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Posts posted by Allan

  1. I am genuinely sorry for you Temple lady, whatever you think of me, but I tell you this, if you lived near me I would help you to win back your kids,considering as others have said that there are no extenuating circumstances on your part.

    I think if I remember rightly you are/were Mormon ? hence the name Templelady ?

    Did that have something to do with their outcome ?

    There was no putrid fruit from twi we allowed to get a grip on our lives,but we 'ran away' with the apples so to speak !!

  2. People can say they are 'blessed and happy' but in my experience that can often be a 'cover' for loneliness, unsureness, bitterness etc..

    I found s.i.t . alot helped me through much of that.

    I loved the 'surrendering' thread.The worship side of church really helps with that..

  3. Quoted from 'this is about the way forum/for new readers, posters' started by Wordwolf

    Bramble quote.."Rascal is as far as I know Christian, but you being around could steer her towards where I am, an 'anti witness'"

  4. No..I'm responding because the thread was about s.i.t., I'm for it and others are against it.

    The against get their 'dander up' as much as anybody else and I'm not surprised given that Bramble for instance has 'come out' and said in another thread that they consider themselves an 'anti-witness' whatever the hell that means to a 'Wicca' !

    You know..I guess that makes me a 'for-witness'??!

  5. Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'.

    No,learning 'how to' s.i.t. didn't 'seal it' for me at the time but it sure 'seals it for me now'.

    (It's o.k. have at it critics and flamers..I have my 'fire extinguisher' at the ready !!)

  6. I still go with Romans 10:9,10 unequivocally( which I think means without a doubt !)

    Works for me.Nothing any man or woman says can be guarenteed but I do believe what the Bible says regarding life, death, eternity and all the bits in-between !

  7. Hey people, this isn' a 'survivor series' is it, you know, where you try to get people on your side so you are the last one remaining on the Island ??!!

    "The tribe has spoken" sort of thing.

    Rascal, I've noticed with your posts that the angrier you get the more 'biting and needling' you get then begin using words like 'rancour' etc..

    It would save a lot of time if you just came out straight away and typed how you felt.

    (Just a suggestion.)

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