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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Railroader since I am often called RR on this site - was just curious if I said/did something to offend you (yes I am known for that ). Didn't know how to take the second sentence about RR and company....but I sure as heck am not a TWI person and have not been for over 20 years.



    It is amazing how often the TWIt's misjudge their own power plays. RR & company They either think we are all so loyal or stupid that we will just roll over when they snap their fingers. Funny, because that was not what vpw taught us. He showed us how to stand up straight and not bow down or back up for anyone or anything. I realized that and have started pushing back legally. They BOD is bleeding red ink & people and they still don't understand that people are striking back in the one place that does make a difference. The wallet. It feels so good to be back out of that corner. :rolleyes:
  2. Thus the new theme becomes "The Decade of Colons." You may consider that a comment on grammar or a comment on a decade of s$$h0les. Sorry worked my first 15 hour day since my surgery - managing a users' conference for our military and applied science users - a little tired and punchy.


    More like a series of them, at least once a day for six months, along with a two week Parasite Cleanse, Liver Cleanse and some ear candling sessions to get all the junk out :biglaugh:

    All of this followed by serious fasting and prayer... then, maybe some good will begin to emerge :dance:

  3. Perhaps instead of passing the mantle, Wierwille should have passed him a pack of "trojans"?

    Came from the steps of Deborah?...Looks more like she fell down the steps of Deborah...face first.

    Groucho didn't you mean fell down on the face of Deborah - blank first???

  4. You're absolutely right Penguin...they don't talk to him because he's "absent". They also don't allow him to be the head of the body because they have replaced him with a mean spirited lesbian administrator...

    ...but hey, they "walk in his steps" dontchaknow...twi is to Christianity what Jack Kevorkian is to physical restoration.

    Another new one for me - they don't even MENTION Jesus Christ? So when they pray does it close with "in the name of a 5 D cell vibe name destroyer I thank you for deliverance?"

  5. Women are running the way... they're wearing the Pants, and the guys are running around naked ;)

    LOL Donna and Rosadink always wore pants - or not smirks - Hey if Jim is corect then did Joe Coulter go trans so he could hang with the other two? Sorry I just can't help it this morning - not enough sleep - ...

  6. Uhhh thanks for the update Wayer and Belle - well sorta - I need to clean the puke from my keyboard now. A bronze statue - LOLOLOL. A bronze statue?!?!?! They didn't burn it as an idolatrous image on Uncle Fairy day??? Oh my LOL - I will just shut up. This could get me going way more than I should ever post publically.

  7. Maybe she came right from the steps of Deborah, the great judge of gawd's people in the OT. They compared loyboy to elisha. Why not compare rozilla to deborah.

    You are sh(tting me right???? Elisha? LOL Does that make Rosastink god????? Oh no I forgot that means the arrogant flick woulda had to have been compared to Elijah..... Yo Elijah get me another box and some more packing tape - and make it quick - the UPS truck comes soon

  8. You mentioned "a good bit of rust." If there is signiicant pitting rebluing is not gonna give you a safe firearm. For something like that much rust I would take it to a pro and have it insepcted. A for ammo you can buy east bloc 7.62 in the US (not made in the US) of reasonable manufacture. If you don't know how old that ammo is I wouldn't trust it a whole lot.

  9. LOL Poor Ron - I just looked up scurrilous on Mirriam Webster for fun

    1 a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil <scurrilous imposters who used a religious exterior to rob poor people -- Edwin Benson>

    Ron G. are you secretly still in TWI using a religious exterior to rob poor people?!?!?!

    Sorry man - I couldn't resist

  10. Hilarious - right in the middle of the article was an ad for Pedigree dog food. It is an animated GIF or somesuch and the last frame had, at the bottom, "Dogs Rule." The irony is more than perfect.

    Hey does that mean that the Saudi religious police want to make dogs and cats into greasespots and serve them at some cafe?!?!

