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Posts posted by VeganXTC

  1. When I was a little girl, I would go to the grocery store with my mother. The employees seemed to happy. If we went down an aisle were a man was stocking, he would smile, excuse himself, and make room so we could pass. The butcher would come right away if my mother rang the little bell, and cut her meat the way she wanted. The cashier would make small talk with my mom, and give me a lollipop. :)

    Now, I'm made to feel like I'm in the way when I'm shopping. Store employees are inconvenienced if I need any help. Cashiers barely look at me, unless I ask, "How are you?" Then they look like I'm a serial killer.

    I do have a friend who had the produce mangager ask if she needed any help when she was wandering around his department. She was looking for sprouts, which the supermarket didn't carry, so he special ordered some for her. She's 23, drop dead gorgeous, and has legs up to her chin. But I don't think that had anything to do with the help she got. :rolleyes:

    My mom felt very bad one night. It turned out it was only indigestion, but she thought she was having a heart attack. We called our family doctor at his house in the middle of the night.

    Forget calling the doctor now. In an emergency, I would call 911. But I can't ever call my doctor. I have to call my insurance provider, and they tell me what to do. It takes a half an hour with all the button I have to press, to finally get to the person who can answer my question.

    So, yeah, I noticed customer service is gone.

    :offtopic: BowTwi, I drive a Saturn! I love it, and their service department.

  2. Roy,

    I've never heard of Yahoo Jim. He sounds goofy to me.

    If you write the same things on that board that you write here, you sure don't come across as holier than thou. You come across as a guy who cares about people and is excited to share what he has learned, or is thinking about.

    And as far as healing, wow! Roy, your posts are healing to read. You offer kind words with a loving heart. Plus, I remember that video you shared about the car wash. LOL! Doesn't God say a merry heart maketh good like medicine? That's what you have Roy, a merry heart, and you cause me, and many others to have one too.

  3. Has anyone read God Delusion? Or The Blind Watchmaker? I haven't read either one, but people who have said they're excellent.

    My curiosity wasn't aroused about the books until I saw Richard Dawkins mentioned here. I thought God was different than religion, or non-religion, kind of like Christ is different than what I have seen in Christian churches. So, why bother. But maybe there's something to what he has to say?

  4. I just got a reply from BG Le0nard's ministry. They have a new website, www. ctcoftexas.com. They say they're still running his classes, and they have one running right now. They seem like real loving people. They said I could call their office if I had any questions, and they gave me a cell phone number to reach them if it was after hours.

    I took a quick look at the site. There's lots of information, and there's books and tape you can buy if you don't want to commit to their class. They have a phone number you can call if you need healing and you want them to pray for you.

    This e-mail is the only experience I've had with CTC of Texas, so I can't really judge them, good or bad.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Wow Roy! You had quite a life!

    You're family sounds wonderful, so loving and caring. I'm sorry your school life wasn't filled with caring people.

    Is Fort Knox in Radcliff?

    You have changed so much! You are one of the most loving people I know. Its hard for me to imagine you getting into fights, or committing crimes. I'm glad all things have become new for you! And I am so happy you are here posting on Greasespot. You are such a joy to my life.

  6. My X-mother-in-law a real fruit. Used to turn her shoes upside down so the fairy nimps did not suck on her nipples..

    I was like, WWHHAATT?

    :blink: Wow.

    A complete musical scale has 13 notes.

    Ah! So music is unlucky! Now I know why everyone covers their ears when I sing.

  7. Gee, I really can't see anybody who responded here being rude to anyone. I don't know everyone's heart here, but I think we were all laughing at the absurdity of the situation, not trying to belittle anyone.

    I know when a telemarketer calls me, I try to be polite. I do try to stop them when I know I won't be purchasing their products, because I really don't want to waste their time, or mine.

    I'm not a telemarketer, but I have made lots of phone calls asking for peoples time and money and what have you for charity. I was very well trained on how to handle all sorts of people. While I appreciated a cheery disposition, (and was a sucker for corny jokes!) my day wasn't ruined when someone yelled at me, or put me on hold indefinitely.

    I know a lot of people who choose to do telemarketing, because the hours are flexible, you can work in an office, or at home, and there are some people who just love sales. Many retired people do this, and college students do this too.

  8. I haven't heard that one, Bramble. But I have heard you should wear your dress inside out, meet three sheep (this also works for winning football games), or you can do what I do, climb to the top of a mountain and burn all your socks with holes in them. Maybe I should bring a nutcracker man in my shoes on the mountain top?

  9. Before I took PFAL, I went to twig at a house where the homeowner couldn't pay the bill, so her heat was turned off, or she couldn't buy oil, or her furnace was broke and she couldn't get it fixed, whatever. Anyway, it was FREEZING! So, the twig leader asked for money to help her, and I guess I gave more than what others did, and he came to me and asked me if I really wanted to give so much, and that I could take it back without any condemnation.

