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Posts posted by VeganXTC

  1. So Vegan, is the vegan mayo to your taste because of the no eggs in it?

    Yeah, but in all honesty, vegan mayonaise was an aquired taste. When I was in my early 30's, I had a friend who used Nayonaise, and when I tried it, I hated it. But now, 15 years later, I think it tastes great.

  2. I love "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." (LOL! So does everyone else here, I see. It must be an ex-twi thing!) There was a special on this year about how it was made. I really enjoyed it.

  3. So, what happens to the boy now? Will he have to go to court? Is he expelled from school?

    This is crazy. I can't imagine what the family of this boy is going through. And what about these school officials? These are teachers and educators that are trained in early childhood behavior. Surely they must realize 5 year olds think differently than 50 year olds. It is so scarey to think about the people who are entrusted with our children's learning for so many years.

  4. I have a huge problem with my tax dollars being used to support any religion, my own included. When governments support religion, it send a message to people outside of that religion that says they are excluded. How can a government claim that all their citzens are created equal when they are supporting an evangelical Christian ministry that says those who don't participate are "unsaved," "lost," "pagan," those "who served the flesh," "of Satan," "sinful" and "of darkness."?

    I'm all for religious freedom. But inmates are allowed to practice the religion of their choice, whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Wiccan, or even Arian. Why would they need a evangelical ministry to come unasked? And why should my tax dollars support them?

  5. George, we never spoke with each other here on Greasespot, but I have read many of your posts. You have made my life better with your words; you've made me smile, and made me think.

    I agree that you are a strong and courageous man. I think Lisa is very fortunate to have you as her father.

    Love and peace to you.

  6. Calflor,

    I remember talk about JAL's parents buying the Limb home for The Way of Indiana. Something about using Eli Lily money instead of their own for the purchase. Did you hear anything about that? Did that happen?

    I never met his folks, but I spent way too much time with JAL. I didn't care too much for him. But I didn't know him during his CES time.

  7. I think racial quotas for colleges is a good thing.

    I won't speak for all cities, but in Milwaukee, the inner city schools aren't bastions of academia. There is so much distruption in the high school classrooms, that the teachers spend more time with discipline, rather than teaching. Shootings occur outside of the school, drugs are bought and sold, children are selling themselves for $10, its not pretty.

    So, where does that leave the child of color who is willing to learn, able to learn, but cannot because the system failed her? Should she be denied a higher education because her SAT's were lower than my children's? Should the young man of color be denied a higher education because his parents are working two jobs at minimum wage, just to feed the family, and he cannot afford the SAT prep work that my children could?

    Children aren't admitted into college because they are smart. They are admitted because of test scores, grades, involvement in school activities. How can you ask an inner city child in public school to compete with a suburban child in private school?

  8. I really liked how you explained Santa and the tooth fairy. Fun and truthful all at the same time.

    When my kids were tiny, DrtyDzn and I didn't say one way or another about Santa, but they still heard about him, through neighbors, and even Grandma! They were always skeptical children, so I really don't think they ever thought he was real.

    When we became vegetarian, we started putting Larabars in their Easter baskets instead of Hershey bars. My son, 16 at the time, said, "I see the Easter bunny has gone vegetarian too." :)

    I dunno. I guess I'm on the fence when it comes to Santa and the others. I understand the fun and wonder in a child's life, and how a parent would want that for their own children. But I also understand why a parent wouldn't want to tell their children Santa was real. I guess it would depend on the child, and how the child would react when they found out Santa wasn't real.

  9. Vegetarian Jokes

    A guy has celery sticking out of one ear, lettuce out of the other, and a zucchini up his nose.

    He goes to the doctor and asks him what's wrong.

    The doctor tells him, "Well, for one thing, you're not eating right."

    A vegetarian, a meat-eater, and a cannibal walk into a bar, the vegetarian orders a salad, the other orders a burger, then the bartender asks the cannibal "anything for you?", so he replies, "no thanks, I'll wait till they're done."

    A vivisector is having a nightmare: lying on a cold steel table, he's going numb as a giant rat approaches with a large knife.

    The rat says, "We are going to need those kidneys, my friend."

    "Wait!" shouts the vivisector. "I understand that I'm going to die, but just tell me, is it for the good of humanity?"

    "Something like that," the rat tells him with a smirk. "It's for the good of two manatees."

    A husband and wife were sitting around talking about their hard day at work and the wife was complaining that she needed to be more assertive to get anywhere, etc. when her husband told her, "You know what the problem is don't you? It's a dog eat dog world out there, and you're a vegetarian!"

  10. Well, I'm confused by your last post, rhino. I haven't seen the US Government pushing any religious diversity agenda, in fact just the opposite. I still have to place my hand on a Bible, and swear to God if I testify in a courtroom. My money still states I trust in God. To pledge allegience to this country that I am proud to be a citizen of, I must state that it is under God. That doesn't leave much room for people who worship a Goddess, or the atheist, or the many other Americans who do not worship God.

  11. I've never heard the Christian Right say they wanted any harm done to anyone who believes differently, but I have heard them say that the world would be a better place if everyone believed like them. I have heard the Christian Right condemn organizations that have different goals as evil. I have heard the Christian Right condemn people of other religions as satanic worshipers. I don't see Bramble's scenarios as being too far out. Its happened before.

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