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Posts posted by ChattyKathy

  1. Okay, here I go yall.

    Last night I did one of those 10 steps backwards gig, today at worked sucked like you would not believe, came home and the dadgum computer cable would not connect. Of course told "hey lady it is a holiday weekend so who knows", Bite Me! (Well thought it anyway, I was very nice to the guy, what a wimp I am at times LMAO)

    Now their stupid sight is down and I can't even retrieve email sent to new email addy. But can access old email, at least I have some contact with the world. hahahahahaha

    And we won't even get into how thrilled hubby is about my state of mind. LOL

    Okay, need to cool it down, back later when I can read yall and not be so stupid.



    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 27, 2002 at 20:16.]

  2. So much for cable. My second phone was turned off today, not able to get my cable to hook up now, so resorted to my main phone line and and now can't get my email to work.

    I am not having fun at all.

    So to anyone who has emailed me at new email addy, I can't access your email. If you tried my old email addy, well heck can't figure that one out now either. May be days before I'm corrected and can email again.

    I am not having fun at all.

  3. John,

    First time I saw that happening someone in pc tech was wanting to fix something in my pc and as I sat and watched he moved things around in front of me, and he was on another floor in the building. It was so cool to watch, heehee.

    And I think it would be a great idea for you to have control of my pc, that way I could call you real quick and go my dearest John I'm fixing to be stupid in post, hurry quick and take over my keyboard and stop me. LMAO........

    BTW, this speed is almost making me dizzy. How did I live without it?


    edited to add this: John I have a problem, I am going to seek help at work today first, but if no answer can I call you sometime? Later, walking out the door now.

    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 27, 2002 at 5:25.]

  4. 7390,

    Awesome and you are right on with that song, being it is a music thread, and a heck of a one ain't it.

    Very nice to meet you. Welcome and thank you for answering a question I have had for ages. Very cool indeed.

    Not sure why the site is not updating my email addy yet, but since many of you already knew the old one anyway , what the heck. Here is the new one.


    Well need to close my desk down and get the heck outta here.

    See yall later and again thanks bunches 7390!!


  5. Ron,

    Cool, thanks for the pic of Alison Krauss. Now Hopper can enjoy her eyes. And if like most men, will love the red hair as well. Although it use to be blond.

    Ya think her popularity rose due to O Brother Where Art Thou? Which today remains to be one of my fav pieces of music (soundtrack). My dad and uncles sing just like The Soggy Bottom Boys. If I close my eyes while listening to em, I think my family is singing. Way cool for me.


    LMAO! Bruce Springsteen is listed under "Classic". That is just too good. And you guys are just way too awesome as parents. How great for those wonderful girls of yours.


    Wolfman Jack, oh my gawd what fun. For me he was kinda like listening to the forbidden fruit, he made music have life, his enthusiasm and excitement was contagious.

    And The Stones, gee whiz, they were kinda like the Elvis in that their appeal was something the parents cringed about some.

    Still remember when The Beatles made a comment about being more popular than Jesus. Boy did that get some folks pants in a bind.


  6. Socks,

    Great stuff on drugs.

    I went looking for a quote of Santana?s more recent interview but could not find it. The basics of it was him saying when he was younger he got frightened while performing cause he knew when all drugged up that it was not him in control of his fingers. But did find this quote I thought was interesting.

    Do you consider yourself religious?


    No, religion is a corrupt business. Spirituality is something else. Religion is like Coca-Cola, Pepsi cola, wine. That's not going to help in the desert. Religion is a corrupt institution and we don't trust those. Spirituality is you bringing one to one with la virgin and God. It's all one. No, I don't want to be religious because a lot of people have been killed in the name of religion because they get a superiority complex. Spirituality is all like water. All the colors are there, but it's still water. I know the difference between spirituality and religious and I don't want to be religious.


    I have a club?

    Hey when I emailed you I sure hope I didn?t say get here pronto. Hubby said, makes no sense, now I'm in cable mode myself, moving around the house a bit quickly. So hope I was not really pushy. heehee


  7. Socks,

    If I could have my way EVERYONE would post in this thread, but heck some of yall won't even look in my direction, much less post in my thread. Heehee

    Nah, not really, most of yall chat with me. (edited to redo this line, was having way too much fun )

    I just got hooked up with cable, I think I am like sooooooo cooooolllll right now. hahahahaha

    Back when I get my office back in order and note my new email addy in my profile, I think I chose a cool one. heehee


    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 25, 2002 at 15:10.]

  8. Steve,

    I woke up to a white wonderland, how is your view today of the lakefront?


    "To Sir With Love" is playing on the radio now? That was quite a talked about song in it's day wasn't it?

    So has anyone else heard that the music at hq is resorting back to some older style tunes, more testimony type tunes. If so what is it they have testimony of? (that spelling looks off?) Can they get there from here, think not, have to teach the Word as intended to get there. Changing their music ain't gonna pull that off.


