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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Glad to hear that your making progress. How is the pain management going?

    Almost zero for weeks now Groucho> I haven't been ony meds since the second week out of the hospital. First tme I haven't been in chronic pain for 15 years man...

  2. This morning was the first time in a year that I could get my socks on unaided by my kids! I know that is kinda trivial but it is a giant victory for me after the hips got replaced. Thanks for all of your prayers, good thoughts and support over the last few months of recovery!!!!

  3. I have to add a couple of more thoughts here being the nice guy that I am. Warren this may resonate with you a bit.

    When I left TWi in 1987 I never looked back. Maybe thought of them a dozen times in the first two months. The reason I am on GSC is that last year an OLD friend who I have known since I was five yrs old emailed me and told me to check the place out. I did and it was kinda interesting at first but not visceral at all - just interesting. There was some attraction to hearing posts about things that were somewhat in common but for the most part I just kinda watched.

    I never had any of the horrible experiences many people here did. Had some stupid ones, typical TWI ones - but not the evil that some have posted.

    At some point I noticed new folks - just leaving TWI - and in real dire pain - some still trying to make choices. Now if I send heated and to the point posts it ain't because I am whining. I have nothing to really whine about. BUT and this is a big as$ed but - As I read those painful posts I feel some desire to help those NEWLY pained people as well as some who have been damaged over the years almost irreparably - whose pain will continue because THEY HAVE BEEN DAMAGED IN A PERMANENT WAY.

    So I just post reality about TWI for the newbies and the oldies alike. Whining? Naw - just wanting to support a bunch of nice folk some of whom went through more than I suspect you ever dreamt of. Just letting them know there is someone(s) out there who will kick up for them. If you think that is whining you need to go get a dictionary. They are full on verbal rebuke against an organization that continues to hurt people. I think I will continue that rebuke as long as another pained person shows up at GSC. Oh yeah - if we all decided to stop talking about TWI I'd still stay here since there are good folk here unlike the randomness of most chats like AIM or YIM.

    If you read all of the strong compassion on here as whining you need to get your prescription changed to something a little weaker. Yer dreamin'

    Oh yeah - hmm what does cheescake have to do with whining? Or someone landing a job? Or someone's kid having successful surgery? Or someone's kid winning a baseball game?

    And there I got thinking I was gonna be moderate again....perhaps I should be moderate about junk pushers, or Nazi's, or drunk drivers too... and kinda just let them all be so I don't sound like I am whining when I want them all in jail

  4. Gender revolution of the 60's in the U.S. and Europe

    Increased industrialization of third world countries making them competitive against the G8

    Large although incomplete stand down of strategic nuclear weapons in Russia and the USA and accompanying rise in nuclear weapons capabilities in third wirld countries

    Cell phones

    Global communication

    Enhanced crop production techniques for third world countries

    Fall of the Soviet Union as it was in the 40's

    Man on the moon July 1969

    Satellites used to monitor the global environment - sorry had to throw that one in

    Digital computers period and now digital computers in most US homes

    Much improved medical care in areasa that involved surgery - sorry had to throw that one in too

    Much lower child birt fatality rates for women

    Women hld CEO positions at some top international copmanies - now that NEVER would happend in 1942

    Transatlantic and Pacific air travel for the ordinary citizen

    Hope that is what you are looking for

  5. OK this will be a short lived and boring topic but I have to post it.

    In the late 80' and early 90's I did some black body radtion work with a group of very geeky people at Goddard Space Flight Center. We were doing calibration estimates for some spacecraft instruments. They guy heading up the team was very soft spoken, nice, just an all around great person - and too smart for words. A few years ago we invited the same guy - John Mather out to my company to give a lecture to some of our other technical folks. He gave this great talk on the James Webb Space Telescope and yadda yadda - ya had to be a geek and had to be there.

    This morning I get a 6:00 AM phone call... John Mather is co-recipient of the Nobel prize for physics from his pioneeering black body work on the Cosmic Background Explorer a 1989 mission that revolutionized physics of the early universe.

    OK - 'nuff said - but it is a cool day for me to remember

  6. A smoker takes a little patience to use propoerly. Hopefully your firebox is offsett to provide indirect heat. Here are your two "controls." The amount and type of fuel, there should be a vent which can be adjusted. I usually start a small fire with briquets because they last a while. What I mean by small is 5 or six pieces and no more. The problem with briquets is that they burn very hot. You want to smoke at around 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything more is baking not smoking. Hopefully your smokter has an external thermometer so you can monitor temp. You can adjust the temp by adjusting the opening of the vent.

    Soak your wood ships in water, or apple juice if you like a slightly sweet flavr in your wood. I use a combo of large chunks, hickory or mesquite depending on what I am smoking (LOL) and I also use chips. All soaked extensively.

    Rule of thumb is about an hour per poound when smoking. That means if you are smoking a large roast or so - you will be up early in the morning. Another rule of thumb is to keep the smoker shut as much as possible. Each time you open the main cooking area you add another 15 minutes to the smoke time.

    So ... 1) prepr meeat the night before so save time in the morning. I usually soak my first batch of wood over night as well. Figure out the cooking time - get up and light the briquets. Once they are an even gray add some wood chunks and chips. Immediately insert food into smoking area - close door and go get a morning home brew. I check the firebox about once every 45 minutes or so to see if more fuel needs to be added. BE SPARING adding fuel. Keep your temps at around 250. Drink another homebrew and check periodically through the day (being careful to grab another home brew each time you come back from checking). By the time the food is done you wlil b moderately smashed on homebrew so you own't notice if your first attempt isn't what you expected. Enjoy.

