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Posts posted by pawtucket

  1. Satori,

    I honestly don't see what the problem was with that post. I haven't been able to get in touch with the mod either.

    I generally copy a thread into a private forum so that I have the original in case there is an error. I am going to show the other mods how to do that also.

  2. Not to intrude on the figures of speech seminar going on, but there has been a problem with the search function and infopop is looking into it. Until it is finished, the search function is not working.

  3. My,

    what about having the same programs on each computer and use the external drive as your documents drive?

    If you have firewire or USB 2.0 on each of the computers it is very straight forward. You can get mini drives that are pocket sized or get full sized drives ranging from 10 gigs to 300 gigs.

  4. quote:
    Indexing will run in the background and for most sites will finish within a few hours. Large site indexing will complete by the end of Tuesday.

    The indexing is running, in spite of Mike, and should be done soon. You should see correct indexing for Today currently and the rest in the next day or so.

  5. In the next few days/weeks you will see someone with the screenname "John Lynn". I have verified that it is indeed John Lynn of Way and CES.

    As Jeff USAF RET indicated in a thread recently you can feel free to contact him if you wish.

    From experience at GS, Stanley Reahard and Ralph D. come to mind, we can be pretty tough on former Way leaders. I hope that John's perspective can shed some light on your road to recovery.

  6. On Monday afternoon, there will be an upgrade performed. It will interfere with access for a time.

    Here is the content of the notice.

    On Monday afternoon July 26th, we will be upgrading your eve community software to version 1.1. There will be momentary downtime and some brief slowness as the process completes. Your users should not notice any significant disruption.

    However, the 1.1 upgrade will require re-indexing all your messages for a new Search Engine. As the index rebuilds, the search tool will be unavailable or will return partial results as each forum is added to the index.

    Indexing will run in the background and for most sites will finish within a few hours. Large site indexing will complete by the end of Tuesday.

    Will you let your community know about the search tool unavailability ?

    Highlights of the new version include the following:

    - a new java based Chat applet in addition to the existing DHTML version

    - protected web directories based on eve permissions in your regular web hosting

    - browseable member directory

    - photo album notifications

    - search by karma points

  7. If you guys are getting emails with viruses from Dovie then they are more than likely not coming from dovie. Most of the viruses go to someone's address list and randomly pick a FROM and a TO person.

    That said, Dovie they are correct about these sites they download stuff called spyware. I will try to put a list together of programs that are free that fight this. In fact check the threads in this forum for info.

    CW has been collecting smilies for as long as I have known her, I am sure you will find many great smilies in her collection.

  8. Okay

    Test over in the forum.... take a look at the main forum page with the forums listed and tell me whatt you think of that.

    thanks for your help

  9. I don't have a problem with it. As I said the one thing that does get lost in the translation is the context. So I would suggest that some type of preface is made to put the quote in context. This thread is a good example of how things get sidetracked just trying to get a grasp of the context.

    One possible solution is a link that would allow interested posters to go over to the thread in question and read it for themselves.

    What many are registering over there and seeing for themselves. Actually you don't even have to register to view the threads in the general area.

  10. Someone mentioned some "rule" about cross forum posting. I have not made any rule about it, nor do I plan to. I did say something in a thread a few weeks ago about it.

    Some Ramblings

    I see that PART of the dilemna is quoting something from another site. It is almost impossible to get the complete context.

    As OE said, (paraphrasing) What I do outside of GS is my business. That is so true. I don't think it is fair to anyone to quote from one site and then post on it. The JW site has it's own set of rules (and yes it does have rules) and Raf's site has a set of rules and depending on who you talk to GS either has too many or not enough.

    JW site is quoting from GS and LES. I can't and won't stop something that is a person's right. I posted something at LES to make a point to a number of people that seemed angry about GS not being a Christian site and it is seeping over here. I hadn't really thought about that since it really only addressed issues that some of the newer posters at Raf's site had and none of the information was secret or new. Cross forum quoting is new to GS and I don't know if it is a problem or not. The biggest issue that I see is "context".

    So all that I can do is deal with this site. I joined Raf's site as a means of support and may post occasionally, just as I did on 1000screen name's site (his site is still open by the way, keeping us all abreast on a daily basis of the number of shopping days until Christmas). I don't have the time to join the JW site, although I have read some of the posts. I know what this site is about and don't want to be like any of the other sites.

    I have my mission and to be honest, it was designed for people to get info and if they want stay and if they don't move on. Many friendships have been made at the cafe and if the forums closed today, it would have been well worth it. But it is not going to close. I am not going to ban people that post BS about GS on other sites. I don't have the time or energy to even think about that.

    As far as "selectively" enforcing the rules, if I am guilty of that, I truly apologize. I always have expected this site to be a great experience for all that come here. I miss things as do the moderators. It is not intentional. And if it does happen, please email me or alert me.

    If you are leaving the site and are dissatisfied, drop me a line and tell me why if you have the time.


    I get about an equal number of complaints that I am too involved and make too many rules. Strangely enough I get about the same number of compliments that the rules are great and the hands off approach is wonderful. So based on feedback, I am always clear as mud on how everyone feels. I follow what I think is the best way to deal with situations. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have a number of friends that are all members of the board that I run things by. I generally try to look at any "rule" through the eyes of others. It is ultimately subjective. Sometimes people give me ideas that accomplish the task and disarm the poster with humor.

  11. GFO,

    We have had many topics revolving around sex. It is a topic that I am very comfortable with. That said, some that come to this site have been sexually abused. Since the focus of this site is rather specific (I will let your read up on that) I have to consider the content. You said the following to open this thread.

    Originally posted by The Girl From Oz:

    Sex is a part of life, isn't it?

    I was amused, for lack of a better term, by the fact that sex is never mentioned on this forum.

    Does anyone have sex, or aren't we allowed to talk about it?

    I felt from the tone that it was not going to be something that would be offensive to the users that have been abused. It was moved to just plain silly. I felt that a nice light hearted thread would be fun. I didn't expect to be micro-criticized for the move. Just plain silly is a quick name that I wanted to put on a new forum with a different feel. I like just plain silly and many that post do too.

    If you were offended, I apologize. It was meant to simply give some notice to the new forum and hopefully take a popular topic in a different light.

    I have been working on changing a number of the forums for the past month. This was one that I wanted to test out before rearranging.

    I hope that you will look at this site based on what the focus is and not on the focus of another site.

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