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Everything posted by pond

  1. This is what happens when you refuse to associate with the "common folks": even the ones who John " made" special like him do not want him . This is so sad. At one time theses had to be ordinarly boys and men who had dreams and happiness and peace in life. try to remember what that was like guys, just try, they speak of the "war" the battle constantly and the most important question I ask is: Who the he11 would want to be a christian if it is all so bad even friends and brothers for decades end up destroying and hurting one another? If it is all about battle and fighting and one up on the other? For Gods sake get a freaking grip will ya? Your not helping anyone your just killing one another. this is your example of Gods love in life? I have left jobs and you know what I do not write a long lengthy letter speaking of the many years I was abused and hurt I just moved on and realized the LORD goes with me were ever I go. I didnt ask them for money I had to pray for it and trust I could make good choices. bad things can happen to the OTHER people it seems but when they hit home and you guys get angry at one another or disagree then by God you seek vengence... or is it money ? God knows. remember when the bigger cows ate the smaller cows or something ( since you like to bring on bible verses for effect) I say so much red meat cant be good for ya at 66. your old John your gonna die someday if the Lord tarries, sorry bud even you cant surpass what VPW taught about living forever if you believe enough. Man your not strong enough. Jesus Christ is When John brought down twi and wrote the letters he felt he was saving the world, fed his maximum ego then. reap what you sow is a life priciple not a CHRISTIAN principle. funny thing how when it is YOU who is being judged you turn into a victim. YOU forgot JOHN God Almighty LOVES PEOPLE ALL PEOPLE not just the ones in your little world . and do not mess with His people Im telling you the day will come you will not be abole to have idols of any sort, even if they are your own self. the theory of IM a bigger christian and a better christian and more important to God Is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong do I have to say it 66 times? so what if YOU OBEYED God so the he11 what! Jesus SAVES sinners we are so very lucky for that ! the bottom line in life is people will kick your ever loving azz if you mess with them long enough. learn that? you better old man or the fact is your life will never have any peace . Jesus is a peaceful dude. Do not give me you wont sue them because the bible says not too oh ok John my azz if the meal ticket dries up fast enough YOU would in a freaking heart beat ( who am I to judge?) maybe you think it will cost you to hire a lawyer so this way is cheaper. I like being older now John you know why? because I aint suppose I have had my own butt kicked enough to know God loves his people and they are not all stuck in your small tiny group of friends who want to kill one another. YOU can stand here and say IM not a victim Im not a victim my wife is again come on! John go talk to a man with some grease on his hands and dirt on his shirt and just try for once realize your not better than him . you cant do it can you brother?
  2. John is saying his FRIEND of more than 30 years says he cant trust him so His friend must be blind. In twi He claims evil deeds done by folks he knew and loved for decades. then he claims they are all so bad right after they fire him. Seems like a pattern. hello John ? do you pick evil possessed folks to work with and love and consider friends and hope they will change? or is after working for DECADES together and they fire you they turn evil and blind? Or did you just not notice untill the gravy train started to go dry? seems kind of sudden and these are friends geez that is harxh. what happened to the three more fingers pointing back at you from vpw? What happened to the do not be a victim theory ? man I will tell ya your sounding like a victim to me. you teach that is bad . It is good to know if a person feels they cant support you they can still have Jesus. of course after you OMG. better than tv.
  3. I have been with my major bank for 38 years . I see on my bank statement I have a 35 service fee for a free checking account. 38 years same checking account. So I called and I was switched to premium checking acct, that had a minimum balnce requirement of 50, ooo dollars yes I said 50, 000 dollars. I did not have that amount in when I was switched nor have I ever had that amount in this account. I went through talking to the supervisor who had to "check the telephone conversation I had with a rep". I said yeah you do just that. A sales rep had called me and offered something over an hour on the phone and I told him I do not give out acct. # over the phone...he said he had all the inofrmation anyways he was just confirming. I told the supervisor I have NEVER had that amount in this acct. why would I switch to an acct in which I had to pay? they just took the money every month. It took four months to make them stop. This is the second time they did it . 38 years. they are crooks I tell ya crooks. do not assume your bank isnt messing with ya even if you have had them for decades. oh yeah it is policy they can only give back one month service fee.. even if you never switched the acct. how? why?
