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Posts posted by doojable

  1. As a full blooded Italian I want to agree with david - but sadly it still is spaghetti even if it does have pineapple - but he might like it better if yuou just called it a pasta dish/

    My garandmother used to make a great leg of lamb.

    She trimmed all the fat, drilled holes with a paring knife and inserted both garlic and mint, then made a paste out of bread crumbs, olive oil, garlic and mint and enveloped the leg in this. Bake. it's delicious! the crust keeps the juices of the meat in and gets a little crusty. We never had mint jelly.

    Oh and the first course was homemade ravioli!

    Excuse me - I have to go count my weight watchers points now...

  2. My in-laws have a time share out there so I will have to find out some more info for you CC and Shaz

    Thanks! all of you this is great, I would love to meet sith as many of you as possible. I'll post more details as I get them right here on this topic.

    My kids LOVE rocks and minerals so that is a must.

    OE I'll have to contact you too - my neice is a serious moose freak!

    I definitley will bring a camera and possibly even my field paint box.

    Thanks again!

  3. Hey out in cyberspace. Like the title says I am going with a LOT of extended family to Bethel,Maine this summer - in late July. My hubby and his siblings grew up Bangor and Limestone. Here's the question:

    What if anything, is there to do out in that part of the state? (Bethel that is)

    We might take a day trip and head to the coast one day - but we were looking for other sites and main (no pun intended) attractions. We will have 3(!!!) teens with us and one 9 year old- so just watching grass grow isn't really a big option, no matter how beautiful the grass might be.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  4. Oakspear, I'm confused - and yes this is off topic - :offtopic:

    Am I wrong or don't you practice some form of Druidism? I thought that I read that somewhere in a post.

    If so - doesn't Druidism believe that all living things have a spirit? I might have my facts wrong but I was lead to believe that fairies were supposed to be the spirits of flowers.....So I'm thinking that there once was some kind of worship involving all these spririts of the woods....

    I'm not asking this to put you on the spot - but it seems to me that this is theism in some form. Pan-theism, granted, but theism just the same.

    Now if I'm wrong I apologize in advance.

  5. The implication was always "if you're not corps, then you're a schmuck"..


    ...This attitude was contagious. It fueled the arrogance of corps people. To your face, they would be nice (sometimes)...but behind your back, they thought of you as some sort of spiritual cripple, unable to find your foot with both hands. The waytree was a place where you looked down on anyone perched below you in the hierarchy.

    Now Now Groucho, be nice. Not all Corps were like that - maybe all the corps you knew were like that , but I never was and I knew an awful lot of Corps who weren't like that

    I just have this thing against sweeping generalities - makes one sound like LCM himself - or any other memeber of the BOT. I'm fairly certain that you aren't in either category, Groucho :wave:

  6. Thank you Exie. I bow in humbleness to your acceptance. Then I dance my a$$ off just 'cuz I can!


    Do we need a salt covenant or something? Got any pretzles?

    Don't lay hands! If God doesn't tell you to then keep your hands off! (That's for you tom)

  7. This isn't about the poster anymore - maybe it never was.

    Quite frankly the first time I saw this topic I ignored it because I don't like posters - period.

    Then I clicked on the topic to see if there was a photo of the poster - out of curiosity and to see what this kind of stuff fetches on Ebay, Woo HOO! what a pandora's box I found!

    I never saw WG harassed - I did read a great dislike of the class and all it represented. Perhaps that is where the discrepancy lies...If WG still finds good in the class ( although she DID say that she didn't feel comfortable selling the books but thought someone out there might like the poster...) then all those comments might have hit a personal cord within her.

    No matter how much anyone hates TWI, WG is not responsible for all they did- I'm confident everyone has that point clear.

    Mark - I don't think you insulted her either - didnt' read it that way at all.

    I hear Christians all the time saying to separate the person from the deed ( so it wasn't just a way thing) isn't it also fair to separate the person from what they sell? I mean WG's not Rozilla, LCM, VPW, etc etc ad nauseum as infinitum ( no Latin corrections please - I get that from hubby)

    It seems to me we are all better than this - or at least should be. That said, some people really are thin-skinned when it comes to sarcasm... Being a New Yorker living in the South, I can attest to that - and I had it even harder in Kansas where next to no one got New York sarcasm and humor.

    Ok so why doesnt' everyone lay down their swords and take about 20 steps back and =

    B R E A T H E

  8. Sorry all of you. That's what I get for eaves dropping in on a conversation. Your'e right, niKa, they wouldn't stick - but ahh the dream...if they could.

    Thankfully there is a God that sees all and is just.

    You all are to funny - I hope I can visit often.

  9. A farmer was looking out his window one morning and saw a man spending a long time with his cow. Perplexed, he called the man over and asked what he was doing.

    "Oh I can talk to animals and I was having a conversation with some of your animals," replied the man.

    " You can talk to animal?" said the farmer with much scepticism.

    " Oh yes, I've already spoken to your horse. He says that his name is Rocket and that he's been with you for 4 years. He says that he likes you much better than his last owner. He says that he prefers when you add some extra oats to his feed. Overall he seems very happy."

    "Wow! That's amazing! what else have you heard?"

    "Well, I was just finishing up with your cow when you called me over. She told me her name is Bessie and that she's 6 years old. She's very happy as well, but she wishes that you would make sure not to be late to milk her on Saturday mornings after you've gone out dancing all Friday night."

    " MY cow told you all that?!"

    " Oh yes..Then earliere I was talking to the sheep..."

    At which point the farmer cut off the man and said,

    "Those sheep are lying!"