  9. Ted,

    Indeed you are a man of great heart for more than just the history of music you hold. Thank you for your kind words towards me. And so thrilled to see you taking us thru the next stage.


    Glad you could get away and join in. Knew you had to be doing something, not like you to not join in on things.


    BTW, am switching over from phone to cable this afternoon so will be getting new email addy, I will post such in my profile, and for you that email back and forth I will send you notice of such outside of here as well. And listen yall, sometimes I make you wait a minute or so cause I can only talk to 50 of you at a time but I am so thrilled with my life outside public view. Yall just can't know, even if it has been now named by that sweet French girl ALP (Chatty's Cafe), smiles I have.

  10. ~~~~~

    Except for sex, the nineties are shaping up like another sixties, which is why I have personally come back from the sixties to remind you about what really went on. Nobody can tell you about it, you can?t read it in a book or see it in a movie. The sixties were an experience. It didn?t just HAPPEN, it was a HAPPENING, an ongoing thing, an adventure through mindlessness but with a purpose. It was far out man, but like you had to be there. That?s why everyone headed for San Francisco during the summer of love, man, because Haight Ashbury was like something else, which means it was like absolutely nothing else that has ever existed before or since anywhere. Look, I know I?m going out of order, but damn it, Haight Ashbury in 1967 was my favorite part of the sixties, and that?s where I wanna go next.

    He leads the group through the intersection of Haight and Ashbury Street in San Francisco, circa 1967. There is a line up of hippies offering, or seeking, grass, acid, hash, love beads, ankhs, incense, the Berkeley Barb, the Oracle, peace signs, the Free Press, speed, mescaline, peyote buttons, magic mushrooms, all leading to the HIPPIE HOST, offering a tour of a genuine hippie crash pad. We practice free love together in a waterbed. That?s a tie-dyed parachute on the ceiling, and that far out smell is patchouli incense. This is my ax. I use it to jam with friends. This is our bong. We use it to smoke dope and get high. Then we groove to some sounds, like the Airplane or the Dead. This bowl over here is where we stash the roaches. This is a black light poster. It looks really far out when we turn off the lights. This is a lava lamp. I can stare at it for hours. This is the refrigerator where we can scarf some suds. Let?s see what?s in here. This is organic brown rice. These are vegetables because we don?t eat our animal friends. These are hash brownies. We use them to get off.


    The ultimate cure for people with little problems is to help somebody with bigger ones.

    Arlo Guthrie


  11. Stevo,

    Okay someday I will start you a thread. Heck, man any thread you post in can be your thread.

    Ain't this one the bomb!!!!!




    As much as I hate to leave this wonderful thread, must leave the house for awhile. I sure hope our Ted has added more goodies when I return.

    As well as others, bet this generation of posters have a lot to bring to the table on this 60-80 period.

    Would be cool if we could give back something to Ted for all the effort he has put into this thread. Wouldn't it yall?

    [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 24, 2002 at 10:23.]

  12. Grizzy,

    Was away for while, need to leave again but I think you are doing what it looks like Ted was asking us to do, in his humble way. By adding our thoughts to this stage of the music generation.

    Sure hope others who no doubt are following this thread (good guess based on hits already, and such a new thread still), will join in and add their words.

    This thread is going to be printed and held onto by me as one of most cherished items.

    Too much fun for any one person to have, yepper!!!!!


  13. bowtwi,

    I think I am going to call him and wake him up so he can continue with our eye and brain candy.

    Yes, learning myself the value of controlling what I chose to think of. Had no idea I would grow this quickly when I came on board here, just no idea.

    And this thread, well heck, no way can I describe what it is doing for my heart. Just no way.

    Clapton tunes done in bluegrass fashion, oh yes major fine music for a Sunday morning in cold Illinois.


  14. hiway29,

    I?m with you, if ever in Cleveland I would be thrilled to have Ted accompany me to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Can ya just imagine the things he could tell ya as you stroll about?


    Can I come sit and listen to you and your kids? And agree you could no more separate music out of mine or my son?s soul life than you could change the fact we are born again of God?s spirit and all he11 can?t take that away. Neither could you take away song from either of our lives.


    You have a captive audience here. How shall I ever thank you for sharing in this manner in this humble girl?s thread?

    And my dad played the guitar for Elvis while he played around with some songs way back before Elvis became the well known man he was. My dad, along with my mom?s brothers did warm up at the Opry and that is where my dad met Elvis. Was a fan to the end of Elvis?s life and considered the man to be a friend of his. I never met Elvis, could have at early age but would not have known who it was at that point anyway.


    In light of your mom having taken her own life and the impact that still has on you what awesome memories for you to see her dancing to the music she loved so. You say she was graceful and beautiful. Kiddo, looks to me like some memories you can pull out and hold onto when the others want to bite your butt.

    I just picked up 2 CD?s at a thrift shop (1.50 investment, I love finding buys like that). Anyway it is bluegrass guitar music, one titled Picking on Clapton, all his tunes played in bluegrass fashion. Too much fun for one person I am having as I listen to it and read this thread.


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