  4. El had some very harsh words to write to her new husband when they split. wow that was sad. I was happy when they got back together... but they cant get along with one another . end of discussion really not JL and his wife they made a vow before God to love and all . but all the players seem to fight constantly . gosh doesnt seem worth it to me the king of the hill doesnt get anything but a heap of dirt. hurting one another. for what? it is sad . it might have come down to his marriage or stf. IDK. but I know this none of them are people I would want to be "friends" with if this is the loyal type of love and hate they play. Jesus gave us one another to love not fight and bicker with. As the apostle Paul says and I believe it is better to stay single, lonely at times but trouble comes when your distracted by a unhappy union and both MG and JL report their marriages are nuts and unhappy alot. that is sad. I would rather be lonely sometimes, then into this kind of life style. maybe it is worth it I do not know I chose to be single. looks crazy to me.
  5. He wanted to help those leaving twi, not because he thought it was a (gosh only GS people would possibly get this) bad place as in what they were teaching and even doing probably, He was fired. in other words cuaght up in enough to have to be told to leave. but he never left none of them have it is harder than you may think. Look at the folks who come to this web site they think they do not feel for the outfit yet here they are writing about it. stil tzaia you think your were famous see and they do too well in the least very very important at least to the Lord. it is part of the messed up gift ministry stuff they taught and people rode on for so long . they are "serious" on a mission from God. no one can stop them. till they shoot out an eye oops should not have said that maybe lol but really. I have a normal life with a fringe of cult influence . that is why I really do feel sorry for them, I have to wonder if they ever wonder what a regular just normal american life would have been like. I do think it is to late for them tho, to be honest if it is true and we all stand before the Lord and they get more gold stars or something I still do not care Im blassed and I pray they are as well. doesnt sound like it tho. I got fired from a job once and I could not go back and ask those I worked with for money. Some are still my friends even. But see how can we explain what normal is to them? I had to write a resume dress up shave my legs all this stuff and prove to other people I can work hard and make them look good . I had to find another job with strangers and prove myself all over again after being told I was not good enough. that is real life. that is the Lord helping me live. sometimes I think they have a co-dependent welfare mind set that is enabled by those who want others to tell them they are worthy and good because God told them to tell them so. so give me money. regardless of what they did or didnt do in life. my life is so far removed from that fantasy at times I do wonder how and what they are doing. to them it is normal. nice gig if you can get it. I guess. I know the Lord really I do and no one gives me money for it. hmmm i do not know who is wrong or right. it is just choices. poor John L, seriously he poured his life and marriage and everything he had to bring John S and Mark G to the point that they too could livee of other people and write books and preach etc and travel and this would be the second freaking time they decided yeah bro thanks for the ride but we do not like you leave now they took him off for a year once before that poor guy. but im kind of laughing my azz off at this sorry brothers. lol lol ok not funny not funny lol make it stop . oh dear God middle age will kill us all lolol
  6. I do not have an internet web site talking about me and my life and what my job is. granted it isnt as fancy as the way and glamor is all in a perspective but they have had a bit of microphone in their face for years.... it is funny you should bring up the N word normal My boss asked me wanted I wanted as I was having amelt down at work I said I want "normal" he looked at my team leader who was laughing his azz off. I was serious. lol so what is normal exactly? I know I kind of feel sorry for them. but I do not want to know their money situation I might have some envy or something . lol
  7. God is still on the throne I get no thrill from folks fighting and finding issues with those they have loved and worked closely for a life time. Yet in perspective reality is real life. Many are changing jobs and many are unemployed in USA why is this drama any different than alot of other people fate at this time? it is dirty laudry people feed off. Kind of sick. Companies split and divide and agrue all the time leaders and politcal people have at it with personal differences all the time and it is news. I never thought for a minute after MG was fired this would end I wonder if he has a job yet and what his outcome was as well. famous people put their life in the spot light and want others to pay for it. It is how we do things in the USA. They made a movie everyone liked and the stars feed off the press. it is how they become famous, maybe some talent is involved but hey the news is what gets the word of who is who out. I think it takes alot of courage and love to live in such a manner it isnt like they are making the billions other famous people make to live worthy of the stress and fodder. So I do not pity them I enjoy their work and wish the Lord would return quickly .
