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Posts posted by ChattyKathy

  1. dance.gif


    "I Hope You Dance"

    I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,

    You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,

    May you never take one single breath for granted,

    GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,

    I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,

    Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,

    Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

    I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

    I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,

    Never settle for the path of least resistance

    Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin',

    Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',

    Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,

    When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,

    Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

    I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

    I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

    (Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,

    Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.)

    I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,

    Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,

    Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

    Dance....I hope you dance.

    I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

    I hope you dance....I hope you dance..

    (Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along

    Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone)

  2. Ted,

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    One of the things I love about this forum is the opportunity to know the real story. One that is spoken by the ones who lived it, and is not hindered in the telling of it by control freak twi leaders. If you tried to tell that story while in TWI, you would have had some stupid little snot-nosed who doesn't know his *** from a whole in the ground leader going "well maybe it was really like this or that". arrggggg

    Thank you for the details, they were fascinating. And Socks, please give us some goodies on this as well. Please.


    And as far as my posting too much, well I decided, screw it....this is free cyberspace and I still have way too much to say to allow myself to be held back in my words here. I left here and played some in open and music forums. Then saw QQ had a thread that just grabbed my attention. I just still have too much to say, so folks read me or pass me over, your call. But I ain't going anywhere.


    edited to add this: being of the feisty mindset I am today I decided to alter the name of this thread, was pretty confident it was not going to confused with another one at this point.

    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on December 18, 2002 at 5:53.]

  3. BHR-SunSetRalph001.JPG

    Dixie Chicks

    Cowboy Take Me Away

    I said I wanna touch the earth

    I wanna break it in my hands

    I wanna grow something wild and unruly

    I wanna sleep on the hard ground

    In the comfort of your arms

    On a pillow of bluebonnets

    In a blanket made of stars

    Oh it sounds good to me I said

    Cowboy take me away

    Fly this girl as high as you can

    Into the wild blue

    Set me free oh I pray

    Closer to heaven above and

    Closer to you closer to you

    I wanna walk and not run

    I wanna skip and not fall

    I wanna look at the horizon

    And not see a building standing tall

    I wanna be the only one

    For miles and miles

    Except for maybe you

    And your simple smile

    Oh it sounds good to me

    Yes it sounds so good to me

    Cowboy take me away

    Fly this girl as high as you can

    Into the wild blue

    Set me free oh I pray

    Closer to heaven above and

    Closer to you closer to you

    I said I wanna touch the earth

    I wanna break it in my hands

    I wanna grow something wild and unruly

    Oh it sounds so good to me

    Cowboy take me away

    Fly this girl as high as you can

    Into the wild blue

    Set me free oh I pray

    Closer to heaven above and

    Closer to you closer to you

    Closer to you

    Cowboy take me away.

    Closer to you

  4. Zixar, No one even comes close to my number. I am honestly tying of late to pull back some. But what you are saying to me in your words are most kind, thank you for that.

    Ted, Thanks for coming back, they want to see your words the most, and Socks can add unto that in ways no one else can.

    All others, Please keep posting, I love to read each one of you, no one is less here, you all add spice like only you can. I just feel I need to pull back some. But I am here, reading every last drop of sugar and spice.


    (edited to add this link, cool stuff about 70's music)

    My love to your each,


    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on December 17, 2002 at 14:31.]

  5. ohbehave,


    Fun is a good mental help aid, when I first started posting I was unsure of myself everytime I clicked on that Post Now button. I would cringe inside, unsure if I should have said what I did.

    Then I became more comfortable with my posting, even the ones I now regret still had their profit for my life, and maybe for someone elses as well.

    Fun is something I was born with, but I allowed twi to take it away from me for many years. Oh sure I would laugh and some things were sudo fun but the inner fun was hindered. Today after six short months out of 'twi prison' fun has returned to my life. And there have been many times I retreated to fun via post because the pain was too great. But even this aided in my healing process.

