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Everything posted by LornaDoone

  1. In replying to the excerpt for Chapter 3 he says "This chapter discusses the topic of the "Unforgivable Sin" and why Christians have not, nor ever could, commit this sin. Again, the Way believed this sin was to be "born again of the devil." NO WHERE did Dr. Wierwille or any other believer say that a Christian could be born of the devil's seed? We already know that a believer with incorruptible seed cannot commit this sin. Not sure what he is getting at but if this is a prelude to the book, he's misquoting VPW. Again in the book, he quotes "This chapter raises the question of God's mercy and why the Lake of Fire is so misunderstood in the western mind. Do evil people who die really go to a literal Hell and burn for eternity? It is answered in this chapter." No where did Dr. Wierwille EVER say that an evil person who dies goes to a literal Hell and burn for eternity. The Word says that devil spirts will be in Hell and tormented. When the Word talks about seperation from the Lord, it gives those that could have believed a glimpse at what they could have had then they are cast into the Lake of Fire for the 2nd death. Not torment.........
  2. Elizabeth, I don't know how God will do it, but you will have a truly blessed wonderful future. Just stay as sweet as you are and keep your relationship tight with God. Hugs :)
  3. Maybe it's time to get rid of "President" and hire "The Director".
  4. Did anyone else see Joel & Victoria Osteen on CNN Larry King the other morning, it was around 5 am. It was awesome, he would not, just would not make any remarks about anyone in a qossip kind of way. They explained their whole calling as to bless people and build them up with the Word, no matter what religion they were. Of course they preach Christ but they shared that the principals in the Word work for anyone. It was refreshing to have a minister not give in to dirt, or compromise at the same time. If it comes on again, watch it. They did talk about "the enemy", but they kept things in perspective and prefer even to talk about the power of God working in people's lives. Perhaps too many of these 'cultish' religions, give too much unhealthy attention to the Adversary, thereby almost worshipping him. God should always get the glory and prophecy should always build up and restore or it's not a word fitly spoken. The church is to operate within the Love of God and cover a multitude of sins. When it comes to a husband and wife, NO ONE EVER should stick their nose in and encourage a decision to divorce. You never know just what God is going to do in that marriage. The only time I can see it being profitable is if someone is physically abused, other that that, even leadership should mind their business, give the Word of encouragement to stay tight with God and for the spouse who is endeavouring to walk, to believe God to turn their situation around. Well off to bed and everyone have a wonderful Christmas and New Year filled with all God's goodness & health.
  5. I just heard from the Lord. It's definitely prophecy because it will come to pass. He said I'm going to bed and that's the truth. Night all, I sure hope the believers in CES don't get too hurt by all of this, especially the ones who have been thru it before. hugs :)
  6. What a bunch of crap. Take down your stupid titles of your ministries and just walk. Stay in your realm of influance & stop trying to make the Word more than it is. Each believer has Christ in them, let them manifest it and function within the Body of Christ. Let the local leadership (who is to serve, not be served, judgemental & critical) help people. People need to be loved, not dogged to death. Go get real jobs JAL, MG, KG. Get out amoung the people and stop trying to think you are more "spiritual" than other believers. The gift ministries are to bring healing, all your bringing is "hell". Prophecy, crap, crap. Not the way you are presenting it. Write your stupid books and miss the simplicity of the Word everywhere. Even when Paul went to Jeruselem, God covered him and Luke went with him. No meekness, no humbleness. Get your lives simple, that's prophecy. Good Lord. Father I pray your heart is not hurt by this crap today, in the name of Jesus Christ. May your men and women rise up to the simple, loving, compassionate, healing & abundant life you have called us to and may the egotists drop off this earth quickly. Give them Lord grace but kick their butts big time so they wake up.