  8. I know you have strong hate feelings towards people tzaia. I just do not. I do not live there I do not ask them for food or money and I do not have bitter feelings towards anyone. Do i know people I dislike or have done me wrong in life? yeah I have but it isnt my mission in life to warn others about my own feelings I wouldnt get upset about not being offered food , I would just ask them to move their car so I could get my own. We are different people, again that is why we each make our own choices in life. They are people who love God and teach the bible in my book that is not evil, I can think of much worse . I hate it when good people beat up good people. IM out of the game. it isnt worth anything . Do you feel better making their personal life your business? they are having a meeting open to everyone who wants a say in their turn of events you can go and find out for yourself . or go on line and tell the world how your world has hurt you. choices is all it is.
  9. I did answer her question as much as she answered mine. excuse me. what is the rule for that? I must but the other guy doesnt? a black mark for my character maybe? lol I replied that if anyone has need to know details of who is living with who etc, I got the information from their free teaching downloads. I said I find them to be quite open with their life, I donot need to know if anyone is telling the truth I see no reason they would lie about their families. But I do not really keep track of their life and relationships it makes little difference to me.
  10. Every single person is a "believer" of some sort in my life. I do not care if they think the bible is a good book anymore doesnt make one bit of difference to me, If I need info on buying a house or medical concern I pray and educate myself as best as possible and go for it. yes I like bible verses, yes I believe Jesus christ is King of King what that has to do with other folks is seldom an issue or a perk of my life. It is for me a personal relationship, do I think the body of Christ works together? Yeah by His direction not a mans and I know Im not privy to that working of the Lord thank God no one is because we would all just destroy it before any miricle happened I think. christians tend to forget God LOVES people loves his creation loves us all and wants us all saved, Some of my dearest friends and buddies believe the fat guy on the throne buddah I do not even know how to spell his name anywyas it makes no difference to us we care and take care of one another because we can love ya know? Sure I like christians but not enough to fight over doctrine nah not worth it in my life, I offer what I believe if they want to know if not well life and love has so much to offer I still enjoy folks alot and try to love all. I do not lie or cover up what I believe as truth to people please , I figure if somone choses to love me it is a part of me so deep I can share it, but I am not in sales as I believe God gives the increase not man. yeah I never bought into the mini Jesus routine twi instilled into so many , Im not a bully I do not really care if a person decides to become a christian or not, I do not consider it my job to save the world love people yes easy life loving the lord. not much stress to it. I think that is why I can by-pass much of the bitterness and angry attitudes so many christians battle. My position is one of celebration ! So much evil in the world I find no reason to fight the very flesh and blood Jesus commands we love.
  11. you could read a recent issue of the sower magazine where in they claim character issues do not over ride the gifts of the spirit, sounds like you happen to be on the same page with that sermon as them. I do not control people tzaia nor do I have bitter angry feelings towards anyone. I am not in the business of fixing people . grudges are not a good thing for my life I enjoy peace more. I asked you to define what love is and you have ot replied . I do not think people have to do anything if they chose not too , and it isnt my job to nag them into my way of thinking about anything Jesus commands I love them and much forgivness is involved in worshiping God and serving His people. I find it ironic you fly the grace banner for JAL and E yet refuse to recognize the same grace applies to all. I admit I may never know the inner personality of the people you have made a platform of anger agaisnt, I do not need to, I did not allow them to control my life or thinking or hurt me. Im very sorry you did and ended up this hurt... but today is a new day and you can be in control of your own thoughts and feelings and live a life of peace and feel loving again if you chose too. I never consider a teaching tape or a sermon or anything man generates as the standard for my life . The Lord Jesus christ is KING of KING he is my teacher and the standard I look for to live in and with today and forever. people are sinners, yes tzaia I know and sometimes we get hurt and feel angry about it, the unity of believers is written in phillipians. if your interested. It sounds like you found your tribe in this "great banquet" group Im happy for you and I hope they are not in any way flawed or ever get into majoy disagreements with one another and you can be happy now.
  12. Tzaia Idk if anyone has true transparency from anyone all the time, they write bible teachings I mean ya know if it is all about whether the bible teachers have problems in life and issues are not allowed well I would be hard pressed to find any teaching in life about anything. I would have very few relationships or true sharing of life with people if I wanted to find perfection in anyone other than the Lord. I want to say Im sorry your so hurt. bad things happen to good people and life isnt fair sometimes I hope and pray for you tonite your heart will heal. I do not need to know so much dirt to enjoy what people have to offer me God blesses my life and because of the love of a Risen and much loving Saviour I can now look beyond our frail attempts and truly be thankful for the people God loves. I can be wise but gentle knowing we all need him to be what we should be to one another in life. to me it isnt kind or loving to pick apart people. If danger is involved it is a different story but I do not think they are dangerous to me and I know my father will tell me if I am in trouble and help me. God does love us you know.
