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Everything posted by LornaDoone

  1. Greetings Seeker. In referance to "bondage". You can be assured that whatever you have given will come back to you. I know much has been said about the tithe here but regardless of whether or not someone tithes, the word says to do it or not in the Church Epistles, it still works. It's the heart that counts. Sounds more to me like many people may want an excuse not to give. Bottom line is that God has not changed. He will honor anyones heart who gives. The tithe still works just as it did in the O.T. As a matter of fact it's a great way to prove God in your life. I have never, never been disappointed. Things are still coming back to me and I would not feel limited to the tithe. You still cannot outgive God and personally why wouldn't a believer want to give as much as they can (from the heart). God needs money to move the Word. We want to have God super blessing us all the time, so is alot of this observation based on fear. I have personally challanged people that were heavy in debt to DOUBLE their giving and they came back to me and their debt was relieved fast. They were blown away. So I believe it's still DOUBT, WORRY & FEAR in believers that holds them back. God is really there. He will never leave his kids hanging if they are trying to do what they belive in their hearts is right. So while it may not say title, I contend that "cheerful giving" is # 1, then "he that giveth sparingly shall reap sparingly" is # 2. If all of us here really believe there is a God and he is our Father, how can we not believe he will honor our hearts, bless us abundantly and give to us when we have need. IMO
  2. Seems like we are disecting God here. I know that God can make it snow if even for a minute and do something necessary to encourage a believer. So what's the big deal. I don't belive it's a lie, I've had things like that happen to me, the only difference is it was for me and I didn't build a ministry around it and necessarily share it with everyone. We had one believer who was of the Jewish faith, take the PFAL class and get born again. When she went outside on a break, the clouds formed a dove. It was so obvious and God did it just for her. There were witnesses present but we all knew it was for WG, she was the one to see it first and we were all grads. It was perfect. With God nothing is impossible
  3. Hi, I just posted this on another thread but it seemed to line up with the question here. I have been catching up on some of the posts here and just wanted to let you know that we also faced the same trials that you face. I knew in my heart that God would honor any decision my husband and I made and that The Body of Christ would still continue to function. We did not know what God had in store for us but we knew that living with TWI was not going to be the best route to move God's Word. There would be too many questions and things to explain to new people and their families because people will ultimately check out the web site. So we decided that God had to be first and his Word had to come before good friends, even if they were believers. We never felt bitter toward those in our fellowships and most from our area also left soon after. Now we continue to fellowship, just don't have a title. The Word is hot and moving again and God's agenda is being fullfilled. So that's really what it comes down to. What is the best for moving the Word and growth in your own lives and that of your children. It would actually be good for them to learn that God comes first. The burden put on believers from TWI is unrealistic. Most who are in do not even know what happened so they would have a very hard time disputing with new people who may have checked them out. God does not want this added stress in a believer's life. He wants us blessed in moving His word. If people will come with a huge load of doubt, the manifestations will not flow, deliverance and healing will not happen as readily as if people are certain of the Word they are taught. The TWI would be better changing their whole structure, changing their name and moving on, instead of hanging onto MAN MADE traditions. So that's what we did, we put God 1st and never looked back. We still have great relationships with many believers and God will guide you also to where YOUR ministry can function to it's best. love you and God bless your hearts for wanting to see his Word alive and moving again.
