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Posts posted by ChattyKathy

  1. :eusa_clap: That was fun.

    Ain't it cool tones that come out of that guitar, not to mention it's just plum peerrty.

    But don't ask Rick about playing it with his shirt off. :evildenk::biglaugh:

  2. And then there's always the likes of Adam Yahiye Gadahn who aids Bin Laden in his blinders vision that if we all become Islam there would be an end to the war in Iraq and we'd all live happily ever after. :confused:

  3. Kathy, Why, I thought everybody loved big band music. You want to know why? Because *I* love big band music. Don't we all think everyone ought to love what *WE* love not only in music but everything else? If we love chopped liver we can't understand why everyone doesn't love the stuff too, no? Here's one Ala Prochaine (is she still around?) posted a long time ago that really touched me. It's nostalgic not by how old the song is but about the people the song is about... folks younger than my grandparents but older than my parents. Lovers in about 1926... before the Great Depression and of course before World War II. I had aunts and uncles this age. What hits me in this song is that those young people fell in love and "danced all night" just as our young people do today. They dreamed of their future with kids of their own just like young people do today. But now those young people from that era are gone but in this song we can still hear their hearts racing as they embrace each other and dance... click HERE!
    I love chopped liver. :) But I don't know the singer and Ala has brought such a wonderful selection to the board I wouldn't know where to begin to guess. It's very lovely, very much so.And I do appreciate big band music, I just don't prefer it as my listening music, but I can hear quality and that was quality of StGeorge's without question. :eusa_clap:
  4. penguin.gif bulwink: Love your new avatar! Snazzy and cool! I love you man!~~This goofball is my son in law... married my oldest daughter. Patience! He's "poofing" into a looper machine. A musician's way of playing with himself.He adds a little more each time it loops. [
    It's actually rather interesting. Thank you.~~And I love bulwinkl's new avatar also.
  5. It is indeed a sad state of affairs how our elderly are looked upon and treated. As if their value is less because they are not a spy youngin' with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. Rather they are words of wisdom from experience, and councel of how to live the fullest and attend to what is important and toss aside the little stuff that youth still find to be earth shattering.

    Not that youth is a bad thing, heck I wouldn't mind some of it back but our elderly (myself approaching) have so much more to offer mankind because they've been there and done that and could teach us how to stand on their feet and take it further than even they did if we only tried and allowed them our honest hearts and time.

    I watched the care Ted had for his mother and how he never treated her with anything other than respect she had earned. I found I was less patient than he was and have learned about myself due it and have made some changes in my thinking and even in my life. This Saturday I will be in training at Tampa General for a service I will be providing each week and I understand many of the folks I will be serving will be the elderly. I thrill at the opportunity to be with them.

    I hope our nation begins to respect the elderly and learn from them, it would be a tragic thing if we didn't.

    (perhaps they can teach me to spell)

  6. Dot,

    You're a good soul. And no doubt understood his intent pretty accurately.


    Sorry about your loss and your memories, I know Satori and am certain he meant no personal attacks to those who have lived through loss, he knows loss himself.

  7. BTW.....I have no real problem with blonds, some of the greatest jokes I know were told me by true blonds. But that teen contestant really did blonds a disservice. But dang it's so freaking funny to read, or listen to, whichever you heard it by.

    Life has too many bumps in the road not to laugh sometime and she (Lauren Caitlin Upton) sure has provided fodder for this soul. :biglaugh:

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