  11. Got this update via email from Sogwap which she asked me to post since she cannot get to GSC. All prayers are gratefully acknowledged.



    I'm at my mom's. I went to the doctors with her today for one of her tests. It shows that 79-83% of her right cartroid artery is blocked. (She only has 25% of her heart that works as it is). The tests showed that the heart valve that was replaced 8 years ago is working fine however her heart muscles is getting weaker. The blockage in the artery is the concern right now. There's no way she could be operated on again. I can't post in GSC from here...I started one for her in the prayer room last week from my sisters under "my mom." Could you post the above update for me as she still is in a great need of prayers.

  12. So what is the great significance of the Year2021 ???

    Dunno - hmm there was a song in the sixties something like "In the Year 2121" though - laffs. When I was young teen I thought it was a cool song - now I'm sure the lyrics would sound cheesy.

  13. Free info to the world is a good concept ... radio free Europe interent style ... hmmmm ... satellite internet and solar powered laptops ... how many laptops for the price of a couple laser guided missles, a thousand? ...

    Raytheon gets $800K for every Tomohawk cruise missle. That doesn't include storage, launch facilities, training etc. Now let's say that a reasonable laptop is right around $1K these days. The arithmetic speaks loudly. On the other hand I am not against a cruise missle or 50 when needed.

  14. RR ------You have to have a loud mouth in Cleveland just to be heard over the polka music and sound of pierogies frying. OH LORD! Now I've gone and ticked off the North Coasters! ------Cleveland Rocks!!

    I loved living on the east side - which is where you HAVE to be referring to. I nevr understood why Cleveland was called "The Mistake by The Lake" except for the 35mph curve on the 90 just before downtown. The rest of the east side was wonderful. Good art, music, theatre, great restaraunts - damned - well I won't qute leave San Diego to go back there but if I had to leave it would be on my list....

  15. SF Sailor--------"They open their mouths and dumb comes out"--------Were you using "they" to refer to the legislative branch of Ohio gvt.?-------You might find a few more people in your corner if that was your implication.-----See There! Diagramming a sentence CAN come in handy.( A little humour there for the older crowd)

    Sentence diagramming Waysider? Now I know how old you are. Nice defuse though!!

    Look I don't know why there is all this venom about SF's comment. I worked at LSU in Baton Rouge for 15 years. LSU is rated in the top 20 NSF research universities but there is no doubt that there are plenty of legislative "hicks" in LA. While I was there, anti-abortion legislation was passed. The governor a moderate (for LA) wanted to include exclusions for rape and incest. A LA senator publically said that it is "only rape the first time after that it is just sex" and also went through some inane and insane tirade about how thoroughbred horse breeding includes some incest and that incest might produce a "super smart child" Hick????? Sh(t yes!!!! Everyone in LA a hick - heck no. I had the privilege to work with some of the finest mesoscale coastal scientists in the world in LA but that senator was a hick. I don't think SF was declaring that Ohioans are hicks - but that law (yes I looked it up and read it) smacks of violation of due process and hence I agree that the legislators that support it are hicks - or worse they are self serving criminals.

    Oh yeah - I lived in Cleveland for a while - and I don't think I am a hick SF - just a loud mouth - laffs.

  16. SF and DM - I agree with both of you hoever my point was not that books and the internet are functionaly identical but that they are analogs and hence (in light of TWI) if the internet is evil then by analog comparison then books are evil. Books were one of the earliest forms of mass communication (I'll ignore jungle drums for now) and the internet is the modern analog - faster, easier, broader reaching.

    Another observation now that I am not tanked - if TWI teaches that the internet is evil why do they have a web site?!?!

    BTW SF - Also having been to a number of communist and other repressed nations I have long believed that the cure for that is to airlift cell phones, computers and fax machines more than weaponry... not that I am a pacifist by any means but the quickest way to dissolve a totalitarian regime is to give the population the ability to communicate.

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