  4. Hi, I have been catching up on some of the posts here and just wanted to let you know that we also faced the same trials that you face. I knew in my heart that God would honor any decision my husband and I made and that The Body of Christ would still continue to function. We did not know what God had in store for us but we knew that living with TWI was not going to be the best route to move God's Word. There would be too many questions and things to explain to new people and their families because people will ultimately check out the web site. So we decided that God had to be first and his Word had to come before good friends, even if they were believers. We never felt bitter toward those in our fellowships and most from our area also left soon after. Now we continue to fellowship, just don't have a title. The Word is hot and moving again and God's agenda is being fullfilled. So that's really what it comes down to. What is the best for moving the Word and growth in your own lives and that of your children. It would actually be good for them to learn that God comes first. The burden put on believers from TWI is unrealistic. Most who are in do not even know what happened so they would have a very hard time disputing with new people who may have checked them out. God does not want this added stress in a believer's life. He wants us blessed in moving His word. If people will come with a huge load of doubt, the manifestations will not flow, deliverance and healing will not happen as readily as if people are certain of the Word they are taught. The TWI would be better changing their whole structure, changing their name and moving on, instead of hanging onto MAN MADE traditions. So that's what we did, we put God 1st and never looked back. We still have great relationships with many believers and God will guide you also to where YOUR ministry can function to it's best. love you and God bless your hearts for wanting to see his Word alive and moving again.
  5. This is all still gossip, do you ever let up. Stick to the facts.
  6. "Ummm....maybe I was not clear. Many, many of current way believers ARE very sorry for all the S%@$t that happened. Sorry that they were hurt, sorry that they hurt others. Yes, they are restructuring some of what was taught because bad practice became bad doctrine and how can anyone say "Do what I say not what I do" when we SEE the sermon. Yes, there is remorse. People who stood up (me) - got slapped down. People who questioned - got kicked. I didn't stay in and now I can say that I didn't stay out either but what I can say is that I believe and can SEE that people are trying to change the ministry - in doctrine and in practice. Some people have been so badly burned, they will never come back and that chapter in their life is closed." Lizzy I believed just like you & for a long time stayed in more to "protect" others who were very vulnerable. I too hoped things would change. However; God is our reason for living, not TWI. In order for God's Word to live again for any believer they have to move forward. You are part of The Body of Christ, not The Body of The Way Ministry. If the believers at TWI are truly sorry & want to really see The Mystery live again, they have to leave. They have a corrupt leadership that God can no longer work with but he can work in individuals. Whenever a new person comes what do you have to offer them, Corrupt leaders that are hard hearted and legalistic. So why not live your lifes dream and start a fellowship. You will see God as never before. You do NOT need a title over your fellowship, just The Body of Christ & you are a member in particular. The TWI will never improve they blew their chance and GOD has moved on thru those that left and are moving ahead with The Word Over The World. God bless you and yours and have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING
  7. "Noooooo....don't make me read it :o :unsure: :wacko: :blink: " Don't be an Oakie, Oakie.
  8. Great Exie! But seriously JC was so nasty & ego, God on a stick. and Belle that was excellent, how fitting.......hahahahahahahahahaha, spilled my coffee over that one, ROFLMAO.....
  9. Ummmmmm I read the book (The Prophecy), it's online, you can download it for free and it's awesomely done. He has alot of insight and writes very well. It is also encouraging to the average Christian to reflect on some of this stuff. Is there anyone who is NOT ready to get the Hell out of here? Even on a fun day I'm a ready to leave. Yes the post is long but you can print it out & leave it in the "Johnny". I think this was a great thread and good food for thought. Each member in the Body of Christ has much to contribute. He is a very talented man with great thought provoking insight & intelligence. IMHO Come quickly Lord Jesus
  10. If you type in the name of the person you would like to find info on. like Jxxn Chxxxr, you get the low down and links. They just can't hide. I even tried our family names & came up with some beauties. Amazing how some of us have made the big time internet search.
  11. I started typing in my search engine some of the names of leaders that I saw here and it's amazing what pops up? This was the best! Our old LC who is now in NJ, JC Barf.......
  12. "The $10,091 average figure is probably misleading though. I wonder how many of the 1006 members have little to nothing on account and how much money is in each of the top 20 accounts and who these top 20 account holders are. I wonder how much Rosie, Donna, Howard and a few others have managed to sock away on thier humble and meager salaries." Exactly what I wa thinking Gooey. What account has the most funds.
