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Posts posted by pawtucket

  1. The young man that was in the accident was in a coma at the time that I posted this prayer request. His injuries were life threatening as part of his skull was crushed. He was thought to never have any motor skills again.

    But he has come out of the coma. He is responsive and is regaining motor skills. The doctors are calling it miraculous.

    The lady that asked me to post this just wanted to thank all those that prayed for this young man.

  2. Another thing is to turn off ssid broadcast. Your wireless is available but you have to know the name of it to get in.

    Change the password for the router from the default one.

    And for what it's worth, those that don't have a router yet, try the Buffalo G wireless router. Buffalo just went mainstream, they have some of the best coverages of any other one that I have used and have an off the shelf antenna should you need it.

  3. I had a blast. The majority of people from twi are, as shaz said, great and wonderful people. Gems that got lost in the power machine.

    Wordwolf is a fine man, it was great hearing his perspective on stuff. I've never seen someone's eyes light up quite like his when I pulled out the t-shirts.

    Shaz is a great lady. She's had such a rich life during and since twi. We're definitely going to get together again and do something in NYC.

    I like these small setting where a few can get together and talk about whatever we want under the sun.


    Heck yeah, you should come on down. Talk to Steve!, he's been coordinating these get togethers.

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