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Posts posted by Bolshevik

  1. I would really love to hear how LCM explained this in his class...It was hard for me to swallow (no pun intended) the whole masturbation thing in CF&S. In fact I never really did, it didn't make any sense. But I really would like to hear his twisted logic on this one, it is soooo far out there. Anybody got a copy?

    Which the lesbian snake or the masturbating mother of all?

  2. Ya'll remember how we all got excited over his ramblings? Can you remember any?

    "Malarky! Which is an Aramaic term for bologna!"

    "I wish you could all see it in the Aramaic"

    "Love?! Love?! I'm giving them the Word! That's love!"

    "Dumb dumb ignoramuses, we outa build more bombs! Bigger bombs! Bunch a dumb dumb ignoramuses!"

  3. I found it incredibly hard to read my noted Bible for at least 10 years after I left., not because I couldnt physically read it but I'd read it and my mind would take off on one of the notes and off I'd be epiluo-ing all over the place.

    I set it down for a good 10 or 15 years, and if I decided to read a Bible, I would read either a clean one or a different version. It was still incredibly difficult just to read even that for the longest time, because my tendencey like TWI's was to jump all over the place, triggered by words and phrases instead of just simply reading


    I was thinking about this "jumping all around, being triggered by words and phrases" one time a few years ago and suddenly realized, Hey! I could make anything up! And most people would believe it! Even me! At that point I really didn't really want to participate in required teachings anymore (which had once been a sign of maturity and growth)

  4. oh oh, sorry lindyhopper, yes we stayed in the regions. We stayed in the same town as the limb coordinator of the assigned state, which happened to be where most of the wayfers lived. So half the disciples came from very close, (one dude in the same house) I came from within the same limb about an hour away, another an hour away in another state, and one other a few hours away.

    Your right, not everyone came from the same town. (in our case, most did though, not all).

    Either way, it was a complete waste :rolleyes:

  5. When I asked my dyslexic husband -- he said it was easier for him, because thats how he sees things all the time.

    Everyone on my mom's side is dyslexic. My uncle is in the rubber stamp business (everything is backwards) :biglaugh:

  6. What's not to get?

    In our group we never even drove out to a root local. We sat in the LCs living room for the announcement and. . .Ta Da!! Your witnessing to your neighbor. (Just like you did last week).

  7. Well, Faith does seem to hit a deeper level than Believing.

    Faith (from what I've gathered thus far) is more about a relationship.

    Believing is about power. (hence, the class titles)

    Which do you choose? :wink2:

    George Aar,

    I guess you're saying that both can be used to manipulate? That is interesting.

  8. "I'm still fuzzy as to the distinction between twi's believing and true Christian faith, if there is one. Please don't stop this thread."

    TWI's "believing" was a superstitious tenet based - primarily - on bogus '50s vintage pop-psychology.

    "True Christian faith" is based on ancient, more widely accepted superstition...

    more please

  9. Okay, here it goes. . .

    I'm about to believe that twi never existed and we are all rich and happy and dancing with Jesus. . ONE . . TWO . . THREE!!

    errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . .. errrrrrrr.....rrrrrrr . .. . . . . .. . rrrr. . . . . .. . . . uh.

    Did it work?

  10. Who said he's not a nice guy? Lots of folks in the way are nice. They want to do the Word.

    He's just misled. I believe it's been said here that lcm was just the ultimate student of vpw, grossly misled. We were all misled.


    Get out of the way!


    For your daughters' sake leave!!!

    Nobody will consider you unloyal. Leaving the way is not leaving God.

  11. "Since PFAL and continuing through WOAP -- even until today -- TWI has taught that it is the right of the man of god to have sex any woman in the way. This is a doctrinal teaching folks, and has been since VP was at the helm.

    Not sure who I just quoted, and sorry if I missed the answer to this question but,

    Where in the syllabi (what specific pages, sections etc.) was this taught?

  12. :offtopic:

    I remember when being a Way D, occasionally, we'd knock on someone's door who'd already been involved with twi in the past. And some of them would say something about what happened to them and we'd feel bad for them. One of us brought this up to the LC's wife and she made it clear, "We make no apologies for our ministry!"

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