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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. I was named after my maternal grandfather Foley Catheter....And there has been talk that Northumberland County Utilities is going to run power to our rural area of town - perhaps in a year or two - so at present where I live is a fairly dark place...Is RumRunner your first or last name - or your only name? Single names are easy to remember - I think that's why a lot of show people do that. I have a cousin that's doing that rock and roll stuff at a lot of pubs - he plays the bass, likes a lot of the Police tunes and goes by the name Stent.

    Nome of the above TB that name is from an old 70's Robert Hunter album. I used it so someone I know on here would recognize me right away.

  2. If I were in his shoes, I don't think I'd want my kids to know anything about twi...especially if it had nothing to do with them. Personally, I would hide any evidence of my association with that crowd - - but that's m-e!

    On the other hand....if I were in his position....it is my opinion....that I'm not sure I'd like exposing my kids to the like of us whom I know only over the internet.

    That's only my opinion. The chances I would take for myself, aren't those I would expose my kids to necessarily.

    Thanks Krys. I would not expose them to TWI - they know nothing of it. And, (yes I know bad grammar) I agree with the rest of your post as well. Besides - if you were a teenager do you want to go to a BBQ and listen to a bunch of adults talk?

    But thanks for thinking of it Tom. I know you meant all the best.

  3. He needs to be with his kids this weekend....maybe he's just a afraid of the competition.....

    The ex informed me she will be gone from Thursday to Sunday. I can't leave my kids alone. I'm sure Dooj will do more than justice to cheesecake and I hereby acknowledge her victory.

  4. Linder is her secret advisor?!?!?! Holy cr@p is she stupid thern. I have not seen that stupid ignorant piece of donkey cr@p Linder in well over 20 years. He was one of the STUPIDEST people I ever met. BUT he could swagger around a lot when the Twits let him start packing heat. Linder was always a big wuss - everyone laughed him into the ground - so when he started packing he made sure to remind all of those folk how cool he had become. Bet he thinks he shoulda been one of Jesus' body guards so history would turn out differently

    So we got "God's will on earth" being represented by a couple of morons, wait did I use that word mornon? I meant to say TWO OF THE STUPIDEST PEOPLE ON EARTH.

    Groucho - please reprove me if I am being ever so much a tiny bit forward.... smirks

  5. Me in trouble? Yep I did as a matter of fact; but then again I was almost always in trouble in TWI. Probably isn't one of the old school bastages that didn't take me task for one thing or another. Groucho probably remembers all to well. Laffs

    And good for you for taking a stand like that and blessing your friends marriage. Did you get in trouble for it?
  6. It's not the money I care about so much. A license explicitly implies ownership. LOLOL A franchise explicity implies you have bought the rights to use something someone else stays in owership of. A LICENSE? A FRANCHISE? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I'm dying I'm laffing so hard.

    Just for the record the license fee and a percent of the ABS from the group goes to Word Promotions

    The class fee is set by the area and stays in the group to pay expences or license agreements if they choose to. I think last I knew around here it was $30.00 or so.

    Also the 321 page book that goes with the class for first time students was $50.00 that also goes to Word Promotions.

  7. Screw Harvey. He tried SO hard to get a couple of friends of mine NOT to get married because he was not Corps. Well I married 'em in my living room and they are still married today with two great kids one on he way to college. Guess his "revelation" was wrong. His foolish and arogant talk of being a prophet was nothing more than an abhoration of anything related to God or the Bible. I have zero use for a$$ kissers and he was chief among them.

    Flame away

  8. I pay a FEE L? I pay a FEE???? for talking about God? OK I gotta stop or I am gonna go off the deep end now. Dear Lord Jesus please take my money which you SO need in heaven and let me speak God's word?????? Oh yeah - I can sell vacuum cleaners too Jesus. WTF??? WTF???

    Jard, thanks. Weird? Yes. I'd expect nothing different from the players in question, frankly.

    Rummy--yes, indeedarooni, you must pay a franchise fee (pretty hefty, I think) for the privilege of running GearShift's boring classes and sending your fellowship's "abundant sharing" to him. Sweet deal, eh? Boggles the mind. And then I suppose people who take the classes have to pay also. I call that double-dipping!

  9. Licensed? Franchised? LOLOLOL GOd is McDonald's????? In the name of the Vict0r,.the Cr@ig, and the holy G33r I open this FRANCHISE with the DULY LICENSED authorization to talk about God.... teach them of the ways of Ohio Fries, Oklahoma burgers and just plain Cr@p salads.... Geeze OK I will stop now.. well maybe NOT - LICENSED AND FRANCHISED?!?!?!?! God in neon - Oh wait God in tights in AOS!!! God in tights with a glass of drambouie and a motorcoach parked in a castle in the UK. Sorry - long week - snickers

    Linda Z ~

    Sorry, didn't see your post right before mine.

    As far as I know, Linda - - only Johnny T. is licensed in Ohio. There are some ex-twi folks who applied for and did not receive licenses (WL among them), but JT goes around and runs classes for anyone who wants one, even though those ex-twi leaders and JT don't see eye to eye nor are necessarily "affiliated" with each other in any way. It's pretty weird, but how it works there.


  10. If you know someone in law enforcement they can look it up on the NCIC. That center also cross checks with foreign govt's. I had a friend way back in the 1980 who looked up old drunk Vic. That guy had a drunk driving, driving without a license, speeding etc etc etc record so long it took like 10 pages (can't remember for sure) of printout...LOLOLOL.

    Groucho - your name only had 9 pages

    I actually googled someone who I KNOW was arressted and it didnot come up.

    We probably need to know the county and city so we can check out the police records in that area. Or the dates and look through archives in the Newspapers.

  11. It is amazing how that doctrine follows the splinter groups around!

    Actually I am not so surprised. This is no different (except on a micro scale) than THE ONE TRUE CATHOLIC FAITH splintering into so many different denominations, and those splintered and then each new splinter formed yet another splinter. Each time it happend it was because a) someone growing in power declared those in power to be wrong/bad/evil and b) those new splinters kept a lot if not most of the "parent" doctrine...but they kept ones (generally) that allowed them to retain the most control.

    That is why when I walked in 87 I never looked at any splinter groups or, for that matter any other church or religion. I figured I would just find remnants of someone else's grudges and hatreds.

    Funny how we were told you couldn't be excommunicated - at least way back when - now now you can be M&A?!?!?! Odd that it never seemed to come up in my recollection.....

    But that is just me again - my usual caustic self

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