  13. That is the whole point to consider who is in my life. I am rarely afraid or cautious around people and never intimidated . Im glad I do not have to fix people or teach them to know something better about God Im just me . WWJD? well he spent alot of time with folks who wanted him dead including in his own chosen group, so maybe I can consider the evil people can do to one another but I really do try more and more everyday to love and find the goodness in life and living and those I share my world with . works for me.
  14. tzaia I guess you will have to listen to their teachings to find out all their personal business they talk about. then you can have more fodder to say their character is not worthy! My opinion is the folks in STF are very open and approachable but then again I do not cme from a place of deep involvement and political gain myself. I do not really have a need to "trust " them I trust God enough to believe anyone that comes into my life is a blessing from Him . Jesus LOVES His people more than we ever will. That is why I am thankful every day of my life to know HIM. Because I feel this love divine I hope and pray I can love others in some small way in the same manner. our character is what the LORD is working on and I do believe the bible verses help mankind.
  15. ok since im into this now I will say what I think about the topic for real . I do not think anyone should be living off another. The leaders from the spin off groups think they have a gift ministry and are special so the deserve to be taking care of . The apostle Paul didnt live off the people , he had his own trade as did many of his helpers, Jesus christ had a very short lived time amoung the people 3 or 4 years at best. A BS degree takes about the same amount of time today. Before He began preaching and teaching and raising the dead and miricles he had to do something to eat. he may have worked with His earthly father in his trade and that is why they called him a carpeters son. When it all became to much the men he called as disciples got a real job they went back to work . they got a job. Jesus spent his ministry amoung the people traveling and dealing with everyday life in communities. I tell Jesus all the time he knows little about living in this middle age and elderly years we face. He died a young man with no kids and ya know just no sin! tempted he was but I have actualy fallen and lived in the enemys areana !!! hello why I love Him so much. it is all about help help help for me. If i had chosen to rely on a man or a woman to save me from the many messes I have gotten my life into I would have died a long long time ago. or money or being liked or my brain my family, anything eles has hurt me in life at some point . This is why He says it is easier to push a camel through a needle when you have alot of money . I GET IT!! man this world offers some great stuff it really does!!!! without God. but Im so very thankful and to be honest I have no oppurtunity to have so I think I should stay a christian . I am not saying Im right and anyone eles is wrong tho. many factors play into our life and how we live .
  16. I do not believe churches should be tax exempt! none of them, the non profits here have to be viable and able to prove their ability to serve the community with actual numbers. As it should be for the churches if they want to be exempt, nearly half of every paycheck I work hard for goes to pay taxes, if i give it to a org. I can claim it on my taxes. I think it is all just wrong . powerful motive to keep a very wrong system going tho. geez if i didnt have to pay sales tax I could buy a nice camp in the country to enjoy and I got people who love me and would enjoy spending time together in it! the catholic shurch vow of poverty is closer to the truth of Jesus Christ than what many of these org and church say is needed to function. Again this stuff is crooked and does come down from twi I was in it back when, I can see how so many of the decisions and "direction" is just what he would do. it worked for him and theses guys were "saved" many times by the group and spent many of their young days learning from him as the "father" in the word. it was presented as life or death . But alot of it is ego now with grown men still living the onl way they know how. I mean look at me I still listen to the tapes I still read the bible I still cling to much of what that time in my life began. For the love of god I divorced my ex and I have no need or desire to check out what he is doing or saying or believing and I had children with him! yet i still do the leaders and guys from twi. idk . kind of frightening. I do not know what I got myself into and geez i was not a fraction as invested as these guys had been. I would have to get like George is and deny God in my life. I am not. but what I am is honest and pray alot. You know I do not think I am right and the other guy wrong I just am. I think that is why GS is helpful to me . who eles knows this mess? i wont mock those like me either cuase I kind of get some of the thinking, but I do not give them time or money, I think that is were they remain a cult it is our neighbor we are to serve not a group defined by the certain few who say so. The welfare state is so true and Im not just talking food stamps. People like John S jal have no clue what it is like in the real world. they work hard no doubt, so what, we all do. I want tax exempt status and a camp but I will never get it and you know what Im blessed with what I have. I have accountability to the world (oh no oh no!!) they are a bit afraid of that being possible, again no clue. They will people please only those who give them money just like I do my boss at work what the hell is the big difference I ask? except they claim to do it for Gods people and Jesus well so do I. and I feel sorry for them I really do because that is were God lives and Jesus christ functions as our Saviour. Even if they tip their big toe in the waters of real life the mind they have keeps telling them