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Posts posted by VeganXTC

  1. Here's a snopes article on the TSO house:http://www.snopes.com/photos/arts/xmaslights.asp

    I was glad to hear the music was on the radio, and not on loudspeakers. But I'm still glad he doesn't live by me!

  2. Thanks Kit, for bringing this thread back up. There's lots of information here!

    I remember a story where VPW, Billy Graham, and Oral Roberts supposedly all got together to discuss theology. They agreed on almost everything, but one item. If it wasn't for that one item, they would have all been working together.

    I forget who told me that story, if VPW told it in a teaching, or if someone just told me that. And I forget what the one thing was. Jesus Christ is not God? Speaking in Tongues? But I remember even back then thinking it was pretty bizarre. It sounded to me like VPW was name dropping, and wanting people to believe he was like Billy Graham and Oral Roberts. It sure wouldn't surprise me if VPW studied Billy Graham, and copied his movements and delivery. He sure copied a lot of other things.

  3. I'm so happy everything's going well for the babies, and Moses, and especially Zippie.

    That's cool you're screening buyers. I always wondered how people could sell animals to whoever had the money, no questions asked. Our Humane Society is strict. The whole household had to be there to see how the animal would react to us, and they called our vet for a reference. Then, after we were approved, they called to see how everything was going. I hear some are even stricter, doing home visits, before and after the adoption. But I think that's a good thing. Like you said, who wants to see babies, or adults for that matter, tied up in the yard all day. They should be pampered!

  4. Youch, Jonny! There's nothing more painful than a toothache!

    I remember the same thing as you regarding most doctors. I remember going to a dentist when I was on the WOW field, and he was a "standing" PFAL grad. And I had to get a chest X-ray (why?) before I went in residence. I don't remember if I needed a complete physical. And I lost my contact lenses while I was there. I needed special permission to spend over my $30 limit, but I got it, and was able to see an eye doctor and have them replaced. But like you, this was TWI 1.

    Now, if you needed a doctor for mental health, that was a whole other story. God forbid you were depressed, or bi-polar, or had any other mental health issue, while you were in TWI. I don't care if you were in TWI 1, 2, or 57, you were treated like you were lower than dirt. I don't remember anyone being encouraged to seek help from a doctor.

  5. He often told me that he knew twi was praying for his death. He said that he got many emails and messages from twit brains saying this to him!

    Good Night! What's being taught in TWI? When I was in we would have never prayed for someone to die, because then we would be praying to the wrong god. Now, its ok to pray for the death of someone? TWI gets more and more bizarre every day.

  6. Both of these recipes come from: http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/ She has TONS of recipes, and other places she links to, so if these don't work for your family, maybe you can find some there that will.


    2 oranges, peeled and chopped into small pieces

    2 cups pineapple, fresh or canned, chopped

    1/2 cup coconut flakes

    Mix together and refrigerate overnight. Serves 4 (but I could eat this whole bowl myself)

    Mini Crustless Tofu Quiches

    (I would think you could leave out the salt in these and they would still taste great.)

    olive oil spray

    1 teaspoon minced garlic

    1/2 cup bell pepper

    1 cup chopped mushrooms

    1 tablespoon minced fresh chives (or one green onion)

    1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary (or 1/2 tsp. dried, crushed)

    black pepper to taste

    1 12.3-ounce package lite firm silken tofu, drained of water

    1/4 cup plain soymilk

    2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

    1 tablespoon cornstarch (may sub another thickener such as arrowroot or potato starch)

    1 teaspoon tahini (preferred) or cashew butter

    1/4 teaspoon onion powder

    1/4 teaspoon turmeric

    1/2-3/4 teaspoon salt

    Preheat the oven to 375 F. Spray 12 regular-sized muffin cups well with non-stick spray. (I used silicone cups like these.)

    Lightly spray a non-stick skillet with olive oil and sauté the garlic, bell peppers, and mushrooms over medium heat until the mushrooms just begin to exude their juices. Stir in the chives, rosemary, and freshly ground black pepper, and remove from the heat.

    Place the remaining ingredients into a food processor or blender. Process until completely smooth and silky. Add the tofu mixture to the vegetables and stir to combine. Spoon equally into the 12 muffin cups: it will fill regular muffin cups about halfway.

    Put the muffin pan into the oven and immediately reduce the heat to 350 F. Bake until the tops are golden and a knife inserted into the middle of a quiche comes out clean--about 25-35 minutes depending on your oven and muffin cups (silicone will take longer than metal, so if you're using a metal pan, check it at 20 minutes). Remove from the oven and allow them to cool for about 10 minutes. Enjoy! They're light, so plan on making more of these—or serve hearty side dishes—if you're serving more than 3 people.

    4 mini-quiches contain: 96 Calories (kcal); 3 g Total Fat; (23% calories from fat); 11 g Protein; 8 g Carbohydrate; 0 mg Cholesterol; 459 mg Sodium; 2 g Fiber


    Chas, Thank God for people like you. I just wish there were more!

