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Posts posted by pawtucket

  1. Mike,

    This is inappropriate, period. A man has died. If this is hypocrisy, then so be it. It is quite amazing that you take an opportunity when I am preoccupied to sneak this in.

  2. On behalf of my family, I want to thank those that sent flowers.

    The funeral is this morning. Here is the text of the tribute we put together.


    You were so many things – Loving Husband, Grandfather Father and Friend. You were a gentleman

    We are going to miss you.

    We will always remember how proud you were of all of us – We each felt like your favorite. It did not matter what we did in life as long as we worked hard and gave 100% all the time. You always had words of encouragement for us all.

    You were so proud to be an American and always told us that we were living in the greatest country in the world. But you never let us forget our Irish heritage. Over and over you told us stories about your childhood and our relatives. You made us feel like we were there. You gave us roots.

    You loved Ma very much. You taught us to honor and respect her. And we promise to take care of her now.

    You were loyal to all your friends, never turning your back on them. If any of your friends needed help you were there. You were a man of your word

    You were a simple and practical man never letting materialistic things guide your beliefs in any way. You would tell us that if we did not have our health we did not have anything. We were very lucky because we had a roof over our heads, food on the table and in good health. You thanked God for these simple things everyday.

    The best gift you gave us is a sense of humor. Laughing together, at each other and at ourselves is something we do everyday. Laughing is healing.

    As we think of you we will be sad at times. But we will sit and laugh at all the fun times we had together with you. You will forever make us smile.

    Your loving children

  3. Thanks everyone for your prayers and kind thoughts. It is much appreciated.

    I am going through photos for the wake and am reminded of the wonderful times that I had with my dad.

  4. Thank you all for your prayers. My dad passed away peacefully tonight just before 9:00pm tonight.

    He was surrounded by almost all of his grandchildren and his children as well as all his brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws and my mother.

  5. My father was rushed into the hospital last night. His heart and breathing were stopped for quite some time.

    They were able to revive him and he is breathing through a respirator.

    Please pray for my family through this time.

  6. Today the snow swept through parts of New England. As I looked out on the terrain, it reminded me of years past, the calm of life and of course, Hell freezing over.

    The Red Sox WON the World Series!!!!!!!!

  7. Song,

    I thought I did answer you. Check above. if not state your question again.

    if you want to private topic me, feel free to do that too.

    Others are merely giving their opinion.

    And Ex is right about not using those nice words

  8. SRTS,

    I am not sure what you want me to answer.

    I try not make public my frustration anymore. I vent it privately as a rule now. I, at times, do feel like walking away from GS. It is generally at times of great frustration.

    Other times, I question the need for this forum or the possible need to change it or shake it up.

    Of late, I have kept many of my opinions to myself. It is all part of the ebb and flow of life. Sometimes I have lots to say and sometimes I don't. Nothing wrong just not a lot to say.

    So what is my heart about GS? Well I hope that it continues to be part of the path that one needs to recover from an experience such as TWI. As long as it is, it will remain.

  9. Try running AdAware in the safe mode. when you boot up your computer, hit the F8 key until you get a black page with options, pick the safe mode or safe mode with networking.

    Many items that can't be removed in regular mode can be in safe mode.

  10. Since Weenie Roast™ is the sole property Herbalacious Industries and GScafe has settled out of court to return the negatives of the Saturday night activities from Weenie Roast 2003™. Part of the settlement is that I am not able to set rules; give advice or intrude on the goings on of Weenie Roast™ or TreeDancing™ for a period of 5 years.

    But as Head Dishwasher of GScafe, I would like to assemble a team to investigate the possibility of a get together in April, 2005 to celebrate the 5th anniversary of GreaseSpot Cafe.

    Anyone that would like to involve themselves, please let me know.

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