  13. and 1006 members have over 11,000,000.00. Very interesting.
  14. "Most churches are proud of their numbers and make this information available to its members. Even local churches do better. We have Idlewild Baptist church here which just opened its gleaming new $75 million facility on 143 acres to accommodate its thriving membership which has grown from 350 to 10,000 in 20 years. It is state of the art from top to bottom including a full orchestra and a 200 member choir. They have terrific youth programs, singles programs, and about anything else you can imagine. It is lively, exciting and open, and yes, they teach hot bible. (By the way I am not a member of Idlewild.) Compare that to TWI which has supposedly reached out to the world for over 50 years. Little old local Idlewild is much larger and alive. And that's just ONE of the thriving congregations here. http://www.idlewild.org http://www.theway.org" You are absolutely correct John & check out this website. http://www.lakewood.cc/site/PageServer It's sweeping the nation with Pastor Joel Osteen, no condemnation, no legalistic bs just pure Word, building people up with the Love of God and his new book, "Your Best Life Now" has been #1 on the Best Seller list (secular) for almost a year. He's awesome. A trinitarian but his principals are the Word and they still work and he loves God. He fills the convention centers for days whereever he goes. FYI The Way II is on it's way out. There will be another MASS EXODUS in the spring. Some are just biding their time and furthermore the legalism is still rampant, just more subtle. Many Corps, still lording over God's heritage still think they are one step down from the throne of God. BARF. When they get out on the field some have awakened. But God's vengence is just and some will just have to learn the hard way. When the doors close, I wonder what the market is for a property like that with it's own cemetary. SAD, SAD
  15. Oh that it were spring. I hear we may be facing another mass exodus in the spring. Oh joyous day. Maybe there is a light shining on some at headquarters. We shall see.
  16. Oak that's called life........People need to learn to deal with these type of problems in life. It can happen anywhere. These things should not have been tolorated by the WOW family. Send them packing and I know that many WOW families did and the leaders stood behind them. It was not all bad and for the most part accomplished what God wanted. Many got BA & received the gift into manifestation. Our WOW's did prank stuff like going into the city when they weren't supp'd to leave their town. But God is good always and covered their butts. I remember when they were in a big city witnessing like crazy and came across a man on some steps of a large building. He was singing away about Jesus. It was so funny because they walked up to him to witness and when he saw them he flew down the stairs and ran away. They also got money in the mail with no names & had electric bills just cancelled without payment. It was an awesome time and also great for people in the area who supported and helped the WOW's. It became to legalistic later on when people weren't allowed to fellowship too much with them and help. All in all I believe God had his hand of protection on them & most enjoyed the experience. The people I know even stayed another year to help establish the fellowships so they weren't that unhappy. What amazes me is how much negative stuff is posted here and the people with the great experiences don't seem to come to GS. Oh well.......... :o
  18. Don't think you can answer this by the choices you have up there. Many of us left for more than one reason but the main one is they got off the Word and that's not a choice. That included doctrine, butting into personal life, legalism etc. Some were abused & others of us saw abuse. So can't answer.
  19. Has anyone heard from or seen Candy Foley from Buzzard's Bay. Was a wow in NJ in 78/79
  20. LornaDoone


    Anyone know Sylvia King from the Glen Allen area. Heard her husband Bob fell asleep a few years ago? Used to fellowship with them in the 80's. They lived in Amirillo Tx for a while.
  21. LornaDoone


    Tommy did you know the McPhearsons (Maynard & Gail) on Hawthorne in Buffalo Grove. Haven't heard from them in quite a while. Would you know if they are still there. We used to be in touch all the time then they left the ministry.
  22. # 12, GET OUT OF THE WAY........
  23. LornaDoone

    Life is messy..

    :P Mr. Hammeroni, God has not deserted you.........He is the best one to hit with your problems if you cannot afford someone. I hope you have not closed off this option. Even if it's depression, it can be gone tomorrow and never come back. Don't give up on him, he's not tied to any ministry or group of persons. Wish you the best & praying for you.
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