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Posts posted by VeganXTC

  1. Ok, but still, isn't TWI breaking the law by vesting their employees after 7 or 8 years? Here's what I found:

    Finally, EGTRRA lowers the number of years that individuals must participate in certain types of employer retirement plans before they are vested. Vesting is the guarantee of benefits from a plan, regardless of whether or not the individual leaves the employer prior to retirement. When first imposed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), vesting had to occur after no later than 10 years, or after 15 years if the plan provided graduated vesting. For example, under a graduated vesting schedule, the employee might be 25 percent vested after 5 years, with the percent increasing annually until reaching 100 percent vested after 15 years. Over time, Congress has reduced the maximum number of years that could be included in a vesting schedule. Under the new law, vesting of employer matching contributions to a defined contribution plan must occur after 3 years (cliff vesting), or after 6 years if a graduated schedule is used.

    The complete article is here:


  2. Watered Garden, I'm sorry about your vehicles, and I'm glad your husband is ok. Lori's right about the deer whistles, they work extremely well, and not just for deer.

    But as far as the huge populations of animals, you can blame that on your local, state and federal governments. To get more hunters, and their money, they have wildlife management or consevation programs in order to raise the number of hunted animals. The more animals, the more money from the sale of hunting licenses.

    In Alaska, the Department of Fish and Game is trying to increase the moose population by controlling the wolves and bears. They are either relocated, or slaughtered.

    To really control the population of game animals, a TNR (trap, neuter, return) program should be implemented.

    Watered Garden, again, I am so sorry for what happened. The people who you work with may be well meaning, but they're wrong. Deer don't want to be around people. Something is terribly wrong when so many people have so many accidents. Its horrible for the people and the deer.

    Stupid government and their love of money.

  3. RumRunner, you are so sweet to offer to scan my pictures for me. I didn't even think of asking someone who has a scanner to scan them. Duh! I'm sure someone I work with has one, and will do it for me. But thank you!

    Another question. How far down the way tree can I go before its inappropriate to post pictures? I wouldn't post pictures of people in my twigs, or my WOW family, but is it wrong to post pictures of Limb Coordinators? And what about people in Way Productions? Or maybe I shouldn't post any pictures of any people at all?

  4. Roy, when I said I wished people would stop judging homosexuals, it wasn't directed at you. It was directed at society in general. Please forgive me if I caused any misunderstanding.

    I do wonder what you mean when you say you need to work on not judging law people. Are you talking about religious people who try to put others under the law? Or maybe police officers? (If its the police, I have plenty I could say, but that's another thread.)

    Anyway, I think you're awesome, and I'm happy you started this thread.

    I was always told to vote repubican while I was in TWI, but I always voted democrat. :evilshades:

    My best male friend was in a monogamous relationship for 16 years. His partner became very ill, and needed to be hospitalized. When decisions were needed to be made, my friend was not consulted about any of his partner's care. All decisions were left up to the family, who hadn't seen him in 25 years, because they disapproved of his homosexual lifestyle. Now, my friend is barred from seeing his partner, and doesn't know if his partner is even alive or dead. Its so very sad.

    So, tomorrow, I'm voting no on our state marriage amendment, and once again, voting democrat.

  5. My pictures are the old fashioned kind- not digital. I don't have a scanner. How do I post them? I pretty much look like my avatar too, except I'm a brunette, and not a red head.

    I do have tons of pictures from the late 70's and early 80's that people might like to see. Is there somewhere I could go to get my pictures on CD's?

  6. Did anyone else see Weird Al do "White and Nerdy" on the tonight show this last week? He was great, but he was on at the very end, so Jay Leno didn't interview him. I was sad about that.

    My son says he walks down the hall of his dorm, and every other room has it playing. LOL!

  7. I'm not sure, but isn't there two types of vesting, cliff, and graded? Cliff is where you go from 0% to 100%vested, and graded is where maybe after 1 year you're 20%vested, then 50% next year, then 100% after three years, depending on what your employer says. Anyway, I thought there was a law for vesting schedules. And I thought the law was 3 years for cliff, and 6 years for graded. If I'm correct, isn't TWI breaking the law by making their employess wait 7 or 8 years to be vested?

  8. Way Productions used to do songs and skits at lunch time to exalt the mighty forehead. Two particular songs I remember only parts. One went:

    Reverend L Craig Martindale

    He's a quintsessential male

    This is just too bizarre for words. If someone was singing a song like this about you, and they were serious, wouldn't you think something was wrong with them? Wouldn't you try to stop them?

  9. Thanks for posting all the pictures. It so much fun to watch you have so much fun!

    Ex10, is this your house the party is at? Its gorgeous! I love all the color!