  7. I don't know the Amish at all. But with the shootings of YOUNG GIRLS in PA today I am - naw OK I'll shut up now. Me thinks we ought to be praying for the familes of those girls. And ya know if some of those prayers have outrage I bet God ain't gonna mind a bit.

  8. If you have other things to do then go 'spring forth" no ones stopping you...., if you want to really get it out of your system this might be a good place--lots of people have...

    anyways ---welcome

    Gonna try and take a middle ground Warren - which I am not known for on the place. Ya know lots of folks came out of TWI relatively unscathed - some damaged a little, some damaged a lot and some damaged permanently. You wanna get people over TWI - love them and help them; don't ravage them with more words about whining and complaining. Complaining about the folk at GSC is like complaining about folk at VA hospitals. Same different levels of damage. I take it that it that with a SN of Warren you were never groped, F((ked or raped by the drunken Nazi and his cadre.

    People just hang here Warren. and ya know what? We have let lots go - but have not forgotten - it is a community of folks with a common bond. It isn't about hating TWI all the time - or even most of the time. GO to the prayer room. FOlks here still care. No mention of TWI, no whining about LCM and his dance tights.... just folks who have some common background and some care.

    So feel free to continue your own whining or feel free to join in and be a friend of the GSC clan. Your call.

  9. Hey Krys - will be praying. My ex had that done over 14 years ago. I do NOT recall her being in ANY post-op pain. The incisions were so small they didn't even need sutrues - just butterfly band-aids. She was out in just over 24 hours. Now presuming things have gotten even better over that amount of time - all the signs are great.

  10. Just got back from the mailbox - yes yes I know it is Sunday. I am lazy.

    Walking back along side was a woman maybe in her 70's. I said hello and she said hello how are you with a slight UK accent. I asked her where she was from in England and she said I am from Persia, pronounced carefully as Per-si-a, but I lived in England for a few years. I told her it was a long time since I heard anyone call it Persia. Her reply was simple and provocative. Persia was not what it is today. I am glad to be an American now. I love being here.

    Maybe this should be on Politics and Tacks but I think the message from her is more than politics and tacks. Enjoy your freedoms! She certainly does!

  11. That corner is so far back from where I am, I'd have to jump to hyperspace to get back to it.

    Forty something Lifted? I can't even spell forty any more....

    Hows the team doing?

  12. Your feelings hurt Groucho??? Not a chance! Old Doc Drambouie invited me in the coach one time when I was on nightime snot patrol. Snit Geer politely served coffee into a coffee cup. The old drunk went on to explain, with some strange sound in his voice like it was from God himself, that if you wanted someone to stay for a conversation you served them coffee in a thick mug so it would stay hot longer. My coffee was served in a thin coffee cup.

    But the old drunk did tell he had a thing for ya Groucho. LOLOLOL

  13. I found out that I am so used to living with pain, back, arthritis, MS that if I take two Tylenol Arthritis before bed I sleep much better. When you get used to that pain in your hip etc it just becomes normal for you--but it does interfere with your sleep patterns--so maybe a couple of aspirin or whatever might just do the trick--inexpensive and worth a try

    Templelady - I'm sure you know I recently had bilateral hip replacement. After fifteen years of waking up every few minutes to find a new sleeping position I can freaking sleep for a couple of hours at a time!!! So when I saw your thing about your hip it kinda caught my attention. Maybe you should see what can be done for you???? (No that is not medical advice - other than to suggest you see a professional about what, if any, solutions there may be) I can't tell you what it is like to be mostly pain free after all this time.

  14. Hey - Groucho's old man was pretty cool too. At least he never gave us too much grief for the odd smelling smoke coming out of the room while loud Grateful Dead interrupted his footbal games...

    One of the things that I remember my mom saying to me was:

    "Don't ever criticize your friends on how they raise their kids or you will lose their friendship"

    ...my mom died in 1972, when I was only 21 years old...she was the most loving Christian woman I have ever known...if your mom is still alive...CHERISH her...tell her that you love her...I sure wish that I could do that today... :(

  15. 1/2 head red or green cabbage, 1 slice bacon cut crosswise into 1/2 in strips, 2 tsp cornstarch, 2/3C unsweetened apple juice, 1/4 cup cider or red wine vinegar (I prefer vinegar), 1Tbs brown sugar, 1/2 tsp caraway seeds, 1 green onion thinly sliced

    Remove wilted outer leaves and cut cabbage head into four wedges

    Cook bacon until crisp, remove with slotted spoon and set aside

    Dissolve cornstarch into applejuice, stir in vinegar, brown sugar and seeds - set aside

    Add onion to hot drippings and cook until wilted but not brown

    Place cabbage wedges flat sides down into drippings mixture, pour cornstarch mixture over wedges cook over medium heat 4 minutes, carefully turn over with spatula and cook 6 more minutes or until fork tender and dressing has thickened

    Remove cabbage to cutting board - (CAREFULLY) and cut core away

    Transfer to serving plates, pour remaining mixture over the cabbage heads and sprinkle with bacon


    That is a nice fall dish Likeaneagle....

    Adapted from "Cooking Class Vegetables" cookbook

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