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Posts posted by Eyesopen

  1. ... and after all of their travels and troubles, ... they _still_ never been able to reach earth, have they?

    Actually they did reach earth but unlike the original series that spawned Galactica 1980, they arrived 2000 years after some sort of nuclear holocaust. The earth remained to radioactive to live upon so they were once again banned to the abiss with their 'rag tag' fleet of disgruntled humans and lost Cylons.

    I didnt get to see the final episode because my dvr apparently didnt think it was a 'new' episode. It probably said 'last' episode in the info section so it didnt get recorded. Now I have to wait for the scifi channel to put it up on their full episodes link.

  2. Why, being All Knowing, All wise, All love, make a human, who through no fault of their own(the fall!) is so flawed, He can't abide his own creation unless they in life make certain decisions about belief that make them okay enough for heaven. All others--as far as I a can tell, the vast majority of all humans, get Hell?

    And yet, on the other hand, the same god portrayed this way is talked of having great love for humans, unconditional, sacrificial love, a just god.

    This concept of hell doesn't fit together for me. In a story it would be a character issue, out of character.

    It is not a universally held belief among Christians, either. I could understand hell for evil people, but this hell takes in more than evil people, it takes in those who are not of the right beliefs but who mau have lived wonderful lives, which makes justice seem missing.

    I tend to agree that this concept of 'who is going to hell' seems harsh and 'out of character'. However the Bible does say that God knows the hearts of men. To me that indicates that his understanding of man transcends religious boundries (which are man made) and names (such as Elohim or Allah or whatever). So in saying this it is my contention that only the evil will face whatever Hell truly is. Those that live as God would like regardless of their earthly religion would by their very nature be included in the roll call at the Bema (or heaven or whatever you want to call it).

    OK OK - I'll split hell with ya eyes - you still get the back forty - you can work the dog shift on "bless patrol..."

    I'll take the back forty, it should be quieter there but you can keep those bless patrol on the front ranch! I'll take the dogs!

  3. Babe - the last time I lost was when I got married... but hey that was round one and in the end the winners were my kids so the others here can take their hell fire and brimstone to bed with them and keep warm at night

    But for you eyes - I'll get those gator bites and no one make better hush puppies than me

    So you have experience losing to women? When I win I'll make you the chief cook and bottle washer.

  4. From Kimberly

    A Good God does not "SEND," the operative word for me, to hell or anywhere else. What about a bad god? Where does a bad god "SEND" anybody?


    You are entitled to Your opinions and of course your selection of gods; Although, I would have more respect for your opinion, if you, at all seemed to have read this thread and were responding to it as a whole. Other than breezing in, to offer your unsubstantiated opinion...in other words... opinion lacking enough substance to discuss;

    Perhaps bothering to read the thread would help and adding some rationale to your opinion??? Like for instance why does The GOD of The Bible not have absolute rule, right, authority and ability and justification to send any of his creations to hell for abandoning Him. Incidentally it ultimately involves their individual free will choice.

    Discussing The GOD of The Bible or any of His actions will absolutely include and involve a discussion of His Word and His Will to be credible and substanciated. Otherwise it is a bias and unbased opinion and becomes in essense a reactionary feeling being expressed. That is not being fair to GOD who You are accusing of being unfair and unjust. You expect His fairness...He expects Yours!!! RG.

    That usage of the word "send" seems to dictate absolute rule and control of the sender without freedom of will or thought or choice of the sendee.

    Where is your power as the "sendee"???? I can tell You it is in your free will to choose!!! RG

    Send me to the moon, let me dance among the stars....ya'll know that song. Tiptoe Through The Tulips is another good one.

    Oh you have got to be kidding! I bet your God is very proud of this display of brotherly Christian love.

  5. Paw! What's up dude?

    I just got back from vacation today and lookie what I see...I missed your birthday! So sorry 'bout that bro! On the lighter side I'm fairly certain that I was intoxicated on your birthday... :biglaugh:

    So anyway, Happy belated Birthday Paw!

  6. Hey Ya'll! I'm finally able to log onto a computer. I've been tooling around Louisiana since I left the BBQ and am off to start my cruise tomorrow. But I wanted to say thankyou to George and The Countess for being such wonderful hosts. Your house is beautiful, your familily is lovely and you are both exceptional! Thanks so much for puting up with our antics.

    Ex10 and Jeff you two were wonderful hosts as well and I had such a great time cruisin' the Woodlands!

    I ate like a pig, drank like a fish, danced like a fool and met some wonderful people...all in all I dont think I could have had more fun!

    Rascal it was great finally meeting you and chatting! We'll have to get together again...perhaps next year.

    Well gotta go...repack again so we can depart. Love ya'll!

  7. You know vp didnt exactly lie when he said that it was the word that hasnt been known since the first century. I mean how many of Jesus' followers believed that 'believing = receiving'? That little piece of trash hadn't been known since the first century...at least I dont think it had. True it is a crock of you know what but it wasnt known. So I guess you could say that he wasnt lying...just not telling the truth. :blink:

  8. Bluze- I agree. My godmother became a paraplegic the day her policeman husband was cleaning his gun (he thought the gun was empty but there was one in the chamber and he left the safety off.) The bullet ricocheted two rooms away and severed her spinal cord.

    That's just crazy...but it unfortunately happens all the time. I think on the part of the person that handles the gun everyday it is complacency fueled by familiarity. Not that this is an excuse...there is no excuse and there arent enough 'I'm sorry's' in the universe that will make it all better.

    As for the topic at hand...yes I think some of those folks that packed back in the day or even today are unhinged enough to fire the darn thing. And some of them might even have a twinge of guilt afterwords. (Just a twinge mind you.)


    So good to hear from you Ex10. Such devestation is such a pain in the tail and isnt it always at times like this that we find out that the insurance we thought we had isnt what we actually have? Let us know if you need anything that we can provide.


    If you give me your street address (PM) and if you know the satellite provider and (even better) which satellite you were pointing at I will give you the azimuth and elevation to re-point your antenna

    You can do that? Crazy!

    Thanks Temple Lady for the info. It's also good to see other Texans on line and checking in, so to speak to let us worryers know what's going on and how they faired. My thoughts and prayers have been with all of them since before this thing hit...and I will continue to pray for you all.

  9. Not a bad deal, but don't forget to check the "drive-out" price. Houston hotels have something like a 14% tax to pay for our sports arenas.


    True dat! But last year the price before taxes was $150 so this one is a much better deal.

    Tom, no it has no complimentary breakfast...I guess I'll just have to crash the party at your hotel. :biglaugh:

  10. For those still looking for a hotel room...the Hilton Garden Hotel is only $84 before taxes with a AAA discount and it's right along that row of hotels that everyone is staying at.

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