

    He hadn't recognized God's voice to him yet.

    I think God talks to us when we are listening (peaceful, calm,)in that still small voice.

    John 10:27

    "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

    John 8:47 "He that is of God heareth God's instructions......"

    I know a few people who were "supposed to be" at the World Trade Center that fateful day.

    For some reason (God's voice) they didn't go.

    Now, I feel that many were God's children that perished that day, but how many of them were "listening".

    I know, easier said than done.

    But it has to be available, then why believe in God at all?

    If I am his child, I have to believe He will be there for me.

    I ask myself that daily. There are many days that I too could be full of ear wax, and walking where the Lord does NOT want me to go...

    That could have been any of us, so I just pray and trust HIM to lead my steps, and ever watchful that I am listening.

    As for the preachers, well, they would have to be "prophets", and most probably aren't . Fruit . Look at the fruit.

    Unless they can save the EVERYBODY in the situation (and most wouldn' t believe them in the first place), then why bother.

    I thought that God works in us, first.

    Just my two sense..........my opinion.

  8. HQ did send money to the Tsunami relief, I wouldn't be surprised if they did for hurricane also. They just don't "announce" it,

    and tell anyone else to do it....

    Wouldn't that confuse everyone...!

    Hey, it makes them look like a "charitable organization" don't you think? :blink:

  9. :lol:

    And what might those "solutions" be?

    HUMmmmmmmmm let see......................

    Solution #1 Get out of debt

    Solution #2 oh and TITHE

    Solution #3 Obey 1 and 2

    Solution #4 Fellowship with LIKE MINDED BeLIEVERS

    Solution #5 Study Study Study

    Solution #6 Stay Tapped INTO the Root

    Solution #7 SIT much

    Solution #8 Get STS and Way mag

    Solution #9 Plurality give

    Solution #10 Use the Rod

    Solutions #11 PLAN PLAN PLAN

    and the last "solution" for the year.............

    Solution #12

    any takers??????


  10. Mike,

    I respect your choice to share what you believe. I may not agree. Actually, I don't agree. But that is ok.

    I don't need to go over all the "inside'' stuff. I have read through most of your posts, and it was enough for me to make my own decision.

    Everyone else,

    We all may think Mike is off his rocker, but that is what makes this forum so great. We can agree or disagree and nobody will "kick us out". Isn't that what we all wanted from the Way? Free speech to speak up when we disagreed? All I know is ............

    YOU CANNOT CHANGE MIKES MIND! This should be obvious from the bazzillion posts he's had.

    Nor, can HE CHANGE YOURS.

    But, don't you think it keeps things exciting around here? I mean, come on, you'd be bored without Mike around challenging your patience........... but you all eg him on.

    The only reason for most posts is to help or share our experiences with others that have been in the Way, right?

    So we do it for them. Not to change the other person's mind. It just ain't gonna happen.(Esp. in Mike's case.....)

    Maybe I am preaching to the choir here, someone might have said this before more than a few, but I am

    not an avid poster, nor do I intend to be. So I call it like I see it.

    Like it or not. :P

  11. Sorry Mike,

    10 years ago I might have bought your shpeel, hook line and sinker....................

    So did Doc Vic get "revelation" to drug and rape young corps gals?

    Or was that just his "5 senses" in operation?

    I know all men sin.........

    But the sin of that man ERASES any "revelation" he might have gotten......

    So God will have to get me the" truths" another way.

    Let me see........The BIBLE how bout that, there's a start.

  12. Wasn't it Bob St@#$ly that sang the ol NO TRINITY song, i was just singing it today.......only because I was in John 1 and I was thinking about it...(for doc thread)


    Somebody lied.....(do do do )

    Cuz God never died,

    He didn't bleed,

    On Calvary's tree

    If that were true

    as many have said,

    then who raised him from the dead.......

    .......who was he praying to when he was on the tree.....

    God is God and Christ is Christ that's what my bible says!

    It's really a catchy song.

    But now I am reevaluating it all <_< <_< <_<

  13. Highway,

    News to me about the sports complex. Sounds like a great idea though.

    All I know is the owner was complaining to my freind about the "uninvited" guests, and that whenever he does have people on the grounds, it costs him a lot of money in liability. But, my friend may not have talked to him lately, he travels.

    I do know someone who "trespassed" and checked out the ol "house of His healing presence" and borrowed a "souvenier". (like a rock) :lol:

  14. FYI : I was talking to a local in the Rome City area..

    Seems people just show up and want "tours" of the place (all Wayfers, new and old).


    The man that owns it can't figure it out, and he doesn't want to do it.

    Poor guy, he did buy it dirt cheap but he's tried to do weddings, parties, you name it.........no takers.

    He says the upkeep is just too much.

    Then when he does have people over, his insurance goes through the roof.

    He's not selling it though, guess he uses it as a write off.

    Nostalgia- for me anyway, had a lot of good and "bad" times there.

  15. Funny, they now "allow" staffers to ABS.

    I remember when they weren't supposed to because they were getting paid from ABS (and on a "need" basis ).

    So now, it's allowed. I look at that two ways though. Some staffers i know were just ichin to "give" to something!!!

    Of course they still say "i have no money".

    Also, they do have 403 plans now for retirement.

    I just hope its not too late to earn real moola.


  16. Is MIKE serious?

    I am all for NOT throwing the BABY out with the water, but..........................ah,

    All of us at one time or another worshipped "the Word" above GOD Himself!

    Which is IDOLATRY!

    But it seems that he is "worshipping PFAL above even the Word!!"

    So is he twice as guilty of idolatry?

    I am all for research from men, but nobody is supposed to ADD to the Book.

    So, Pfal is still opinion, even if he covers factual events. And we ALL did learn from it, to different degrees.


    I will stick to Moses, David, Mathew, Mark , Luke , John, and Paul, for my "God breathed Word" thankyou.

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