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Posts posted by bliss

  1. I just have to discuss this. It has been one of my biggest beefs for a long time. Catcup hit on it in another thread concerning "the decor"of many Way homes.

    I was a fellowship coordinator for many years.....so I will start with myself.

    1. The POSTERS

    Yes every year, a new theme, a new goal, hence a new beautiful artistic rendition of "prevailing".

    2. The PICTURES OF THE BOD/BOT/VP/et all...

    "Where are the family pictures? AAAhhhh, they are not allowed in the "twig room". " My father could never figure this one out.

    3. DOVES/ THE TEACHER/MOSES SCULPTURES, oh and can't forget "EAGLES!".

    God forbid I have an angel, or cross.......so, I went with Egyptian art, (oh, did I got some evil looks over that)...


    don't forget the coffee table "book" called "The Coffee Table Book" The Way INT.

    lots of dolies, with another ''eagle'', and coasters, for the teachers water.......


    you know how many times I "forgot" to get it out until someone was praying for it? Yikes. Oh and can't forget about taking it immediatley to another room for someone might steal it.

    6. THE COLLATERALS/ and or 'theme book" of the month

    Where's my Tolkien? or Dick Francis? oh, that's right, i forgot, I didn't READ ANYTHING ELSE FOR YEARS!!!

    7. Other PICTURES

    Flowers, Eagles (again) scenery with verses, and every card you got with a verse, framed.

    God forbid I had a Salvador Dali, you know everything "gives off something?"


    no comment

    9. 10 FOLD UP CHAIRS in the corner.

    Nobody liked the floor in the 90's.

    10. TISSUES

    Only for sick folk, since emotions were off limits!

    11. PLANTS

    yes, mostly fake ficus, but I am brave and always had "LIVE" plants too. They represent 'life" ya know?

    I am sure i could list some more, but these were the basics. If you were "lucky" or wait "blessed" enough to have 2 living rooms, then one stayed 'just so" the whole time.

    Yes, stale and non lived in were so many of the homes we encountered. I tried my best to keep my personality in mine. But most of my TC freinds homes really did look like hotel rooms.

  2. (Did they really say they are waiting for a prophet???

    That's a new one to me.)

    Curious -- where did that quote come from??


    More than one Innie...

    This is when I was complaining about the Ministry and how boring it was getting.....

    I think the quote is more like :" I know, well, we don't have a prophet right now." or

    "Well, I pray everyday for a prophet to rise up in the ministry".

    So in other words, there hasn't been one since Craiger left and they are still waiting.

  3. NAw, they don't see leadership that way anymore, FOR NOW! They are still "waiting for a prophet."

    (direct quote by the way)

    It is definately Bible Worship. The Word, the Word, the Word..........

    They "think" they are worshipping God, so sad.

    I was confronted with this by a lovely Christian woman a few months ago, when I shared my story.

    She looked me straight in the eye and said, "sounds to me that you guys worship the bible."

    Nailed it.

  4. oh Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy................

    Take it from someone who "just left", I too stayed too long "because of people."

    People will ALWAYS disappoint you!......... know me long enough, and I will disappoint you too. Better yet, I may even Hurt you.....not intentionally, but I will, that is just people.

    God will never disppoint us, as long as we look to HIM ONLY and not man.

    You also assume that what the ministry teaches is correct. I would beg to differ. If you stay around here long enough................you will learn.

    Glad you are here, seems as if you are looking for a WAY OUT! I hope you can see, that a leopard can't change its spots, no matter what the "people" tell you!

    So, to answer the question about going back............................not for a gazillion dollars! :spy:

  5. Well, I think it was used both ways in extreme in the 90's.

    "No, you cannot sleep over your fiance's house, let not the ministry be blamed!"

    "You shouldn't wear that outfit, or witness in it, lest the ministry be blamed!"

    "No you should not do that multi-level marketing business........"

    "no alcohol at your party......."

    let us not forget about how "clean" everything had to be...................gotta bleach those counter tops!

    Now, I am not saying that any or all of these are right to do, but, it was always about how the "ministry" would look and not about the individual.

    I want to make right decisions based on a love for God and for others that I am in contact with. Yes, so don't become a stumbling block to them. Better motive.

  6. I liken it to the false respect that trinitarians strut by putting Jesus on a pedestal that's too high.

    Holy cow Mike, I think there is NO pedestal HIGH ENOUGH for Jesus Christ! And, I am no trinitarian.

    That is ONE BIG PROBLEM with going "back to PFAL", not enough ESTEEM for our Lord and Savior.