    When I took PFAL, there was that stipulation where you had to be at all sessions, and you had to be on time. I was so sad, because I just started a new job, and there was no way I could get off from work to be at every session, and I really, really wanted to take PFAL. So, I went to the class coordinator (I know they weren't called that back then. Class leader, maybe?) and was crying and telling him I couldn't take the class, and he held me real sweetly, not like a creep trying to use me, and said there were make up sessions, not to worry.

    When I was in residence, I lost my contact lenses, and couldn't see. Everyone who I asked let me borrow their glasses so I could see if something was written up front in the classes.

    Drty Dzn let me dunk my cookies in his coffee.

    I can think of a lot more acts of unkindness than I can of kindness. I know I did more unkind things than kind.

  10. There were thirteen people at The Last Supper, Jesus and the twelve apostles. And tradition holds that the crucifixion was on a Friday!

    The Olsen twins were born on Friday the 13th!

    But there is no need to worry. If you hang your shoes out of your window you will be safe from all bad luck.

  11. Although I have many things I could say about Unilever, none of it nice, I do applaud their Campaign for Real Beauty. I think it does good on many levels. The obvious, (you are beautiful even if you don't conform to the cultural standard) and the subtle (The advertising industry manipulates image so consumers will buy.)

    The trick is to get society to believe in "Real Beauty." A couple of TV shows that I have seen do an experiment where a beautiful person, and an average person are put in situations, and good things always happen to the beautiful person. The sad truth is, the better looking you are, the easier things will come to you.

    I dunno. Maybe this Dove campaign will help. It sure can't hurt.

  12. Sudo and suda, you two are so funny!

    I'm going to a Halloween party next Friday with Drty Dzn, but we can only stay for 5 minutes, cause I have to work the next day bright and early. Belle, I was thinking of using your black eyed pea costume. LOL!

  13. Two cool dudes hanging' out. What could be better? Its fun how people who normally never would have met come together. I imagine there will be lots of learning on both sides.

    It amazes me how people living so close together can be living in two different worlds. Some of my coworkers are minority women living in poor neighborhoods, with high crime rates. We had a thunderstorm while at work one day. There was an extremely loud bang of thunder. We were all startled, but one woman fell to the floor. We thought maybe she fainted, but no, she was just doing what came naturally. She thought it was a gunshot. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in her world, where drive-by shootings are so common, her natural reaction to a loud noise is to protect herself.

    Thanks for doing what you can to see this young boy grow into a fine man. You rock!

    We didn't get into who is Stephen Hawkin and what is string theory.

    (Would type more, but I'm in shock over a yawning icon being placed after Stephen Hawking and string theory!)

  14. I'm going to have to change my name to Naive Vegan, because I'm sorry to say, this news does surprise, and sadden me. I've never been involved in any way with CFF, but most of my family is. Wow! J0hn and W4yn3 aren't the men I thought they were. Couldn't they just ask what they wanted to know? Are spys really necessary? Do CFF leadership consider their own people the enemy?

  15. Casting down is like planting it or sticking it in the earth to see what becomes of it.

    To examine it with thoughtfull reason.

    Do you know how your friend came to this conclusion?

    I thought casting down, kathaireo, was to throw down to the extent of destruction. I was also taught Sprawled Out's version for the word imaginations. Destroy every thought and high thing that exhalts itself against the knowledge of God, was what I thought 2 Cor 10:5 was about.

    But I learned a lot of wrong stuff, so I'd be interested to hear how casting down is like planting.

  16. K, for pictures, put your cursor on the picture, and click on the RIGHT mouse button. That should bring up a menu. Bring your cursor down the menu until "copy" is highlighted. Then click on the Left button. Then, come here and in the reply or new post box, Right click. then highlight "paste". LEFT click. Voila! as they say in the restaurant biz.

    For print, highlight what you want to post. Then copy and paste like above.

    For videos, there's a thread in Testing where I got help, and Chatty Kathy explains it alot better than I could.

    Can't wait to see your stuff!

  17. DMiller- If Robert Earl Keen ever comes to play in my town, I'll invite him over for barbequed lentils. :)

    There's a program I know of "Food Not Bombs." They share free vegetarian food, and at the same time promote peace. They also work to eradicate homelessness. They were out there when Katrina struck, feeding the hungry.

    Now there's a very real danger of this and similar programs ending, or at least dampened, because of the laws being made to label protesters as terrorists.

    Thanks for this thread, Chas. I'm going to listen for the program!

  18. Oneo- LOL! You are too funny! But how cool to be born on Halloween! Was it fun for you as a child, or did it seem like you really didn't have a special day for yourself?

    Chas- your boys are so cute! I hope you can find the mask!

    Alas cool! I searched and searched, but I can't find the screensaver. Sorry! This was 8 years ago, and I don't remember the name of it. And the computer it was on died a long time ago. My whole family will be home next weekend, so I'll ask them if they can remember it.

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