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Captain Spiritural

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Everything posted by Captain Spiritural

  1. Free i am waiting for my apology
  2. ok ok its not fair but i need a hug free / doo behave :) i was rude 1st????? how do you figure did i miss something ?
  3. ooouuccchhhh!!!! that hurt hey be nice lady look that wasn't call for... you need to apologize like today make it happen
  4. bye good choice, stay in school
  5. Thank you estará para trás power é como uma droga
  6. has there been more miracles since 2003 ? anybody/ somebody
  7. [. The revs who led the groups were dressed nicely and one even talked about his stock portfolio when the rest of his group seemed struggling to make ends meet. My memory must be healing to have forgotten that. :D what is this ? ...stock portfolio
  8. sorry bro i mis read your earlier post about ... well you know; but you are right even though these guys miss the mark in some things, they are Still great Men of God and they must have OUR respect they are still ordained of GOD yeah I see your point thanks.
  9. if you had the chance could you take him? slow pain or quick beat down? b*tch slap or brake foot off in A^^ ?
  10. I love this site this is soo funny please keep-em coming
  11. This story (Catups Account-Ohio) just really ....ed me off last night. I know alot of older people have moved on going back into school working on careers rekindling earthly family relationships and so on but this is not right if God can't set the wrongs done in this life, behavior conducted by certain evil individuals, then Christianity is the breeding grounds for devils. Most of these stories and accounts - people gave maybe on a average 20-30 years of their lives in service. Some individuals don't have a decent retirement plan or a Security Savings Plan set up when they get older. The Abundant Sharing was abused their kids got the best education the best of everything and most of God's people were living like dogs trying to make ends meet. . ( NO I am not tryin to suck up to Cat) I observed this with my own eyes. As a young man I looked up to these bastards. I knew a young man who showed great promise. He was WC he was kind and very studious and was a tremendous minister for Jesus Christ.The jealousy thing is accurate. This WC perosn and me developed a close relationship. He would expound and teach me alot of things concerning Jesus Christ and God and his great love. Larry noticed that our friendship was developing and he did everything to bash this man a technique used by the miltary to get you second guessing your abilities if they desire to blackball the individual .The purpose is total loyal service to the leader in charge I remember Larry played cruel head games with this guy because most of the local TWI followers loved this young man with great ability and uncanny resolve to build people up. Larry P noticed that he wasn't getting the attention due him so he just crushed this young man via his little status, function and position in the TWI. Why would a GOD allow that to happen why? So you tell me that this guy doesn't think about the wrongs he's done nope think again. If God is God and I do believe he is there is a day in this LIFE and at the BEMA when these men encluding me will have to give an account, if not then God is a monster and there is no hope. God is not a monster and there is hope Cats incident and account sounds sooo similar to mine own accounts and things I observed back then. So somebody's a liar. Look at the stats so far I read the stories that Mr. Word Wolf suggested I made my assessment and final conclusion thank you all again for putting up with my many questions, this will be a great research paper one day on the " Authoritarian Personality" :)
  12. No he's living in terror, one thing I notice about false ministers they are very good actors. Nope I don't agree he's living in great dispair and fear. His hell is knowing the problem won't go away until he sets things right.
  13. is this the matrix are you telling me i can stop bullets?
  14. Good point but these guys chewed up God's people and then threw them away like trash! this thing is bigger than GS wheres the justice? This guy needs to know the damage that was done you don't mess over people and than write a book are you kidding me? tell me am living in Leave it to Beaver land right. You got people (WC) that believe that they were salted for various functions in the Body of Christ then these nutless leaders drop them because they had a god complex like some here give me a break. Get in his face and handle it again until u are at peace. We didn't live in the 80s or 90s its a new day what can he do ? tell Craig
  15. yeah i read do you if she did then move on... if not then take care of it hell larry mess over lots of people lots not just wcs , maybe God will sort this out at the gathering maybe. if its still a issue get in his face again until you are settled in your heart
  16. Catup confront him ! just do it what can he do ...nothing! his support chain is done, and you will feel better if you do
  17. "Not long after taking over the limb assignment in the fall of 1995, Larry and Connie Panarello called a special meeting for anyone who had been dropped from " mmmm not tryin to be a yahole here but wasn't he in the big ATL?? durning that year? just wondering remember not disputing your story YOU were there. oo well ILL get back to reading these records...
  18. "Maybe some here had bad experiences with past way leadership. People do change, haven't you changed since you left the way". "You do the math". Religion/Change = He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils. .0
  19. Why would he recommend no posting? GS thus far has not promoted lies -(so far) most of the accounts I read concerning a great % of the stories can be confirmed by a common behavior abuse pattern of WC leadership; I don't understand this behavior! I thought he'd changed I guess the motive is still $$$ I am still reading the Stories and Cases of abuse pretty sad and shocking though :) Thanks Eagle
  20. Thanks for the answers W.Wolf ;thanks for your patience Sunesis and you concerning some of my questions. You guys are true Espirit de Corps Peace! Patience and time do more than strength or passion
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