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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. [quote as far as coming in late, does anyone else get away with the same thing? Even five minutes late?

    In most states a salaried employee is considered "exempt" The abbreviated version is that for most exempt positions you don't get paid for overtime - but if you are not there 40 hrs or at 0800 or whatever and are still getting your job done you cannot be penalizsed. This one is a sticky issue; if you are not his supervisor or don't have solid evidence that he is not getting the job done you will not make a lot of headway with this one.

  2. Rejoice probably gave you the best advice. If you have adequate documentation most states will not pursue a race or ethnicity issue. You should also make sure that you a) first take the documentation to yor HR. If nothing is done, most states have agencies that will do an indepdendant investigation. At our company when we make a new hire we tell them this loud and clear.

  3. I left in early 1987 from the D.C. area after Howard Allen took JAL's toilet paper holder.

    LOL - Howard came to Chicago in the early '80s - talked about toilet paper at an area meeting on the south side of Chicago - you can image how that went over. He also made this more than moronic comment - "Some of my best frieds are black" And this guy was BOT of a minstry that would save the world?

    Sorry ranting now

  4. Nothing at all like CatCup or Dot - but at least this has a positive ending while following the thread. I am not posting this to make light of ANY of the pain others have posted here - just wanted to post a happy ending for at least one couple.

    Had two good friends - one was interim corps from early '80s who I knew from a few years before that. The other was just taking a job as full time National Guard after graduating college a little late. Both were/are great people. Ended up getting to know each other and as things would have it he proposed during her interm year. She was finishing her final year in residence when I got a call from Harvey Platig telling what has been echoed so many times here - he was not corps material. (Funny he retired as a full bird Colonel and spent a year in Desert Storm....) So Platig is being nice and gooey - you know - this leader to leader .... where there is some supposed inner sanctum of understanding. Problem is I was already on the snitlist for causing trouble at HQ and to make the "problem" worse these two were the perfect pair. So I kind of blew off Harvey.

    Fast forward - she graduates and comes to where we all were. In fact they lived with my ex-wife and me because they were still looking for solid employment. Harvey calls me again with some more .... about he wasn't corps material - short discussion ensues before I got impatient and told Harvey it was not his choice.

    Married 'em in a nice ceremony with lots of family and friends. They had a great time - he was cool in his dress blues and she could not have looked better.

    Fast forward another 20 years - they are married - still - with two great kids - left TWI in '87 when I did and have never looked back. We still stay in touch although somewhat randomly.

    So for all of the horrible pain expressed here I hope that this one is a little more... damn can't think of a good word that TWI didn't already compromise - let's just say postive outcome and leave it at that.

  5. Unproductive evil – you didn’t do the stubid things they wanted you to do.

    Harassing evil – you questioned them about the stubid things they wanted you to do.

    Destructive evil – you expressed your uncertainty about the stubid things they wanted you to do to someone else.

    The idea was to kick you out before you get to Destructive evil.

    Perfect! Sure would be nice to see that on a billboard in Ohio.

  6. It's not that I am not mindful of other people's feelings, but this is, at times, a volitile website...like my old football coach once said... if you aren't prepared to get hit once in awhile, then don't put on the pads.

    Jim Gibbons???

  7. You need to relax a little more. Google trends is nothing more than a search engine or their news articles. You can spoof it eight ways from Sunday ( or whatever your favorite day of the week is ). It is grossly inaccurate as such. Search on Aster for fun. You will come up with a reference to a prime minister Aster, an Aster street where there is apparently sig. crime - and you will come up with the Aster instrument on the NASA Terra EOS spacecraft... none of which are related - hence none of which show any trends....

    Various Gov't agencies have been doing a much better job for many years - laffs

  8. Rumrunner-

    THose are your precious memories and we have the right to hold on to those. Those were special days for many...I have many fond memories of experiencing love and miracles, I do not allow the other bad things that happened to me rob me of those nor do I let people try to misinterpret the good in life..cheers!!

    Heck I had good days in the 90's....go figure!!

    Thanks Likeaneagle...

  9. Funny - there is so much polarization on GSC these days - and lots of it from us old folks. I don't really care who posts what and don't care much about moderation or sparing anyone's feelings (for you TempleLady - and yes I agree with you) And yes I dislike TWI as much as anyone on here - a few who know me - well they can tell some somewhat rebellious stories -

    But ya know what I miss the most??? Back when we were just a bunch of hippies playing Jesus freak - going to the ROA and lighting up before going to a concert at the main stage - Maybe listening to some Jerry Garcia afterwards and talking about God - not PFAL.... we never talked about PFAL back then - it was just God - and fun. Ooops - I am probably posessed for thinking fondly of those thoughts - grins.

  10. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.

    G. K. Chesterton

    Robin Sibley

    Wensleydale is my favourite cheese,

    I eat it every day.

    I love the stuff they make in Hawes,

    It chases my blues away.

    Gouda comes next in my list of faves,

    It really is a treat,

    And if I have no crackers or bread,

    It's grand to eat Gouda neat.

    "It's full of mould", my friends they say,

    Oh! they of little class!

    For Stilton is third in my cheese top five,

    It really does kick foot!

