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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Johnny that was almost exactly like it was when I showed it. There was open embarrasment - we never bothered with the closing credits and everyone just kind of stodd milling around till they could get out of the room.

  2. Sounds like you covered a lot of ground. I have two kids - a 17 year old daughter and a 13 year old son - and like you - one wife ago.

    Best wishes to your kids.

  3. One other thought for Patriot and Paw... seems that the following line from the Declaration of Independance fits GreaseSpotCafe to the tee's.

    That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

  4. Spot on Groucho - and your memory ain't bad for someone approaching geezer status. One of the shames is that a lot of the people in that production - at least 5 that I can think of... had real credentials in the production community - mostly broadway but others as well... while LCM pranced around like ... well like... $*@! well you know what I mean - he was like watching Dr. Smith in the original B&W Lost in Space. One of those five with real credentials ended up in BTR with me - and when she got engaged to a local military guy, Platig called me up and called her up - reaming her - but being nice to me - because after all I was fellow black robe...sheeesh.... telling me he was not worthy of her etc etc etc. I explained to him that - well never mind the dirt - those two have been married now for almost twenty years with two fine kids...

    Late night rambling

    I recall, that at the time Martindale was spending almost all of his time on the aos production, Wierwille was bitterly disapointed in him. Veepee thought that Loyboy should be doing the job of running the ministry as president rather than prancing around in his leotards, and devoting his time and efforts on this ridiculous "production"...

    ...Of course, king okie was now "el-presidente" and ignored Veepee...I believe that this production was the "trigger" that gave Veepee the realization that he was now irrelevant and to be ignored...it was also the event that catapulted twi from a "money making cult" into the realm of a "trainwreck waiting to happen".

    The downward spiral began in earnest with Martindale's obcession with seeing himself as "Joshua with leotards", leading the spiritual battle against the dark forces by prancing on stage like a ruptured chimpanzee...rather than to continue the programs that Veepee had successfully put in motion.

    All in all, we should probably thank Loyboy for this...afterall, had Veepee actually selected a competant replacement for president, many of us who walked away might still be feeding this insideous cornfield cult with our time, efforts and money.

  5. HA HA Patriot - Leave in the small frag you left out of your sig... - actually I cut out too much below

    BUT - the phrase "invariably the same Object" wll strike close to home for many who knew VPW, LCM, Geer and the rest of the usual names

    Might also change is is to it is... but still love your sig

    pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,

  6. CK - I've try tied to be a little laid back in the spririt of Robert Hunter but your quote that the word is lost on this site is a little over the deep edge. TempleLady is closer than you even though I don't completely agree with her.

    A) She is spot on about this site not being here to preserve the word. It is here for the people that got sucked into New Knoxville's BS and need a way out of a cult.

    B) I am not sure what the phrase "The Word" means. Is it VPW's? LCM's? Is it God's? Damn sure know that the teachings I got in the 8th Corps didn't help me as much as common sense and human compassion did. The doctrine of TWI was NOT the Word... or at least what any sane person thinks "The Word" is...it raped and pillaged women and left men without their wives and families. It tore families apart and left them penniless in the name of "abundant sharing."

    CK - tell the dolts at HQ to send all of the people whose lives they ripped apart 15 percent of their part time living and believe for the rest...Tell Rosalie that 15 percent of her income should go to the broken souls who post their hearts out on this site.

    Oh yeah - Tell Platig that when he called that poor WOW girl in my house and told her not to marry the miltary guy that he was an &$*#(*. They're still happily married and have adorbable kids and lives... twenty years later. But probably they will be a "grease spot by midnight" because they go to a church now... just not the one in Ohio....

    Wish I had Groucho's avatar right about now

    The Word

    is never lost, it may be ignored but it is always there because God will make sure of it.

    This site can't make it go away, nor is this site here for that purpose, this site is to aide in making the erroneous word of VPW go away

  7. Almost can't even reply here - LCM and his anti-anything that isn't way should be obvious to everyone here. - Jews, Apaches, Honda owners.. But then I watch some of the same turmoil show up on this forum and it is sort of sad - or maybe some other words. You can get rid of Bush, Hussein, Bin Layden, Clinton, Johnson , Chavez, and their will always be other slime to to take their place. This forum started out with some honest views and now sounds like everyone defending their party.

    OK - time to go get sober

    Hugs Ex

  8. Almost can't even reply here - LCM and his anti-anything that isn't way should be obvious to everyone here. - Jews, Apaches, Honda owners.. But then I watch some of the same turmoil show up on this forum and it is sort of sad - or maybe some other words. You can get rid of Bush, Hussein, Bin Layden, Clinton, Johnson , Chavez, and their will always be other slime to to take their place. This forum started out with some honest views and now sounds like everyone defending their party.

    OK - time to go get sober

  9. Belle's right - we are on half pay as clergy and told to believe for the rest. Lessee - as I recall half pay was $165 a month living in Chicago where local rents where in the $2K range - uhh back in the early 80's

    Oops - WERE on half pay not ARE - I've been gone a LONG time

  10. :)

    Sending good thoughts, energy and prayers your way, seeme!

    Hi SeeMe - Megan's law is unique to CA and all of CA'a laws mess with each other and conflict with each other with plenty of room for attorney grope. So I will give you my $0.02 but not be arrogant enough to call it advice. You do what is right for the child/children... That's as simple as I can describe it being a single parent of two great kids. We can discuss rehab and programs until we all hate each other - meanwhile what about the kids? They need to be first - not the person who needs and may or may not respond to counsel. Ex father is a big boy and can pay his own way - or not - but the kids need real care. If he has been busted under Megan's law BTW and tries to touch them through some other relative you can have him slammed back for a long foot time

    Sorry - passionate parent speaking now.

