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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Funny - that is also pretty close to a definition of Hegellian philosophy, thesis + antithesis = synthesis - one of the foundations of early communist thinking - and to think that the BOT always d@mned communism... I find that ironic even though I hate communicsm for other reasons... like it reminds me too much of TWI.

    Another fun phrase for TWI is "cognitive distortion" a somewhat buzzy phrase out here in CA where therapists tell their patients "every thing is relative" using professional sounding phrases. Nothing is either good or bad. It is all in your mind. LOLOLOL

    Nothing bad happened in TWI - it was all in our minds - snickers rather loudly.....

    "Cognitive dissonance is the perception of incompatibility between two in laymen's terms, it is the uncomfortable tension that comes from holding two conflicting thoughts at the same time. The theory of cognitive dissonance states that contradicting cognitions serve as a driving force that compels the mind to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs, or to modify existing beliefs, so as to reduce the amount of dissonance (conflict) between cognitions. Experiments have attempted to quantify this hypothetical drive."

    Maybe that explains why people will talk themselves into something. People don't like experiencing internal dissonance. And perhaps also explains why leaders that are self-deceived come across as so sincere - and therefore good at convincing others. Because they're NOT acting – but really believe the stuff! That would make it tricky for people who are use to spotting a phony by looking for some giveaway clue from body language, voice inflection, etc. If the salesman is truly convinced of his own snake oil – only an independent lab may give you a better idea of what's in the snake oil.

  2. Well it IS Texas after all DM... I think that Dooj can make a big enough cheesecake.... it'll still lose but it will be big enough to feed 'em all

  3. Dooj you surely keep trying

    But everyone knows you are lying

    About your cheeecake

    The win I will take

    And you will just walk away frying....

  4. What did the BOT do? They abused, hurt and debased on any whim.

    VPW - smart, charismatic, liar, drunk, woman abuser, self styled Paul on a stick

    DW - smart, dull follower

    HA - arrogant stupid cornfield f(ck - listened to him say to a branch meeting on the southside of Chitown, "some of my best friends are black" Nice H0w@rd really nice

    LCM - not smart at all, quick witted, a dolt if you had a REAL conversation with him, woman abuser, self syled Moses on a stick

    Geer - arrogant from day one - I met him in 1974 - he was arrogant then and never changed his tune. POP was all about Geer not about some mythical patriarch, woman abuser, self styled Jesus on a stick

    Platig - Soft spoken arrgant jerk who should have been the dancer in AOS - told some friends of mine not to get married - I married 'em and that was 22 years ago - they have two fine kids and are still hopelessly in love - so much for revelation from Platig

    Dunno any of the new BOT but well listening to the posts on GSC it only went down hill from there

    Groucho you were remarkably mellow in you post...NRPS still gets played here

  5. Swiss cheese and some Limberger too

    Will go into Doojable's goo

    Dooj calls it a cheesecake

    Its really cheap fake

    Don't let Doojie feed that to YOU!

  6. Rum's fusion has never been cold

    Unlike Dooj's recpies so old

    Cheesecake Italian?

    Dooj makes it with scallion

    On that note she might as well fold

  7. Old Groucho has things pegged just right

    That Dooj is so wrong and not bright

    She tries hard to bake

    All end up with aches

    And end up P(ssed at her all night

  8. No way Johnny gets immunity! Moose steak is just fine if it's marinated right. I'm coming in from Santiago Chile so I will bring some red wine and fruit (if I can get the fruit through customs and immigration).

  9. Thanks for the list Dooj

    Dooj don't know concrete from flour

    Her cheesecake will always be sour

    When tasting a bit

    Folks feeling the pit

    In stomachs they all will a'cower

  10. BTW Dooj.....fantastic limerick!!! :biglaugh:

    Don't let it go to her head pipes - she is still gonna loose with the whole cheesecake thing.....

  11. Pipes I sold that Capri with 265K miles on it and it still ran fine - that was a fine fine car

  12. There as a bad cook named young Dooj

    Who cooked much worse than old Scrooge

    Her cake had bad taste

    All called it a waste

    And agreed it was nothing but kludge

  13. LOLOLOL - OK Oakie - here was what we did back in the late 70's when I was a WOW BC... Pipes feel free to correct me here where my memory fails me...and oh yeah - please remember that this response reflects when I was when I was still IN TWI not condoning anything even close to TWI now now - as if it isn't clear on my posts... smirks - and when ya read below you'll figure out why I was never a favorite with the rest of the clergy

    [*]Wake up at 6:30am - "study the Word" and speak in tongues for a 1/2 hour

    Never bothered to check on 'em - didn't matter - figured they were cool and knew how to worhip God in their own right

    [*]7:00 - 7:30: shower & eat a quick breakfast


    [*]8:00am - 12 noon: work (assuming a 20-hour workweek, five days per week

    Horsecr@p - I told 'em to get jobs that they could make money at - lots of them were wait staff working lunches 10:30-4:00 or even evenings - even had one WOW get a job as a school bus driver - so she worked two shifts - guess that blows THAT schedule

    [*]Noon - 1:00pm: Go home, eat lunch

    Ignored it

    [*]1:00 - 5:00pm: witness

    Ignored it based on work schedule

    [*]5:00 - 6:30pm: cook dinner, eat and wash dishes

    Ignored it based on work schedule

    [*]6:30 - 10:30pm: witness (4 hours in the afternoon, 4 hours at night)

    We witnessed at bars and clubs - so Belle ya never had to worry about the 9:00 PM knock on the door. And we got to party at the clubs - sheesh - got quite a few folks in the evil class that way - but we partied at the same time and had a gas

    [*]10:30 - 11:00pm: family meeting

    Never checked on 'em but I know that the WFC's cared about their families. We had our best "family" hours when we got back from a bar or club as MORE THAN ONE FAMILY and just hung out.

    [*]You now have a whole hour to yourself before being in bed by midnight.

    My one and ONLY requirement was that everyone covered everyone's butt... and they did with a completely amazing fierce sense of loyalty to each other and to God - but not to TWI. Pipes was one of those who you didn't want to cross if you messed with her family or anyone else in the "branch". Dammm the whole branch was like that as I recall.... Pipes? You there? Or am I hallucinating again? Ever here from Billy pipes?

  14. "wonderful" like simple words like holy and the Lord Jesus can become like xhit when spoken through a mouthful of that stuff, which imho, the twi mouth was like.

    Kit Sober's evil nemesis - Vic NotSober... Sorry Kit I couldn't resist

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