  7. The more I see this crap the more I want to puke. You want to know the downfall. "Let's learn some new thing, we just have to learn some new thing". Let's "study" the Word and have a new doctrine, keep them coming. 1. When the hell are believers going to learn that Christ is the Head of the Church. 2. They can't learn "some new thing" they have not mastered the basics of being a Christian "and the greatest of these is charity" out of a pure heart. 3. Prophecy, ha, where in the new testament does someone see another believer "in a dream" with their f'n head spinning, crap coming out of their mouth & vicious dogs. BARF, BARF, BARF. What happened to the Love of God, it is obviously gone from alot of people, trying to be something they will never be, more important than the people they supposedly serve. Love is supposed to cover a multitude of sins. I find this whole situation so distasteful it sickens me. I left TWI because of the treatment of other people. Those who thought they had a real in with God. I got so spiritually angry, I blasted them good & left them standing with their jaws dropping. I sure hope JAL reads this stuff. Ego's run wild. These guys must have some real inferiority complexes to tear down believers in the name of God. I think an apostle did that before JESUS CHRIST witnessed to him on the road to Demascus. Remember him. The only difference is that he literally killed them. Here you have people tearing other believers down & who knows how many may have committed suicide because of TWI & dangerous cults like this. Believers just need to meet in their homes, love each other and continually pray together & keep it together. I believe the Word speaks for itself on how a family are to operate. A house divided cannot stand. Everyone does not have the same walk and function. Even the feeble are MORE necessary and members in particular. From whence cometh wars among you. Maybe they should reread the basics and stop trying to be so f'n smart. I certainly wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday, filled with love and compassion. I am not Catholic but we could all certainly learn form Mother Teresa. Don't know about you but I'm a saint. God said so. I can do all things. God bless you all and Eliz............have a big drink on me.
  8. My God, I just finished Elizabeth's letter and boy John should have kissed the ground she walked on for her loving insight. To think he sided against his wife with two a$$ holes who think they are God on a stick. Karen Ann you should commit yourself, you and your husband are as bad as LCM & TWI. Next to TWI, this is the most devilish organizaion if they continue to allow these two to function in any capacity. JAL, I spoke to you years ago about your time in TWI and your EGO and you told me you learned a few things since leaving. I think not. Lording over people and legalism is bull ..... Perhaps you all should take a hiatis like LCM did and go work for UPS. This makes me ill.................to even think about doing this to any believer. Shame on you all. Having seen these damnable spirits operate in TWI, I believe Elizabeth. Way to go Elizabeth, I hope you are lying in the sun enjoying life to the fullest. As to CES, your fruit & teaching are being tried in a fire & will burn up if you don't get your act together and get your lives simple. Your egos are so overinflated I don't know if God could ever reach you again. Shame, shame, shame.
  9. Actually I don't care what Elizabeth's sins are or the fact that some believe she was not on trial. Sure sounds like a trial to me. Make these changes, do this this way, JAL divorce your wife? A real man would stand by his wife no matter what and help her thru. He is spiritually responsible for her, not everyone else. These "false" prophets are speweing out garbage. Good Lord, let him that is without sin cast the first stone. Shame on you JAL.
  10. [""Introduction to the Prophetic" Prophetic Seminar 1999 Indianapolis IN Partners' Price Only $30.00 Partners' Price Only $30.00 Tape 1 - "Introduction to the Prophetic" by Karen Anne Graeser Tape 2 - "Seek to Excel" by John Lynn Tape 3 - "Hearing God's Voice" by Karen Anne Graeser Tape 4 - "I Cor 14: Discerning the Genuine from the Counterfeit" by Mark Graeser Tape 5A - "Prove All Things" by Gene Speakes Tape 5B - " Evaluating Dominion Theology and the Prophetic" by Mark Graeser Tape 6 - "Contending for the Faith" by John Schoenheit Tape 7 & 8A - "Questions and Answers" " Boy I can't stand this ..... Knowledge sure does puff up. They will never move the Word until they get simple again. BARF :(
  11. When the hell are believers going to learn to keep the word simple. Sounds like these "false prophets" have watched too many Angel Heart & Rosemary's baby movies. They are sick sick sick. They should all mind their own business and stay the "fxxx" out of the believers lives. You pray for and with people and then allow GOD to work. Too many cooks if you ask me. Their fruit will expose them. I was sickened by that "prophetic piece" about Elizabeth. John should have stuck by his wife, believed her through it and told them to go "fxxx" themselves. Been there done that. Life is not perfect in any way and it does not matter what problems we encounter as believers and we get some doosies, GOD DELIVERS OUT OF THEM ALL. Sounds like they got JAL to compromise on their terms and give up on his wife. Sick Sick Sick. Oh Lord, kick their axxes. Protect your people from these barbarians.