    Greasespot has the prettiest women on the net for sure! And the men! OMG! All hunks!!!

    Have fun today!

  10. This is so odd!

    On another test I took here at Greasespot, the results were:

    A spiritual and philopsophical person, your inner calmness inspires and helps others.

    You would make a great philosopher, researcher, or theorist.

    My results for this is:
    You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor.

    Maybe I should become a guru! Or maybe I should just stop taking internet tests!

    Thanks cowgirl!

  11. Hi Roy!

    My daughter is a biology major, with an emphasis on zoology. I'm going to recomend that she watch that show too!

    Have you heard about GMO foods? Scientists have found a way to take the DNA of one species, say a fish, and insert it into another species, like corn. In order for the corn to accept the fish DNA, scientists have to alter it, and attach viruses,and e-coli. Ewww! And what's so scary, is that in the US, GMO food doesn't have to be labeled. There's a really good movie called, "The Future of Food" that tells all about it. And its not a vegetarian issue, rather a human issue, so, there's no hidden agenda.

    Anyway, do you remember in PFAL how VPW taught that angels and humans couldn't bring forth children together because the species couldn't mix? Well, now science is able to mix species, with GMO corn able to produce seed. And if science knows how to mix species now, wouldn't God know it was available back then? And wouldn't the devil and his minion? So, isn't it possible that the sons of God were angels, and the daughters of men were human, and they did have children together?

  12. Thanks Roy, for starting this thread, and posting the link.

    I remember in the 90's being taught in fellowship that it would be best to pull our children out of public school, and enroll them in a Christian school, or homeschool them, if homosexual tolerance was taught. My daughter was in kindergarden then. She wasn't taught about homosexuality in school until 5th grade I think, and we had left TWI by then. I thought it was odd though, that it was ok to leave my daughter in a school where her teacher had zodiac symbols all over the classroom, because God would protect her from those evil influences.

    Was there ever any proof that 10% of the WOWs in 94 were gay?

    Bowtwi, what horrible people were in TWI. I can't imagine what that experience was like for your son. Its bad enough to be falsely accused when you're an adult, but for a young teenager to go through that, it must have been a nightmare. I'm so happy he's ok, and extremely happy he's getting married! All the best to him, and your future daughter-in-law!

  13. I agree with Bramble that anger is a warning sign, a time to stop and see what's wrong. And I agree with many other posters who say that its what we do with our anger that makes it good, or not. Its good to look for solutions to the problem, but bad to "punish" our transgressor, so to speak.

    There's a well known pop psychologist on TV that says all our behavior is based on what we get out of it. And I believe that some people do operate on reward and punishment. But I believe, at least I hope there are people who do what they do, because they feel it is the right thing to do, whether they get anything out of it or not.

    I also believe there are some people who act out in anger, because they know of no other way to be. If the only thing we know to do when we are hurt is to hurt back, then that is what we do.

  14. I'm all for gay rights. And whatever happens between two consenting adults in private is none of my business. But for Ted Haggard, who makes his living bashing homosexuals and telling people how to live their lives so they can get to heaven, to buy drugs and solicit the services of a male escort is just plain wrong.

    I don't believe for a second the man bought meth, and threw it away, nor do I believe he just got a massage from Mike Jones. But even if he is telling the truth, he is still wrong, and should resign.

    When I was a child, before TWI, I believed ordained clergy were called by God Himself, to serve, and help, and love His people. Then in TWI I saw why some became ordained. Aren't there any holy men (or women) any more?

  15. I don't know if I can agree that we do have a choice on whether or not we are angry, or how long we stay angry. I know we were taught in TWI to "renew our minds" and in secular self help books we're taught we can choose how we think about a situation. I think its all baloney. If someone does something to hurt me, whether real or imagined, I'm going to be angry. However, how I choose to respond to, and act upon, my anger is up to me.

  16. The biggest difference about Free Hugs and TWI hugs, to me at least, is that Free Hugs are freely given and received, not like in TWI where hugs and kisses were mandatory. There were many times I felt that TWI hugs weren't genuine displays of love, just a chance to cop a feel. Then I would feel horribly wicked. I would wonder what was wrong with me, thinking evil of my brother in Christ like that. I was so stupid.

  17. I saw this a long time ago, and it touched me to the point of tears. Then, yesterday, AOL did a story that said Oprah did a segment on the video, and it got me thinking about it again.What do you think? Is Free Hugs one of the most loving things you have ever seen? Or does it remind you too much of those dirty hugs of TWI? Would you carry a sign offering free hugs? Would you hug someone carrying that sign?For those who haven't seen the video, here it is:


    The only time I didn't live with animals was when my children were small. I was afraid someone would get hurt.

    They become so much more than just companions. They are family.

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