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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Thanks Rummy for clearing that one up for me. :thinking:

    I just learned something about kindness.....

    Not to stick my foot in my mouth... :rolleyes::nono5:

    besides my shoe size just got bigger!!!!..... :wink2:

    Thanks Lori - OK I promise not to be nice anymore in my posts - grins

  2. Hey Rummy, I might have misunderstood you. Sorry, if I did. :redface:

    Lifted, thanks for your input. I appreciate it. :wink2:

    No redface needed. All I meant was that if you look at the kindness here at GSC, and bear in mind our common thread is TWI, then there was some kindness there as well. Lots of unkindness- lots of pain, and other horrible things which are discussed on plenty of other threads... but I think that a common draw here at GSC is kindness, compassion, love, hope and more...

    I think that the majority of folks here were probably kind when they were in residence or in TWI ... maybe subdued or confused by the circumstances... but kind in their hearts nonetheless.

    I got in in 73 or 74 - can't quite remember - and there were all kinds of good folks. No doubt it was already dark at the top - but "on the street" it was still a bunch of us hippies believing in God and just kinda hanging... giving each other rides to ROA, cooking together, hanging out, happy to talk about God.

    I am not justifying TWI in any sense - you, I'm sure have read a few of my other more crass posts. Just saying I think that there were kind folk at the grass roots level.

    Geeze I am embarrassing myself by trying to be nice now...

    Lifted - you're alright man - I appreciate the memories

  3. CFF? John L? From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit at thee... from Herman Melville... a thief and liar no different from BOT. I watched him destroy lives with a wave of his hand and never looked back. If he burns I will buy the beer.

    Fire away...

  4. Actually excath - a fair amount of plain and simple kindness... plenty o' other snot too but plenty of kindness. Look at al the good folk here at GSC. All ex-way zombies but plenty of kindness to go around. I bet most of the people here were kind when they were in.

  5. Search Google with "Chris Geer" arrested "The Way" and you will find several references to porn sites... LOLOLOL...sorry I just can't help myself

    I've been looking to see if I can find anything online that documents an arrest but haven't so far. I did find this that I'd never seen before. You have to scroll down to #6, but it's definitely interesting information: Geer & TWI
  6. Socks - But WAIT there's more!! for only an additional $12.95 you can get RumRunner's book on how to kick Dooj's b(tt in a cheesecake contest using only a horn of plenty and a block of cream cheese! Why only $12.95? Because Socks charges me so much for warehousing my inventory.....

  7. Yes yes I know... what IS this doing on GSC... just fun for me

    If you follow the link below, then select webcast, then select your choice of vid player (windows media seems best) you can watch a rebroadcast of the Metop-A satellite launch on a Soyuz launch vehicle that happened at about 9:30 Pacific time this morning.

    Spacecraft achieved orbit at about 9 minutes after liftoff and is currently in Launch and Early Orbit Phase operations. Solar array will deploy in the next 20 minutes or so and internal sensors will start to be powered up and test.


    If you want more info on Metop/EPS go to http://www.eumetsat.int

  8. I am thinking that perhaps rather than just post small posts - it might be nice to compile a list of longer events and put them together for Jimmy's family. No I am not ready to post yet either - I am still gathering my thoughts on this whole thing. Jimmy was the single most spiritually influential person in my life short of my children.= being handed to me at childbirth.

    I will be glad to be the compiler (no puns from you geeks out there), proofreader, etc to assemble folks collective thoughts/memories something for his family if anyone thinks this is anything other than a crazy idea.

    Odd - a person sidelined and marginalized is so respected on GSC - think of the irony of this. While Vic and LCM were kidnapping the truth - Jimmy just kept on keeping on (old Grateful Dead line).

    Give me your feedback on how crazy my fruitcake idea is (NOT cheesecake Dooj)

  9. Lovely - he believed he got his revelation from LCM and not God is the message there... Pope Loy the first...

    Oh I could have so much fun with that one Dooj

    The sad thing is that I heard of a time when a certain "leader" in CA said that he couldn't pray for a man's son unless he got permission from Loy Boy - Geez!

    This isn't my story so I can't tell it - but rest assured that I got real sick just hearing about it......

    So much pain and so little compassion - makes one almost cry...

  10. Choking on my lunch time fish taco....

    Dooj the only thing I'll be wearing besides my clothes is the big blanck eating grin when you lose. And your title will be Goddess of Soupy Cheesecake...GSC

    I'm so excited about all this I, I can hardly wait - I'm gonna wear a tiara to show my rightful title of "Royal Goddess of the Cheesecake"

    Now... should Runner win - he has to wear that tiara ....LOL!!!

  11. Good point, George - I'll dig out my old 2 man pup tent we used at the Rock.

    Make sure your clothes are pressed too and bring your BP hat... snickers...don't forget the drambouie.

  12. Now ya got me d@mned close to crying remembering Ray and Vera...of all the people in the TWI I miss them the most.

    Some twi old-timers who lived in Ohio might remember the annual pig roasts at Ray and Vera K***le's. It was always such a family gathering, and the food was unbelievable. All the women in the fellowship (which was huge, btw) baked homemade pies, and they roasted the pig in a spit for hours and hours.

    That, to me, is a prime example of a tradition centered around food and fellowship.

  13. Waysider you knew Ray and Vera? They were like mom and dad to me for many many years. They drove all the way to Emporia for my wedding (yes yes I know it was embarrasing as hell to be married in some group grope environment). And when I got back to Cleveland from the honeymoon we stayed with them for a week. Of all the people in TWI I miss them the most. Heck - just thinking of them makes me tear up.

    LOL when LCM got annointed as baby Jesus Ray said, "I've seen 'em come and seen 'em go. We'll see how long this one lasts." LOLOLOL

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