    So fun, yea that can be a nifty life tool for us. I thank our God every day he gave me a healthy helping at birth and I also thank Him every day that he gave me yall.


    gotta close up my desk and hit the road

  6. Well I see the contest is over, I will say it again yall sure were fun to watch.


    Have I said hello to you on this thread yet? You may have posted already but if not hi and thanks for posting. I could give you many excuses about that book we talked about but.....oh well.


    You have already given me great fun in regards to song writing. I'm gonna tell any who reads right now what you have offered me.

    Yall, he is already putting to music songs I have written, lade lade da......that's not the song, mind ya. That is just my excitement over the whole thing. And Ted I appreciate you waiting on me to talk about this, your post just opened up my opportunity to tell folks. Thanks for that. And you can be sure it ain't gonna be rap. But nah, I ain't no Patsy Cline. I am sure I will probably only gain personal joy from it, but Sir you have given me more than you could know in this offer of yours. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Also I know it would be getting into some things maybe best left alone but would you please tell us about the beginning of Way Prods and what it was intended to be. I sure would love to hear it from the horses mouth, versus the half truths I have heard.


    I will read you and post in a sec, I was in mid post and left my computer, sorry I missed your post.


  7. Ted,

    I would agree twi had little impact on changing our personal tastes in music. However what they did have an impact on was how we enjoyed other forms of music in our lives. And how much we were encouraged or discouraged to be involved with it.

    I would have chosen to pursue it in some capacity, probably song writing, maybe even singing. But their opinion of my time was what hindered me from doing so. The same applies to my son. He has talent, not just a mother?s opinion either.

    But years ago twi had an opinion that too much time invested in outside efforts needed to be held up to the Word for review. I was told "measure your outside efforts against God getting the glory", then followed with "you only get to the top in a profession or art form via one God or the other", "and our God would not have us entangled in the world". Well that pretty much squelched any effort on my part and aided in my making terrible life choices for my son.

    Interesting that today they now encourage their youth to pursue music. Sure wish they had that godly insight back then. ha ha


  8. simonzelotes,

    Thanks for joining us here. And I agree with yall, what a wonderful songster Gordon Lightfoot.

    The Wreck Of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Summertime Dream)

    The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down

    Of the big lake they called 'Gitche Gumee'

    The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead

    When the skies of November turn gloomy

    With a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more

    Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty.

    That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed

    When the gales of November came early.

    The ship was the pride of the American side

    Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin

    As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most

    With a crew and good captain well seasoned

    Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms

    When they left fully loaded for Cleveland

    And later that night when the ship's bell rang

    Could it be the north wind they'd been feelin'?

    The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound

    And a wave broke over the railing

    And every man knew, as the captain did too,

    T'was the witch of November come stealin'.

    The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait

    When the Gales of November came slashin'.

    When afternoon came it was freezin' rain

    In the face of a hurricane west wind.

    When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck sayin'.

    Fellas, it's too rough to feed ya.

    At Seven P.M. a main hatchway caved in, he said

    Fellas, it's been good t'know ya

    The captain wired in he had water comin' in

    And the good ship and crew was in peril.

    And later that night when his lights went outta sight

    Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

    Does any one know where the love of God goes

    When the waves turn the minutes to hours?

    The searches all say they'd have made Whitefish Bay

    If they'd put fifteen more miles behind her.

    They might have split up or they might have capsized;

    May have broke deep and took water.

    And all that remains is the faces and the names

    Of the wives and the sons and the daughters.

    Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings

    In the rooms of her ice-water mansion.

    Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams;

    The islands and bays are for sportsmen.

    And farther below Lake Ontario

    Takes in what Lake Erie can send her,

    And the iron boats go as the mariners all know

    With the Gales of November remembered.

    In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed,

    In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral.

    The church bell chimed till it rang twenty-nine times

    For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald.

    The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down

    Of the big lake they call 'Gitche Gumee'.

    Superior, they said, never gives up her dead

    When the gales of November come early!

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