    Where was he all the years we uttered words from the "PFAL" days, huh? I think he was only at the end of our prayers!

    Shame , shame

  7. :D haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Happy HOHO- every time I said it I kicked my own a@s!

    Boy did my parents hate it.

    I felt so fake, I couldn't even enjoy the holidays with "unbelievers" because they said "Christmas"

    What a joke, I have been saying it for awhile now, and maybe even to ''believer" this year!

  8. I attended a Sunday School at a church since leaving and to my surprise....................... if they think you would be "good'' at something, or want you to take a ''class", do you know what they say?

    You'll never guess.

    Go ahead, guess.......................


    You ready? ok!

    They say "why don't you PRAY about it and ask God, and see if He LEADS you in this direction, to see if this is for you at this time."


    Did I hear that right? You mean, no condemnation, no offense to you who asked if I don't?

    To actually put GOD in the picture?

    That is the Prov 3 way.

    "In ALL your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, and HE WILL direct your paths"...

    Missed out on that in TWI

    We were taught that any SUGGESTION from leadership was really "as if God spoke".

    I don't think i asked God for anything. I just thanked him for everything.......and did what I was told.

    You know "did the 4 D's".

    Funny, I don't recall God being in them. :blink:

  9. My father in law gave us great advice about 5 years ago that stuck with me..

    Mind you, he was Corps, WOW, Lightbearer, etc.......a long time ago.......

    He said" the ministry always promoted that your family came before the ministry, but how can that be applied when we were suppossed to run this class and that class and witness,family first just wasn't possible. You wouldn't have thought to ever say 'no' to running a class. Never put anything before your family."

    (we already assume the "God first" in our heart)

    Till this day, that is his biggest regret, and he made sure my husband didn't fall into the same trap. :D

  10. Oldies,

    Not sure when I am heading back to the attic. Hubby just put all my syllabi up there, and I don't think he's in the mood to get back up there..(it's quite small and hot)...

    Maybe when he goes to put the Christmas stuff away :huh: lol

  11. Craig does NOT have a "book" for WAP. There is only a syllabus!

    In my pea brain- what my "perception" was........" look at those poor church goers who DON'T SIT, they don't really know if they have eternal life".

    So yes, implication, read between the lines, my perception, notes, who your fellowship leader was, how you interpret, all come into play in this subject.

    I don't know if the Way would say they taught it this way, probably not, but how others perceived it being taught is a whole other story.

    No written proof, but a whole lotta wrong thinking and application goin on!!!!!

    Maybe the Way needs to take a poll from all their innies to see what they "think" about this issue.

    That way they can ''clarify" what they said, and believe.

    I won't hold my breath.

    Belle, you are sharing what you heard and were even taught to some degree. But I am sure it wasn't a direct quote in a class, just on a local level and how we all interpreted it. No sweat, looks to me like it happend ALL THE TIME!

    Most of the stuff on GS is how one perceived it or was even taught by a leader. That is what makes the Way so stinky.

    love and peace

  12. I posted this is the Adv. class section in response to a newbie here at GS who is going back to fellowship because, they love their fellowship, and everyone is cool...............

    So I thought to post it here to help at least one person see this from another perspective( and since it was off topic in Adv Class)

    As a new "outie" I have to comment.

    I loved my fellowship too. The rank and file usually are the best, they all want to "do the Word" and love God.

    That was always an issue for us as to why we didn't leave years ago............"but we love our fellowship".

    So what was the issue then? What must it be to leave?

    The only way I know how to describe it, is in a parable (call me JC for a moment, humor me)

    .............here it is

    There is a man, that loved McDonalds food.

    Ate there at least once a week. Even got the salads!

    Ended up talking to his best friend who needed a job, told him about McDonalds and how great it was, and so his friend got a job there,worked hard and eventually bought his own!

    Now the man visited his friend's McDonalds 4 times a week.

    After a while the man started getting fat. And felt sluggish.

    But he kept going because he loved the food, and his friend.

    His friend supports his family and mother and grandma, and makes a good living finally.

    One day, the man starts to do research about health and the foods he ate.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhh! "He should not be eating the food from Mc'D's, its fattening,

    and who knows what makes those french fries taste so good." he said.

    He tells his friend that the food he's making needs to be healthier, and what could he do about it. After all, he is the owner.

    His friend says he can't change the igredients, they are already made up, that is what make McD's so great!

    He would lose all his customers if they changed.

    Now the man, writes a letter to HQ of Mc'D's. The response was less than desirable:

    "We have changed, to 100% vegetable oil. You should be happy. But people come to us because of the flavor.

    You don't have to eat our food, but there is nothing else out there like us!"