    Grana is the newest entry,

    It's great on tagliatelli,

    I'll eat it on almost anything,

    Including, you've guessed it, jelly.

    Tilsit is my girlfriends fave,

    She loves the tiny holes,

    "What makes them?" she cries, and my only reply, is

    "Tiny little moles!"

  11. Then, Sir, with your leave I will put up my dagger again; for this is all my Calvinism; this is my election, my justification by faith, my final perseverance: it is in substance all that I hold and as I hold it; and therefore, if you please, instead of searching out terms and phrases to be a ground of contention between us, we will cordially unite in those things wherein we agree.

    [/indent] [/indent]


  12. Gotta be something about the city Evan. 16 years ago when I was on Lynbrook a car ran into my house - did not quite penetrate so nothing like your damage but also hit the room that my daughter was in. Nowhere near the threat to her that Christine faced.

    I'm glad no one was hurt!

  13. I don't know if I post the way I talk. Anybody out there that knows me...do I post the way I talk?

    Yeah Pipes you post the way you talk at least as far as I remember going back 25 years. You always talked honestly, caringly and far more than decently and you post the same.

  14. Nice job - I also saw the same scrawling on slides 4 and 19. If you get the US Census Tiger Files you can get the lat/lon of the centroids of zip codes.

    A lot of work like yours has alread been done in some S.A. countries who export primarily to the U.S. They did it to establish credibility as produce and fruit suppliers. The stat calculations are not identical - i.e. you are correlating sustainable Ag in US for US customers - the the principles will overlap somewhat

    Anyway - congrats

  15. you smoked ropes?

    Uhh Doobies? Joints? Shall I show my real age? reefer? Old ropes were made of hemp - hence the phrase smokin rope. I know what it means now... NO Jimmy Doop and I did not smoke that rope - Geez Tom - LOL

  16. Thanks Ex! Talked to Jimmy for a long time on the phone. Was kind of fun going back to the Jesus days of the early '70s' when TWI was a bunch of hippies smokin' rope and talking about God and his love. I haven't seen Jimmy since the late 70's but we're gonna get together soon along with some other 1st corps in S.D. Thanks for the hook up.


  17. Hi folks-

    I wasnt around in during the mid 80's. For those who where not Corp or Corp what did you do to continue to fellowship or where you stranded? How did it effect your lifes? The websites where not up on the internet so how did you stayed tuned to TWI and why was it so important?

    A lot of us didn't continue fellowship nor did many of us feel stranded. We rebuilt lives. A lot did not stay tuned to TWI for years. It was only recently (in the last year) that I ended up re-connected with GSC. This is a fun place but not a place where I take doctrincal discussions seriously any more. TWi is/was only important in that I met many fine and wonderful people, all deceived by the same BS and as I get to be about a thousand years old I want to maintain some contact with those good folks.

  18. Belle,

    I don't dispute (nor intend to forget) that other races/peoples were persecuted beyond belief by Hitler and his mad henchmen, not at all. The Jews, however, did have a 'special place' in Hitler's pantheon of hated/inferior people.

    Garth - you and Belle are both correct. Belle's post is correct in that there were many other "classifications" of people that Hitler wanted erased. The Romanian Gypsies, the Poles, and the gays were very high on his list. But yes if you read Mein Kampf you are correct that he had a special place in his plans for the Jews. BTW don't read Mein Kampf if you don't want to see into the brain of a madman... I read it back in the early '70s or there abouts - before I got in TWI in 74/75 I can't remember for sure now. Once out of TWI back in 1987 I would never bother to read stuff like Mein Kampf anymore.

  19. Belle I think what you're talking about is called precession. For some reason, the earth's axis wobbles a little causing the poles to effective shift. The cycle was calculated to be one complete cycle every 22 thousand years.

    That's about all that's left in my memory, but it does correlate with sun spot activity - - one doesn't have any bearing on the other....except the period of time....it's periodicity......

    Right Krysilis - there is also a secondary motion called nutation. If you think of the axis of rotation as a solid line the wobble draws a circle. Nutation is a secondary "wobble" that would make that circle look fluted; a circle with regular sinusiodal waves embedded in it. All of this motion makes for a certain amount of climate change. The earthquake in Jakarta that cause the tsunamis was strong enough to actually make a measurable change in the precession as well as nutation of the earth.

  20. If you want to know what "The Myth of the Six Million" is all about, you can read the entire book on-line. A lot of facts are presented but one will probably find the reading just as dry as: The Thirteenth Tribe.

    The Myth of The Six Million

    I read both books 20 years ago. Both are full of ^#$*@ - the stats don't hold up and the history doesn't hold up. Only a TWI grad could believe this junk... or a bona fide nazi.

  21. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/view/

    For those that bought into VPW's insistance the the holocaust was not real - and oh yeah - LCM's insistance that the Jews and the Apaches were the real enemy.

    WARNING - the link to PBS is graphic and not for children. It contains four parts. The first part has audio only for the first 4 and a half minutes. When the video footage starts out it is extremely graphic and gets only worse through the next three sections.

    I'm sure any one still in will blame this footage on Oliver Stone.

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