  12. Oops, looks like you were removed Nato? Can't get to the post anymore. I guess we made our points. I guess with over 800 coming in for the Adv'd Class Special, it will be a busy weekend.
  13. Nato, you really went off. If you want them to receive your reproff or instruction, you have to learn to make your point in a loving way. I defended you but not without some reproff.
  14. Since most general office workers are underpaid anyway, I consider it one of the Godly perks. Most office workers work very hard anyway & usually the company looks the other way if they have a worker who goes above and beyond.
  15. "GIFTS" DID I HEAR LCM GOT GIFTS? You have to be kidding, it's against the rules!
  16. Hey Krys. I think you are wrong! I believe the only time we were thinking right was when we left.
  17. You are correct Oldie's. I see alot of things here that are exaggerated. I know you can take any senario and turn it into a "policy". Many times people say things but that does not necessarily represent the whole ministry but another leaders warped perception of what they think is "policy". As for Belle, "the Way" never, never said SIT was necessary for salvation. What we were taught was that SIT was the proof that someone was born again and that was the only way you could know for sure someone was born again. So this is what I mean, this was taken way off track if that is what Belle was implying. No man can say Jesus is lord but by the holy ghost. (don't remember off hand which scripture it is) but let's not take it out of context. All believers born again can speak in tongues but all believers born again will not speak in tongues. This is all hearsay bs. I also baby sat, right up until the time I left. I was always asked and never made to feel guilty if I said no. I used to do things for the branch coordinators and they were always thankful and never expected me to do them. I would fold laundry etc. It was my choice. So I really don't believe some of the bs here being "unwritten" policy. Alot of these things that were said to believers were not mandates by TWI but individuals who went overboard. Oh well, we are not all perfect people. Perhaps they were doing their best at the time. I would attribute them to bad habits rather than "unwritten mandates" and a waste of time to even talk about. The past is past put it behind you, I'm sure there are more serious things to talk about here. And you don't throw people out for having a mortgage, we had and still have a mortgage and no one ever implied that to us.
  18. When we were in the corps our need basis did not allow for pretty new things to keep hubby's attention. So it was suggested to me by my coordinator that to entice my hubby, try wearing my negligee backwards and he would think it was new. Got all ready, went to the door to surprise him when he came home and it worked. He did not know it was an old negligee. The 1st thing out of his mouth: "Where did you get the shiitt stains on the front of your nightie" BOMBBBBBBBBBBBBED big time. Can't please anyone most of the time!
  19. Looks like they have given up, no posts since the 11th. It's about time the enthusiam is winding down. :blink:
  20. Ummmmmmmmmm are we on the right track here? scum 3 entries found for scum. To select an entry, click on it. scum[1,noun]scum[2,intransitive verb]pond scum Main Entry: 1scum Pronunciation: 'sk&m Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch schum; akin to Old High German scum foam 1 a : extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid often as a foul filmy covering -- compare POND SCUM 2 b : the scoria of metals in a molten state : DROSS c : a slimy film on a solid or gelatinous object 2 a : REFUSE b : a low, vile, or worthless person or group of people - scum·my /'sk&-mE/ adjective
  21. Just wanted to keep this on top so we stay informed of updates.
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