    He was upset and decided to give it another wirl, and went back to McD's for another few months.

    Still felt yucky.

    Decided to dig a little deeper into the Mc'D's secret ingredients.

    Come to find out, it is worse than he thought. Terrible farming practices, slave labor, hormonal cows, dangerous meat packing plants (where injuries are swept under the rug) and addictive flavoring agents,

    the list goes on and on.............

    What does the man do?

    He LOVES his freind, he wants to support his friends restaurant that has given him a better life.

    But he cannot support the company of Mc'D's. It is unhealthy and hurts the people eating it, and those that work for them.

    We are like that man. Our fellowships ( most of us) were like that restaurant. The owner is the fellowship coordinator. HQ well, is HQ

    Do you stay just because you love your friend? Just because the food tastes good?

    That is a choice most of us had to make.

    I couldn't support the machine of the ministry and its bad practices. What I thought was good spiritual food, was really bad for me. No matter how much I loved the people or my "fellowship".

    The choice is yours. But make sure it's for the right reasons. Loving my fellowship was not enough for me!

    While I was ignorant, it was only bliss for a while....................

    ( no offence to any McDonald's employers or ees, or eaters!:biglaugh: )


    A KISS~ "A peculiar proposition. Of no use to one, yet absolute bliss to two." (v.p.i skipper) :P :P

  13. They taught that it goes back to the "giver that gave it" and it is "held in abeyance."( till the gathering)

    So then the question is.....................what are they doing while there?

    Is God a pack rat, a collector of some sort, maybe for a trophy room or are all spirits stuffed in a jar until Jesus brings our bodies back?

    Ya, never could figure this out. We were suppossed to be satified with their answers. That is what we get for thinking, more questions...........


  14. Lizzy,

    As a new "outie" I have to comment.

    I loved my fellowship too. The rank and file usually are the best, they all want to "do the Word" and love God.

    That was always an issue for us as to why we didn't leave years ago............"but we love our fellowship".

    So what was the issue then? What must it be to leave?

    The only way I know how to describe it, is in a parable (call me JC for a moment, humor me)

    .............here it is

    There is a man, that loved McDonalds food.

    Ate there at least once a week. Even got the salads

    Ended up talking to his best friend who needed a job, told him about McDonalds and how great it was, and so his friend got a job there,worked hard and eventually bought his own!

    Now the man visited his friend's McDonalds 4 times a week.

    After a while the man started getting fat. And felt sluggish.

    But he kept going because he loved the food, and his friend.

    His friend supports his family and mother and grandma, and makes a good living finally.

    One day, the man starts to do research about health and the foods he ate.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhh! "He should not be eating the food from Mc'D's, its fattening,

    who knows what makes those french fries taste so good." he said.

    He tells his friend that the food he's making needs to be healthier, so what can he do about it. After all, he is the owner.

    His friend says he can't change the igredients, they are already made up, that is what make McD's so great!

    He would lose all his customers if they changed.

    Now the man, writes a letter to HQ of Mc'D's. The response was less than desirable:

    "We have changed, to 100% vegetable oil. You should be happy. But people come to us because of the flavor.

    You don't have to eat our food, but there is nothing else out there like us!"

    He was upset and decided to give it another wirl, and went back to McD's for another few months.

    Still felt yucky.

    Decided to dig a little deeper into the Mc'D's secret ingredients.

    Come to find out, it is worse than he thought. Terrible farming practices, slave labor, hormonal cows, dangerous meat packing plants (where injuries are swept under the rug) and addictive flavoring agents,

    the list goes on and on.............

    What does the man do?

    He LOVES his freind, he wants to support his friends restaurant that has given him a better life.

    But he cannot support the company of Mc'D's. It is unhealthy and hurts the people eating it, and those that work for them.

    We are like that man. Our fellowships ( most of us) were like that restaurant. The owner is the fellowship coordinator. HQ well, is HQ

    Do you stay because you love your friend? That is a choice most of us had to make.

    I couldn't support the machine of the ministry and its bad practices. What I thought was good spiritual food, was really bad for me.

    The choice is yours. But make sure it's for the right reasons. Loving my fellowship was not enough for me!

    While I was ignorant, it was only bliss for a while....................

    ( no offence to any McDonald's employers or ees, or eaters!:biglaugh: )


    I gotta share this one tidbit.....................

    I know someone who after being "OUT" at least 2 years, kept their account active.

    A couple of weeks ago tried to close the account and got treated awful on the phone. Really giving them a hard time for closing it.

    Their words for the Way Credit Union help was

    " what a b@#ch " !!!!

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