  10. I can only look at this from both sides as I have no interest in either the poster or the fight - but it is sad....

    THIS IS A POSTER! not an idol, not a tape, not a VPW look-alike doll complete with anatomical embellishments. If you don't want it - why post?

    Watered Garden IS A PERSON!!! not some lily pad-filled mudhole in France. I seriously doubt that anyone here would be as rude in person as you can be with the safety of anonymity here in cyberspace.

    On the other hand - my hubby always repeats what he heard in the military - "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it." WG if you spent anytime reading the posts on this site you really could have gathered that you would draw at least some sarcasm. I didn't see anyone treat YOU as some filthy piece of excrement - they just jabbed away the TWI poster and probably in turn at anyone who seriously would want that poster - like dmiller.

    And Mark - you're right, had it been Mike or oldies or anyone else they really would have been ravaged.

    I will repeat and repeat that the disadvantage of a public forum board is that you can't look someone in the eye and see their face and hear their voice and read their body language. If that were possible we might all be a bit kindler and gentler in how and what we write - on both sides of the coin...

  11. I was taught thtat God's people were precious and that with the respect and trust came a great responsibility to lead with wisdom. Now, I got all that from all the teachings I heard about King Solomon in his early days, as well as from specific teachings.

    I do believe that there were other messages put across alongside the truth stated above. Messages such as: "Only those in the Corps are really worthy of respect." and, "Corps should marry corps." (this was stated specifically.) But for the most part I was directly taught to treat all of God's people with respect - as I would want to be treated. I was taught that I was the one who should be on alert for the adversary's trckis and that I was to be a servant to God by serving His people.

    I'm sure that that could be twisted into anything sinister - but I never chose to twist it.

  12. It wasn't me - but my hubby was cured of cancer on the WOW field in Reno. It just turned out that that year was the year that the tow top oncologists in the country were at the VA hospital in Reno.

    He says that had he stayed home he would have died.

    Meanwhile, I didn't know him yet but I had met his mom and she had asked us to pray for her son - so at the time he was just a name on a prayer list - years later we met and married.....

  13. Ditto tonto! I am so glad that we got to spend time together! I just wish that more of my work was out on display that day...guess that I better get painting!

    The lower lights was for me I think - Thanks David! They were those that lit up the rocks in the harbour. (The lighthouse is the beacon - like Christ - the BIG light - the lower lights were those that lit the rocks in the harbor and helped shipped navigate the details of the shore) Thats what I beleive many of us were looking top become when we signed up for the Corps.. the image still has strong meanings for me.

    Thanks again David!

  14. Ya know.....

    I love my kids. I don't like or approve of all that they do. Even if I haven't been able to forgive them for a period of time (like maybe an hour) I still love them.

    I even punish these loved kids - BECAUSE I love them. ( That would be at least one consequence of "sin") Still love them.

    When my kids repent ( as for forgiveness) I forgive them. I do not now have to return to loving them - because I never stopped.

    If we being "evil" and human can love our children why does it seem so far fetched that God is capable of the same. (Jesus said something like that - remember?)

    I'm sure that when we sin we disappoint Him, require forgiveness, but yet all the time are still loved. Even if we were never to repent, the love would remain. However, a relationship can be strained because of guilt and wrongdoing.

    I suspect that if I do a heinous thing and still feel no need for forgiveness that I am far from realizing how much I have neglected the relationship in question. (This works with people and with God as well.)

    If I do wrong and do feel guilt I will not be open and honest in the relationship because of my own feelings and what I imagine the other is thinking.

  15. I don't HATE anyone.

    I get angry often - but manage to keep it under control and deal with the person in a mature fashion.

    If I go MAD ( heh heh heh) well then all maturity goes out the window.

    I believe that I have gone mad regarding my children on occasion - ok several occasions. I still end up back in this reality and loving them.

    Seems to me that madness is Anger taken up a couple of notches..

  16. I think that the statute of limitations is likely far in the past for those who could have had the most effective cases: Evelyn Barden, on the death of her husband, Ken; the folks who got hurt in the Tinnie crash; Rochelle Wajnberg's family; and anybody whom Weirwille pressured into an abortion . . ..

    There are surely many others about whom I don't know.

    But God knows about them, and His judgement will be just

    If there is any way to make these cases murder cases there is not statute of limitations. i'm not sure about aggravated manslaughter and various kinds of killing of this sort. I think a very creative prosecutor could make these cases stick.

    I know I'm not 9th corps - i'll go back to my hole now....lol

  17. Just makes me even happier that I left when I did.

    In 1997 ( I know I know that's yet ANOTHER thread!) I met some folks that had just left that year. The stories I hears were horrifying! Like women were required to keep their nails manicured ( you know the whole french nail thing - YUK!)

    1988 was bad enough. I'm not quite sure how anyone put up wht twi after that...

    I wish I had that song, "I'm Free!" by The Who playing in the background!!! :dance::jump::dance:

  18. Ok sorry I was so insistant.

    I always wonder at the way people talk about the WC as if they(we) were vpw's personal inforcers.

    I was corps and was never felt like I was the secret service or anything. maybe I wasn't high enough up the totem pole or something.

    Anyway there were some good people in the corps.. I am often saddened to see someone I went through residence with talked about badly. Many of these people were good people but they were changed, hardened. Granted perhaps they started out power hungry and chose their road - but when I knew a lot ot these folks they were fun-loving and goofy - just like the rest of us.

    Anyway, didn't mean to derail - carry one everyone...

  19. So may I ask again? What was it you heard - that Texas had a mass exodus? (Ithink it did) We ceceded! And the fact that we were so far from hq's reach made TX very hard to control. I would have left no matter what - but I dont think it was so easy to replace leadership down here.

    Again, it would be interesting to know how y'all heard it.....LOL

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