    My daughter wasn't a bartender, but when she was 16, she served drinks at our zoo one summer. Soda and beer. I forget what she couldn't do, maybe pour, or press the register key, whatever, but as long as she didn't do that, it was legal. That same summer most of the underage employees there were fired because they were caught stealing and drinking the beer. I'm happy to say my daughter wasn't one of them. Its hard enough for adults to be responsible around alcohol. I think we ask way too much when we allow our children to be around it.

    Cman you said:

    Just for me I won't drink anymore and still haven't.

    I say: :eusa_clap: Love and peace to you.

  7. Can you tell him what you told us? Maybe just say, "Look, Brother, I'm so concerned about you. I think you're playing with fire when you communicate with spirits. I love you so much. I don't want to see anything bad happen to you." As long as he doesn't feel threatened, I think he'll let you know what, if anything, you can do to help. And if there's nothing you can do to help, well, it will at least open communications between you two, so if there is ever a time when he does need your help, you can be there for him.

    You said in an earlier post that he used to go to Mass with your sister-in-law. Did you think he was playing with fire when he said the Rosary? Is praying to saints that much different than seeking guidance from Native American spirits?

  8. I agree with you too, Skyrider. Just wanted to add that maybe the good memories some people have are a result of the indoctrination process.

    One of TWI's big teachings was renewed mind-how we are to transform our minds to TWI's interpretation of the Bible. There was a whole class devoted to that one doctrine. So, a bad incident happens, ok, quick, renew your mind! Voila! Good memory!

    And what about if you saw something wrong, and you questioned it, and leadership couldn't answer your question to your satsfaction? Well, the we were told to just hold it in abeyance, just forget about your questions, maybe they'll be answered in the future. So, you hear wrong teaching, ok, quick, hold it in abeyance! Voila! Good memory!

    The fear factor where leadership would single people out and berate them, and say horribly wicked things about people who had left has already been discussed here. So, you don't want that to happen to you, ok, quick, block it all out! Voila! Good memory!

    I know I could have, and in fact did go to the Bible to find truth. But the man who taught me the keys to interpreting the Bible lied to me. So, when I looked for truth, I only saw his version. And when something bad happened, it was always my fault, my believing, my fellowship with God. Subconsciously, I had to have good memories. Then I read stories on Greasespot that could be my own stories. And I realize how deeply I was indoctrinated.

  9. On the comments page, there was a comment from someone who claims to be the homeowner. He wants to make it bigger for next year, and is asking for donations to raise 1-1.5k to buy more Christmas lights. I don't think I'll be donating, lol!

  10. Johniam, I can tell you a little bit about the spiritual belief system of the Tsalagi (Cherokee) nation, and I work with women from the Ojibwa (Chippewa) nation, so if you want, I could ask them about their spiritual culture. But with your brother living in Phoenix, I doubt if any information I could give you would help. Like Abigail said, different nations had different beliefs.

    I would be very concerned about the anger he displayed toward your wife if this is uncharacteristic of him. Are you close to your sister-in-law? Would she tell you if things are well with him, or if things are getting out of hand? Or if she feels there is any cause for concern?


    Quoting Outofdafog:

    You are never truly delivered. At some point if it is truly of God, shouldn't you be delivered??

    I don't know if I can agree here. Christ was still tempted, and he is of God. Couldn't an addict still be tempted by his drug, and be delivered? IMO, the deliverance comes when the addict says no, even if the addict has to say no a million times a day. I don't think its all or nothing.

    Please know that I'm not saying you're wrong. I honestly don't know that much about deliverance from addiction. I've just heard stories of people who said they were delivered, and then they succumb to their vice. Maybe they truely were delivered, but became complacent, and then temptation came, and they fell. I just don't think its wrong to be watchful.

    I also think people can be jerks whether they are addicts or not. I don't think one necessarily goes with the other. (I'm not calling anyone here a jerk. I'm just making an observation.)



    You said:

    no one was born an alcoholic
    Yes, they are.




    You also said:

    the thing is alochol is still a huge part of their life it surrounds their survival , and that is just sad not wonderful . sorry those who arent in the club of making life all about alochol and then if trying to stay sober STILL all about alochol.

    Alcohol has never been my drug of choice, I've never been to AA or Al-Anon, or anthing like that. I don't know Cman, except from here. But I have experienced addition in my life. And speaking only for myself, you're right. My addiction became my god. Everything I did revolved around my addiction. And I felt I couldn't survive without it. But I made a decision to stop. And, you know, there came a time when I didn't even think about it. And while my addiction to this day will still call my name, its very few and far between. It sure isn't my god anymore. My life isn't all about my addiction.

    I still don't see anywhere where Cman asks for anything. Certainly not glory or pity. But, good night! The Bible says the angels in Heaven rejoice when one who was lost is found. If God's ok with that, what's so wrong with being happy for my brother?

    Cman, I am happy for you.

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