  11. AOS ll:

    Perhaps if he did a sequel he could be more accurate in terms of the fate of his own ministry...Just as he leaps through the air (in his leotards), the "lust spirits" can tackle him in midair, knock him to the ground, and put the boots to him...

    Perfect Groucho - may be they just put the iron maiden on him as well :) That'd make a swell ending to a show that was nothing more than that arrogant prick screwing women and girls

  12. OKAY, now that we have the question of two meetings, two incidents settled, I do have a gun incident that DID take place at THAT November meeting that REALLY ILLUSTRATES (even more) the insane, paranoid, power hungry, RIDICULOUS times that were spawned by pop.

    Prior to those meetings, I was assigned to be a guest buddy for a number of the visiting clergy. While setting up the guest rooms in the dormitory. I entered one of the rooms I was responsible for and found the "chuck norris" type of LC from Texas, standing on a chair with one of the ceiling tiles out and half of his body up in the ceiling. The other clergy guy was standing on the floor next to him, handing him things. They both looked shocked when I walked in, and both had the "deer in the headlights" look on their faces.

    I just greeted them and acted as if every room I went into had clergy in the ceiling....and never mentioned it to anyone, ever again.

    A few years ago, someone came in to gspt and was telling this same story from the perspective of the clergy guys, and this poster said that the guys were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! :blink: I tried to contact the clergy guy on the floor and ask him EXACTLY what were they doing? But, I was never able to find him. Then last year.......out of the blue he emailed me and we chatted about that event...........sure enough, those two lunatics were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! Thank God, both of those men were truly fire arms experts and nobody did anything stupid.

    SO, my last thoughts on this...........those were totally f u c k e d up times and I am so glad they are in my very distant past.


    Funny Radar... I was just sending a PM to likeaneagle about the meeting I was at. I didn't know there was more than one - I left the "first" one early... it was too psycho. But in my PM to here I told her that although I didn't see any guns I know Gear always packed and I told here there were two other clergy that I know always packed.

    One that I had in mind fits your description perfectly... Chuck Norris type from Texas who was a gun expert. Betcha dollars to donuts that we're talking about the same two people.

    And yep - I'm glad those days are in the distant past.


  13. OK RumRunner...I'm back in the saddle again...does spending time in Louisianna make you a coonass?

    Naw - I was a tranplant - but after the clergy meeting I sure as hell tried to tell those poor Cajuns that TWI was milking money from what was really going on.

  14. I believe that this infamous meeting was a pivotal point in the great exodous that occurred in the late eighties...

    ...I recall a lot of clergy guys who left for that meeting with fire in their eyes and returned with poop on their lips...are there any Greasespotters who were actually there?

    This meeting changed the course of twi in many ways. I know this subject has been discussed before...but who was actually there?

    Yeah - I was there...and it was pretty insane. People had lives and careers threatened. One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC. Quite the brotherhood/sisterhood eh? Chris Geer wasn't judgemental - he was/is insane. I left early, along with two other clergy from LA and reported back to folks what we had seen and heard - then told them they had to make their own decision. Results? Long before M&A was a catch phrase I was announced in a SNS that I was seed...funny that I got ordained and was later announced as seed...

  15. Nope. Susie married Steve Axtel shortly after she graduated from the Tenth Corps. It may even be that they got married in the Corps weddings in 1982. She was a good pal of mine, and I can see why any guy could be crazy about her. She was (and probably still is) the love of God personified. A most excellent woman.<BR><BR>Was David Kramer the semi-wealthy guy who sponsored her in the Corps and came to Emporia to visit her all of the time? I was kinda jealous of that guy...

    If anyone finds out contact info for Steve and Susie I'd love to have it. Steve and I go back a ways...a long ways and yeah - I've been out since 1987 so it's been awhile

  16. Welcome, Rum. I knew Earl Burton, also. Might you have spent time in Texas?

    By the way, I always thought that the 8th corps was cool. A couple of them stayed with us as Lightbearers to my hometown, during my apprentice year. They were awesome.

    Thanks for the welcome. Spent time in Louisiana but not Texas.

  17. yes i know and i love you too

    Earlier you posted that in 1960 you were four years old...which makes us pretty close to my age and probably means we got in the twi around the same time... just curious if 1975 or that time frame sounds close to you. I'm ex 8th corps and haven't been in touch for 20 years - just found this website by mistake.

  18. Mary Pat is in Charlottesville, Virginia last I heard not very long ago. She fellowships at Earl Burtons place. Look up Earl in Charlottesville. He is a prominent realtor now, and his name just might come up in a "Google" of "Charlottesville Real Estate Earl Burton". Go here:


    Then you can e-mail him and ask him about Mary Pat

    OK I'm new here - 8th corps but been out of touch for 20 years. However anyone talking about Mary Pat and Earl is certainly from my "era." Good to hear some old names and hear that many are doing well.

  19. I realize we were the smallest corps of our era (smaller than the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and dont know after that)...but there must be someone besides me around these days.

    Yeah there is someone else who just registered...although the postings here are so old I doubt anyone will see this one. I've been out of touch for 20 years now...this is a little interesting reading all of the old postings

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