they are more needed by God they are more learned, obedient , and yes even loved by the true God. is that not sad? It is no wonder to me they fight and fight and cant get along for long they fight over the powerful gifts they think God gave to them exclusively, oh yeah the other "born agains" have spirit but it isnt as muscular or strong or wise. oh come on. it is sad. it was the "gift ministry" teaching that hung so many and they still teach it , did they forget the gift ministries have a purpose ? not to build their empires but to build the body of christ they are on a part of the process and really not all that big of a part . twi sold gifts as more important I will tell ya the "gift ministries serve a very small fraction in the body of christ as far as getting the work of God done. Not to metion all those cling ons and wanna be's in a sense it is like believing in magic not the pwoer of God. God should get the glory but theses men want it and want to be surrounded by people who think they are the ones with the glory and the power still. It is the workers for jesus who can get in the reality of life and help one another that make a difference in the world. the gift ministries were a mess in the bible and still are today, good luck selling God on their life style because it is not pretty or anything anyone would want to be or do. The other issue is because of the number of years they have studied words in the bible researched and investigated nick picked they really believe any other person is just stupid. which ya know I had to live a life other than sitting at a desk reading and writing snd study of figures of speech etc... God still blessed my life. so now they have more information and clinical words of understanding than the average man or woman. it is an attitude and what good does that knowledge do if no one can share with them in "understanding" the scripture except one another? talk about a cult. jesus says to come as a little child. yes we are all to study BUT again the balance is messed up for many of those who came out of twi. wow I went nuts . good day. lol
  17. The grands live with them. My kids are grown as well and grands and life is more expensive than ever . Im sure they have plans and would like money they often ask for it. not just for the families but for the camp and other propeties eyc.. maybe if you go to the meeting you can know for sure.
  18. They have their own bible now!!! here the way I see it tzaia they want to do this for a living JS and DG have large families to support and are quite used to the travel and lifestyle. not to shabby really considering your calling your own hours your own boss etc all the perks self ownership allows. hard to give up! In fact a real job was never considered as God will for them. they cling to money from those who like them enough to give them money. Lucky I guess maybe but to far in it now and getting far to old to have other options in this day and age and economy. it is sales baby and it is hard core theses days with the common man struggling to just get by. no I do not think it is all about cash but their own selfish desire and greed at times to have "their own thing" run their own show etc. crap some days I want to tell my boss I know better but I want my pay more those choices in life didnt happen to them. they were in it and fat and happy , they work hard no doubt, and want alot of credit for it. who doesnt work hard and still doesnt get the perks of the type of life they lead? many. I am not jealous I just know human nature very well. many relationship fail to thrive in harsh economic times . priorities change with less money, add more wifes and responsibilities freaking middle age. we are all just crazy. . They can say it is Gods will all they want I do not believe it. God wouldnt have us fight and find issuewith one another but yet we do. the motives are never really known but it comes down to survival of the fittest. lol always does. I can guess but truly God only knows the true intent in theses type of situations, I chose to stick with Him praying for us all.
  19. I can not assume why John Lynn has decided to start his own thing. I also wonder if He will be as vocal about his feelings and "what happened" (remember that ordeal?) as he was when he left twi. I am leaning towards money and just general personality and decision issues amoung the board members, geez if it doctrinal I really would like to know the details because they have worked so closely for so many years. I think it is about the "direction" of the group in other words how they want to present their material not the information itself. MG wanted more of a church model and STF leaders are in discussion mode for direction. I do not know how JAL is feeling about how he should " spread the word". cough . JAL doesnt think he teaches what twi taught do not ask me if it is denial I do not know him well enough to say, I do enjoy his teachings tho. ex twi people is all he has tzaia or at least that will send/give the money with out question because of trained thinking in that area from twi. now with a wife and all the demand is bigger to maintain a lifestyle worthy eh? Ham Yes we all are far to old for this nonsense. that is what I was trying to communicate in my previous post. With the ill feelings all this in fighting makes amoung people just how effective is "the ministry " ? Tzaia your right about some not knowing all the issues theses people have but alot of their stuff is down right FREE on the web so it isnt acritical matter. It is those who give the mighty buck that pick and chose sides and right and wrong for the most part right? Those willing to drive fly and bus it to another state for a meeting about what they want and need from PEOPLE they want to lead them. I personaly consider those in my own community in which I have contact and a relationship and full disclosure with my "leaders", because it is real and good and honest and alive every single day. jesus is Lord not a man or women with a mission and a agenda .
  20. I was involved with twi in my very early 20's. I can blow off most of my bad choices as stupid young stuff. Today thirty years later I cant. so I get what your saying really I do. The world at large is corrupt and we really do not know the whole truth in many matters. That fact doesnt make it right and a christian org. should have better standards of disclosure one would guess but I no longer assume. John didnt tell them he was leaving stf until a couple of months ago....to begin his own ministry, now they have to do damage control because they will lose money if some follow John away from supporting stf. They have to take action now. If he would have slipped away and just lived a life you know oh well life goes on. But if he is gonna start another ministry that is competittion . it is a business people will want to know why etc.... hence the announcement now. it is all a shame. but for me I still appreciate the resources they have made available for so many concerning bible doctrine. do I think they are all the adj one can think of when dealing with the down side of humanity? yeah it is why Im still waiting for better days and pray a great deal for everyone.
  21. I agree I think even if we think are on a mission from God (big if there) after all what most have been through with twi drama we all should just retire now. leave it be. wait for the return of the Lord to set it all straight. but... this stuff is instilled as the reason to live. idk life is very precious, to waste on fighting folks you claim to love forever.
  22. tzaia its peobably me but your posts sound like an angry bitter poster who just wants to generate ill feelings betwen brothers and sisters in christ. :wub: a business decicion is what Im hoping this is all about. If it is doctrine based that would be a difficult to explain unless one of them has changed their mind set considerably , they wrote together for many years. the direction of the ministry is what they say it is about ... that can mean many things with such a long friendship and business .
  23. What is a "normal" conversation? Maybe I should ask the guy in the bible who had to listen to his donkey lol. I work with a population that does not use language as their basic means of communication and I also have many conversations with those that have english as a second language. Please define what "normal" conversation is. We do say what alot alot lol. I love it. words are not the most important communication tool in my world. haha
  24. It was most likely a "business" decision. I believe our Father needs each person willing to listen to Him and obey His will. God has no favorites, does not recognize much of what the world will reward. But bible story after bible story will tell ya His people are the most important to Help Jesus Christ save mankind. believe it or not. all knees will bow. All of theses people know the bible and are born again.. Gods will be done in all of our life I pray. God has his way that is and most always will be a mystery to us, it is most LOVING to have his hand in our life to do His will and keep us safe in His steps. it is a serious purpose. sigh . It is the work of the Lord most high. not our own . we all long for a better day. Still we can celebrate we know Him and he is risen and death can not hold the giver of life itself. As we carry on in His chosen family I pray for safety and peace for all till the return and we can behold the KING of King face to face. jesus commands we love one another as He loves us. No matter what we chose to do he will be our friend and always our Saviour from the enemy . trust God.
  25. I think it is ironic your quote claims it is all about what a person can do for the Lord yet your willing to compromise His truth (as you know it) to people please? Stand up against ? what does that mean exactly ? It sounds like your in a war with other christians. Jesus asks us to loveone another and the "stand up against " sounds like a defense mode to me. Jesus is a teacherof truth not a fighter of man . Integrity has alot to do with how one approches another, if I believe I am right I do not compromise what I cherish as truth in my life for anything. To me it is lying about me and not what I want to share with the world or anyone. But I do not consider anyone eles wrong or less than , that is why Im excited to hear what others have to say, I can learn many many times and I believe that is why we are considered His body , bride etc. I believe any person has to have a standard of truth and for me that is the bible I have many friends true friends of other religous sects whom I love dearly, do I think they will be in the kingdom? no. so says God almighty but I still love them and enjoy the company. I am not defending stf BUT it is their mission to teach the bible for those who want to follow Christ the Risen Saviour so I can understand why they would correct wrong believing if they heard it it is their mission. Why is that wrong? many do seek the lord and the truth He offers. As far as the trinity goes I happen to believe many are born again the Lord will teach each of Gods children right and wrong in life clearly He knows every person intent better than man does. I read the bible to say many of those who call LORD LORD willl not enter the kingdom of heaven as well. I do not believe it is a crap shoot tho I believe it is a personal relationship with god our Father and His son Jesus Christ.
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